After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 409 Drive Her Out of the Hospital

Chapter 409 Drive Her Out of the Hospital

While waiting for Patriarch Rose's answer, Shu Murou could clearly hear her own heartbeat, beating again and again.

Falling from such a high place, the child in the stomach must not be able to keep it.

"Your aunt is fine, she's interested." Patriarch Rose's expression softened and he said in a warm voice.

Hearing this, Shu Murou froze.

The moment Shu Murou fell down the stairs at Los Manor, she fell on purpose and let Cofilo catch the two of them and fell down together.

Even though Cofilo was still under him, the child was fine.

It just fell short!
Shu Murou was unwilling for a moment, and forgot to cover up a little, "Are uncle and aunt all right?"

"You hope that something will happen to Mrs. Los?" Shu Yao looked at her firmly and asked back.

As soon as Shu Yao said it, Shu Murou realized that she had just said what was in her heart.

She froze suddenly, and said hastily, "Why? I, I just made sure that my aunt is fine."

"I hope so." Shu Yao raised her lips and said without looking sideways.

Shu Murou, guilty of being watched, looked away, filled with resentment.

I knew that their sisters were at odds, and seeing that the two were still at such a stalemate, and Shu Murou 'just woke up' again.

Patriarch Rose sighed, and said, "Okay, Mu Rou, rest first, and I'll come see you later."

The others left the ward one after another, leaving only Shu Murou in the ward.

"Damn Shu Yao is here too." She couldn't help cursing.

Picking up the mobile phone on the bedside table, Shu Murou immediately called Shu Yawen, wanting to report the progress to Shu Yawen.

But after a long blind tone, no one answered the phone.


Shu Nanxun who was outside the ward glanced at Shu Murou who was in the ward, and there was a hint of coldness on his lips.

When Shu Nanxun knew that he was not around, Shu Murou often bullied Shu Yao.

Shu Nanxun is indeed a doctor but not a good person. He raised his hand and greeted a passing nurse.

"Dean Shu?" The nurse walked up to him.

Shu Nanxun pointed to Shu Murou who was in the ward, and said indifferently, "This person will not be kept in the hospital, understand?"

"But Dean, that belongs to the Ross family..."

When the nurse hesitated, Shu Nan's indifferent eyes under Xun's gold-rimmed glasses swept over, and the nurse shut up immediately.

In the hospital, at least those who met Shu Nanxun, no one dared to refute what he said.



Shu Murou smashed her mobile phone on the bed in frustration, but saw another nurse came into the ward without even knocking on the door.

"Get out! Why did you come in without knocking?" Shu Murou lost her temper at the nurse who came in.

Anyway, it's not in front of those people, Shu Murou doesn't need to pretend.

The nurse took a step forward and was about to explain, "Miss Shu is..."

"What is it? I told you to knock on the door before you come in! Be careful, I will complain to your uncle." Shu Murou pointed to the door.

The nurse endured it, and finally changed her face and said, "Miss Shu, I'm here to ask you to sign and go through the discharge procedures."


She just 'woke up'!

"Our Dean Shu said that he will not receive you. Please leave the hospital since you are well. If you don't sign, I will have a way to drive you out."

After all, the nurse threw the procedure form in front of Shu Murou.

Now even a little nurse dares to be so rude to herself!
Shu Murou was also afraid of being pulled out of the hospital. She is a celebrity, and it would be embarrassing to report it, so she had to sign her name.

With Shu Murou's previous actions, the nurse stopped being nice and took it away, slamming the door and leaving.


After leaving the ward, Shu Yao hesitated again and again and returned to Cofilo's ward alone.

Aisa was guarding Cofilo's side. When she saw Shu Yao coming, she immediately stood up on tiptoe and went to open the door.

Immediately, the two walked out of the ward together, and Aisa quickly pulled Shu Yao to sit down on the veranda.

"Yaoyao, what happened to the phone call you made to me earlier?"

Shu Yao pursed her lips, thinking of Shu Yawen and inevitably implicating her father——

But what is more important right now is the Ross family, as long as Shu Murou exists, it is a hidden danger.

"Shu Murou is not the real orphan of the Ross family, she is a fake." Shu Yao explained in a deep voice.

Aisa never doubted Shu Yao's words.

Aisa was surprised, but felt that it was expected, "Then what are you waiting for, tell uncle quickly."

Patriarch Rose just came to the ward just now, saying that he was going on a business trip for a while.

Don't talk about it now, maybe when will I go on a business trip to another country!

"Come on, Yaoyao, what are you waiting for?" Aisa wanted to pull Shu Yao up.

Shu Yao was both angry and funny, she pulled Aisa back and said, "No, he won't believe it if he ran over rashly now."

After all, the DNA report obtained by Patriarch Ross before was clearly written in black and white.

On Shu Yao's side, only Grandma Li was the witness, and she was still far away in Ye City, Country C.

"Then—don't we talk about it?"

"Aisa, don't worry, what you say now hits Shu Murou's heart."

Aisa was as reckless and reckless as she was in her previous life, so she was misunderstood by Patriarch Rose and misunderstood that she was targeting Shu Murou.

In her previous life, she was too familiar with Shu Murou, and Shu Yao already knew Shu Murou's methods by heart.

"But Shu Murou's behavior is too much. She is an aunt at home this time. What about next time?"

Shu Yao was silent, this is the look of being unable to do anything for the time being.

This time it was Cofilo who fell down the stairs, what about next time?

Regardless of Shu Yao's persuasion, Aisa couldn't sit still and was about to stand up immediately, "No, you must tell uncle."

However, just a few steps away, Aisa blocked a person in front of him.

Her aura immediately shortened a bit, and the aura spontaneously emanating from the person in front of her unconsciously made her terrified.

"Ninth, ninth master." Aisa called out politely.

Shu Yao also hurriedly stood up, but she got up in a hurry and accidentally knocked over the hot coffee on the side of the chair.

The coffee was moved and fell to the ground, and the liquid splashed instantly!

Aisa's first reaction was to look at Qin Jiuxiao's face, who doesn't know that Qin Jiuye has a habit of cleanliness.

"You—" Shu Yao was as flustered as Aisa, and her first reaction was Qin Jiuxiao's obsession with cleanliness.

The coffee spilled more or less on Qin Jiuxiao's body, and it was all her fault.

But the man grabbed the hand she stretched out to check, and asked anxiously, "Isn't it burnt, Yaoyao?"

"Ah?" Aisa was taken aback, Qin Jiuxiao was actually worried about this.

He didn't care about himself at all, instead he grabbed Shu Yao's hand, which overturned Aisa's cognition.

Qin Jiuxiao took a closer look, and the back of Shu Yao's hand was really red.

"I, I don't." Shu Yao was taken aback by his question, and said subconsciously.

Qin Jiuxiao's face was worried, and he said coldly, "It's all like this, why don't you say so?"

Even if the two of them have been so close until now, Shu Yao still insists on being alone, unwilling to act like a baby with him.

"Come here, go to apply the medicine." Qin Jiuxiao increased his strength a little bit, and pulled him over.

Shu Yao staggered from being dragged, her hands hurt, and she clearly felt that the man was angry.

But what is masculinity?

She was the one who was obviously injured. In the previous life, electric shocks, dosing, and drowning were all kinds of things.

No one can tell about the pain she suffered in the previous life, and now she is inexplicably angry.

It happened because of the pain of being pinched by Qin Jiuxiao, so Shu Yao couldn't help but feel aggrieved, so she threw her hands away.

"Let go, I hurt!"

"Yaoyao!" Aisa broke out in a cold sweat hearing this.

This is too presumptuous for the person in front of him, this is Qin Jiuye.

At the end, she hurriedly stepped forward to apologize for Shu Yao, "I'm sorry Jiuye."

(End of this chapter)

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