Chapter 410 I Love You Too
"Why is Aisa apologizing? He hurt me first."

Shu Yao, who was always gentle and courteous to others, was quite capricious at this moment, staring angrily at the gloomy man in front of her.

Aisa opened her mouth and looked at Shu Yao, "Yaoyao, how can you be so ruthless..."

How can you be so rude!

However, before the words were spoken, Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes, which made Aisa terrified, gradually softened.

Qin Jiuxiao let go of Shu Yao's grip, and said softly, "I'm sorry I hurt you."

"It's more or less the same." Shu Yao didn't feel anything wrong at all, muttering and rubbing her wrist.

Seeing this in Aisa's eyes, his eyes widened unbelievably. This is a completely spoiled look.

The most important thing in Aisa's eyes is the most rational and calm one, who is still spoiled and unaware.

"Yaoyao, your hands are scalded and you need to apply medicine, okay?" Qin Jiuxiao asked warmly.

He lowered his posture and was persuasive. With that harmless face, it was impossible to refuse.

Shu Yao still obediently followed the man to Shu Nanxun's consultation room.

There are a lot of medicines in Shunan Xun's consulting room, and when Shunan Xun is away, Qin Jiuxiao chooses from various bottles and cans by himself.

The serious look is always the most attractive, but Shu Yao's mind flashed the look of the man when he lost control that night...

"Be gentle, it will hurt."

When Qin Jiuxiao sat across from her, Shu Yao felt a little afraid of pain when she came back to her senses.

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had intentions, Qin Jiuxiao raised his lips.

He raised his eyes, glanced at Shu Yao lightly, and gave a very polite answer, "No."

Shu Yao watched the man apply the medicine carefully and rigorously, and the place where she was scalded felt cold for a while, which was very comfortable.

His hands were very gentle, almost making Shu Yao feel no pain.

in bed—

This man is so vicious, Shu Yao can't help being satisfied, anyway, only she knows, only her.

But suddenly, Shu Yao remembered the man's cold face just now, and asked unwillingly, "Ninth Brother, you just now..."

"What happened just now?"

After the medicine was finished, the man got up and cleaned up with his back to her, completely avoiding talking about what he was angry with just now.

Shu Yao shook her hands, stepped forward and hugged Qin Jiuxiao from the back suddenly, "Why were you unhappy just now?"

"Not unhappy." Qin Jiuxiao froze, his tone still suppressed.

Shu Yao rubbed against him, since he didn't say anything, she guessed.

"Is it because I didn't call you Ninth Brother? There were so many people there just now, I'm afraid it will affect you badly."


"Well, what is that! Tell me, okay?"

Qin Jiuxiao looked at the woman's small hands in front of him, the hot spot was still red, and his heart ached.

There was a faint pain in his cold eyes, and he raised his hand to caress that place.

"Because I was injured, I didn't tell you, didn't I complain to you, did I?" Shu Yaofu said suddenly.

Qin Jiuxiao was guessed by others, but he didn't shy away from it, "Yeah."


"Blame me for not being close to you, isn't it?"

Shu Yao grasped the essentials of catching this man more and more, her lips revealed a hint of affection, and she tightened her grip on the person in front of her.

As if to ask Qin Jiuxiao how much he likes her, Shu Yao spoke again.

"Ninth brother, I found that you like me very much, you really like me, don't you?"

In the previous life, she fought to the death to protect each other, and was hired by the Qin family. It was because she was blind and blind that she missed her beloved.


In this life, Shu Yao was able to see this true love, and she also paid for it.

"Yeah." The man still answered concisely.

His love is deep and lingering, never overstepping the rules, on the contrary, Shu Yao, a down-and-out daughter, has become some kind of treasure.

Shu Yao laughed lowly, and couldn't help but began to talk about the conditions with the man.

"I like you too, so you can't blame me for what I will do in the future."

"You can't just like my well-behaved side, you have to accept a lot of me..."

She is strong, but she is also a woman who wants someone to rely on and love.

However, before he finished speaking, Qin Jiuxiao grabbed Shu Yao's hand forward, and Shu Yao followed and landed in front of the man.

She was supported by the waist, and suddenly placed on the table where the medicine was originally placed.

The ping pong pong touched the ground, Qin Jiuxiao suddenly leaned forward and pressed her against the table.

"You!" Shu Yao was stunned for a moment.

Shu Yao was lying on her back on the table, her black hair was scattered on the table, lining her beautiful face, revealing her fragile beauty.

The man's desire approached Shu Yao, she naturally understood what was going to happen next.

She put her hand in front of the man, her eyes flickering, "Ninth brother, love me. Okay?"

It's not without conditions, and Shu Yao is not a casual person, she is willing because she loves Qin Jiuxiao.

"Well, Yaoyao."

"I only love you."

Qin Jiuxiao was so cute by Shu Yao's words, and responded over and over again tirelessly.

Shu Yao's eyes flashed with emotion, and she took the initiative to get close to her body.

Received the promise as she wished, Shu Yao tightened her arms around the man, accepting all his love without reservation.


The nurse saw Shu Nanxun sitting outside the corridor looking through medical records, and said, "President Shu, why don't you go back to the consultation room?"

"The light here is good." Shu Nanxun replied without any sincerity.

Of course, the corridor is not as good as the lights in the consulting room, it is obviously a lie.

Everyone in the hospital said that Shu Nan Xun was cold-hearted, but it turned out to be true. Seeing him, the nurse left angrily without thinking much.


The door of the consulting room opened, and Shu Nanxun pushed the door open without any hesitation.

Shu Nanxun's eyes fell on Shu Yao, and he said calmly, "Are you done?"

"Hmm." Shu Yao blushed quietly.

Qin Jiuxiao, on the other hand, didn't blush and his heart didn't beat. He arranged the bottles and cans that fell on the ground meticulously and straightened them out.

Qin Jiuxiao was never afraid of anyone, even Shu Yao's brother.

"Master wants to see you, Shu Yao, please go over there." Shu Nanxun didn't look at Qin Jiuxiao again.

After learning that Shu Yao had returned to Country S, Jiang Yunrong immediately called Shu Nanxun.

Shu Yao was startled, and was in a daze for a moment, "Me?"

"Well, let's go." Shu Nanxun responded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Jiuxiao also wanted to go forward to follow, but was stopped by Shu Nanxun.

"Master only called Shu Yao, you don't have to follow."

Qin Jiuxiao didn't move, his voice was slightly cold, "Why?"

"You look too much like Qin Siwen. She finally calmed down. You used to easily trigger her emotions."


When Qin Jiuxiao was a child, because he looked a bit like Qin Siwen, Jiang Yunrong often angered him.

Shu Yao pinched the man's palm and said softly, "Don't worry about me, I'll be back soon."

"But..." Qin Jiuxiao still hesitated.

"The ugly daughter-in-law still has to see her in-laws, doesn't she?"

Qin Jiuxiao was relieved to hear it, but it was Shu Nan who gave Shu Yao a horizontal look.

Shu Yao stuck out her tongue and took the opportunity to leave the ward quickly.

As soon as she left, the two of them were left in the ward, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than when there were three of them.

Shu Nanxun didn't say a word, but Qin Jiuxiao, who had always been reticent, spoke first.

"Thank you." Qin Jiuxiao knew that many things were thanks to Shu Nanxun.

At the same time, he also thanked Shu Nanxun for agreeing to give Shu Yao to her, otherwise he would use Shu Nanxun's method——

Although it won't be so ugly to die, it will inevitably be unbearable.

"No thanks, it's her business that she likes you."

"As her brother, all I have to do is protect her. She loves you, and I will help you. This is the same reason."

To put it bluntly, Shu Nanxun is just a lover of houses and crows, not to mention Shu Nanxun was assassinated back then...

If it wasn't for Qin Jiuxiao's family, he might have been buried in the raging river in Yecheng.

(End of this chapter)

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