After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 413 Kiss you, don't be angry

Chapter 413 Kiss you, don't be angry

Being stared at by the man's soft eyes, as if there was some kind of magical power, Shu Yao almost told the truth.

But rationality held Shu Yao back, and she shook her head like a rattle.

"I didn't lie to you, Brother Jiu." Shu Yao called him flatteringly.

So many people were there, even Mr. Qin was still there, it was the first time that Shu Yao called him sticky on such a occasion.

Under the effect of shame, the roots of Shu Yao's ears turned red, but she still had to be scrutinized by men.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes moved slightly, he didn't continue to ask, and said again, "Then what does Grandpa want you for?"

"Grandpa said you have an old friend."

As soon as the topic changed, Qin Jiuxiao was startled when he heard this, and then a figure gradually became clear in his mind.

Qin Jiuxiao shifted his gaze to Elder Qin, and said coldly, "What did you tell her?"

"What can I say, just tell Miss Shu the truth." Old Qin snorted, not very happy.

Everyone hasn't married yet, and the child's arm has been turned outward, so he doesn't take him seriously at all.

and also--

Ling Lei said that Qin Jiuxiao took advantage of Qin Lao's rights while he was away.

"Yaoyao, grandpa..."

"Just say, do you have an old friend?"

Shu Yao didn't answer the question instead, her question made the whole hall silent.

This was the first one to question Qin Jiuxiao. You must know that no one except Mr. Qin dared to talk to Qin Jiuxiao like that.

"You mean, Gu Nanjin?" Qin Jiuxiao asked compromisingly, his voice was very low.

Shu Yao felt a slight sourness in her heart, thinking that this person could make Qin Jiuxiao say his name at once.

She remembered that in Beiying before, wherever Qin Jiuxiao went was a sight.

He really exudes charm all the time. He is obviously cold and abstinent, but he still attracts love.

At this moment, I suddenly heard some inexplicable noises from outside.

Immediately afterwards, Shu Yao saw a tall and slim woman walking slowly from the door.

Her long hair fell softly on her shoulders, her face was pure, bright and flamboyant, and she went straight to Elder Qin who was sitting in the main seat.


Mr. Qin raised his hand, opened his hand and held the shoulder of the visitor, "Nan Jin, is your grandfather in good health?"

While speaking, Mr. Qin peeped at Shu Yao from the corner of his eye.

Shu Yao was also looking at Mr. Qin, she thought about meeting Gu Nanjin, but she never thought it would be so soon.

It turned out that the test began as soon as he agreed.

"Okay, okay. Let's catch up on the old days, my old man won't join us anymore." As he said, Mr. Qin squeezed Gu Nanjin.

As if they were passing some secret signal, Gu Nanjin watched as Ling Yang helped Elder Qin to leave.

The group of people who were waiting also dispersed like a tidal wave following Elder Qin's departure.

"Jiuxiao, long time no see." Gu Nanjin turned around, came to Qin Jiuxiao and extended his hand gracefully.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned slightly, his stern face was covered with frost, but he didn't reach out his hand.

"I remember we didn't know that well." He responded coldly.

Gu Nanjin didn't take it seriously, and said empathetically, "Yes, maybe the person next to you would mind."

"Master Jiu, it's okay." Shu Yao spoke at this moment.

Qin Jiuxiao was taken aback for a moment, but was pushed by Shu Yao.

Although he was unwilling, he still complied with Shu Yao's wishes, raised his hand and gave Gu Nanjin a symbolic shake.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Gu Nanjin's face, but she quickly recovered, and she took out the documents in her handbag.

"By the way, Jiuxiao, my grandfather said that he will cooperate with Qin's on a project recently."

Hearing this, Shu Yao came to her senses, it turned out that the project Mr. Qin was talking about was actually in the hands of Gu Nanjin.

Really troublesome!
"I'm carrying it with me, look, it's a medical item with new technology..."

There is no way for Qin Jiuxiao to refuse this point. Old Qin's comrade-in-arms is also Gu Nanjin's grandfather and a major shareholder of the Qin family.

Gu Nanjin is upright, strong and ruthless, and he helped the Qin Clan when there was a turmoil.

Gu Nanjin proudly took out the project book page by page, "Miss Shu, I'm sorry."

"What?" Shu Yao asked back.

"You don't mind taking up Jiuxiao's time for a while, do you?"

When Gu Nanjin said this, he was clearly mocking the handshake just now.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't sit down, but said coldly, "Gu Nanjin, you don't need to have words in your words."

"You are still the same, forget it, I was wrong, sorry, okay?" Gu Nanjin sighed.

the end.

She stood up and apologized to Shu Yao politely, "I'm sorry Miss Shu."

Inside and outside the words, it is full of familiarity with Qin Jiuxiao, as if they have been together for many years.

"Master Jiu, it's okay." Shu Yao said in a low voice.

Qin Jiuxiao still didn't do anything, just looked at Gu Nanjin indifferently, "Call your grandfather to come and talk to me."


Gu Nanjin couldn't believe it, Qin Jiuxiao's tone was too arrogant, her grandfather was also an elder after all.

"I'm not joking with you anymore." Qin Jiuxiao said nothing, and pulled Shu Yao away from where he was.

Shu Yao staggered from being dragged, stumbled and followed the man out, she turned her head and glanced at Gu Nanjin.

Gu Nanjin was also looking at her, and the moment the two looked at each other, it was as if sparks burst out.

"Still watching?" Qin Jiuxiao couldn't help but yank him against the wall on one side.

Shu Yao stared at the man's stern face because of anger, but her lips slightly raised.

He loves me so much, just now Shu Yao knew this information very clearly.

She took the initiative to kiss the man's thin lips, "Don't look at it, kiss you, don't be angry."

Touching the soft lips, she imitated Qin Jiuxiao's way of kissing, learning clumsily.

While kissing, she unconsciously made some sticky water-stained sounds, and she could feel the man's anger being appeased a little bit.

Shu Yao looked at the man's overly conspicuous face, feeling angry and proud, she bit the man while he was not paying attention.


Qin Jiuxiao was in pain, and looked at Shu Yao in confusion, but unconsciously wanted more.

Shu Yao licked her lower lip, her red lips were slightly swollen from the kiss, her eyes were glistening, she was alive and well.

Although she couldn't imitate that girl's acting like a baby, she still had her own way.

"Master Jiu, I don't want Grandpa to be prejudiced against me and say that I influence you, so go back."


With a soft voice, the Bai Yueguang in the movie came to reality, and even Qin Jiuxiao couldn't resist it.

What's more, he gave up resistance.

"Okay." Qin Jiuxiao listened to her without being suspicious.

The two returned to the hall of the manor again. Gu Nanjin was about to leave when Qin Jiuxiao left and returned.

Gu Nanjin's eyes flickered, and he thought that if he was angry, he had to come back. He expected that Qin Jiuxiao would not be so presumptuous.

"Let's take a look." Gu Nanjin wanted to keep Qin Jiuxiao, and took out the project document.

Unexpectedly, it was not Qin Jiuxiao who stretched out his hand, but Shu Yao. The two were very close, and Gu Nanjin immediately noticed something strange.

Shu Yao carried the cold fragrance of Qin Jiuxiao's body, and her lips were a little redder than before.

As both women, Gu Nanjin immediately realized it!
Gu Nanjin was dazed with jealousy, lost his composure, and blurted out, "It's not for you, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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