Chapter 414 Uncharacteristic Shu Yao
"I don't understand." Shu Yao chuckled.

Gu Nanjin laughed at such a righteous popularity, "I don't understand you, why are you still so righteous."

But when Gu Nanjin wanted to take back the project proposal in hand, he found that he couldn't take it away at all.

Shu Yao's strength is so great?

Is this really the strength of a girl? It's frightening.

Gu Nanjin secretly tried to pull it away, "You!"

Qin Jiuxiao glanced at Shu Yao unexpectedly. Although Shu Yao was strong and ruthless, she would not target anyone.

She only targets those who have harmed her, and Gu Nanjin is Shu Yao's exception.

"Let's see, don't be so stingy, are you?" Shu Yao took the project proposal without any effort.

Gu Nanjin's fingers turned red when she was pulled, and Shu Yao easily pulled her away.

Shu Yao held the project book in her hand, tilted her head proudly and looked at Gu Nanjin.

"Master Jiu, I don't understand."

After she took it away, she handed it to Qin Jiuxiao.

Seeing this, Gu Nanjin sarcastically said, "If you don't understand it, you still have to take it to see it. Ms. Shu is a bit ridiculous."

"I don't need to understand, after all—"

"My ninth master understands, so I don't need to understand. Doesn't he make money by buying things for me?"

Shu Yao lazily leaned on Qin Jiuxiao's shoulder almost ambiguously, looking at Gu Nanjin with a half-smile.

This is clearly arrogance!

Gu Nanjin was still secretly proud, she knew that Qin Jiuxiao hated this kind of stupid woman who didn't know how to measure.

An actor in the entertainment industry like Shu Yao is not at the same level as their business and academic circles.


"Gu Nanjin, have you said enough?" Qin Jiuxiao looked up at Gu Nanjin coldly.

Gu Nanjin's eyes widened in disbelief, and he said, "Jiu Xiao, don't you listen to what she said?"

"What did she say was bad?" Qin Jiuxiao asked indifferently.

"She doesn't need to understand anything, she just depends on you for food and lets you buy things!"

This kind of woman was not uncommon in the past, and Gu Nanjin knew that Qin Jiuxiao hated this kind of silly, sweet, stupid woman the most.

Therefore, Gu Nanjin has a sense of superiority, good background, clean family background, and profound knowledge.

Only she can stand with Qin Jiuxiao. They are also from the same university, with excellent grades, and they have topics and directions.

Qin Jiuxiao glanced at Shu Yao affectionately, "Isn't what she said taking it for granted as a husband?"


Gu Nanjin looked at Qin Jiuxiao in astonishment, this man who was like the proud son of heaven would take the initiative to admit his identity.

Shu Yao blinked at Gu Nanjin and said, "Miss Gu, haven't you ever been in love?"

"You—" Gu Nanjin was poked in the center of his mind, and his face turned red with anger.

She was arrogant and looked down on those idiots except Qin Jiuxiao, so naturally she didn't talk about it.

Qin Jiuxiao scolded in a cold voice, "Okay, should we talk about it or not?"

This was the first big task that Grandpa entrusted to Gu Nanjin, no matter how angry Gu Nanjin was, he had to sit down and talk about it.

It's just that during the conversation, Shu Yao really couldn't understand, those terms were like foreign languages ​​to her.

"In this regard, we need to consider..."

Gu Nanjin deliberately turned the topic to a high-end direction, excluding Shu Yao, as long as she and Qin Jiuxiao understand it.

Seeing that Shu Yao couldn't understand, that sense of superiority became more and more obvious.

Gu Nanjin regained the arrogance of being Qin Jiuxiao's only female partner when she was in school, and she smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, Jiuxiao has so many for the time being, but there is a lack of a medical consultant."

"Do you have a suitable candidate there?"

Qin Jiuxiao answered concisely, "No."

"Then leave it to me, don't worry!" Gu Nanjin responded confidently.

She must make Qin Jiuxiao look at her with admiration, just like she did in school.

At the end, Gu Nanjin got up to leave, and did not forget to say hello to Shu Yao.

"Miss Shu, I'm so sorry for taking up so much of Jiuxiao's time."

"But it's hard work for you, you still sit here with me for so long!"

She was obviously mocking Shu Yao for not being able to do anything, and wasting time sitting here.


Since Gu Nanjin provoked her to come to her, Shu Yao was not afraid to play with her.

Shu Yao smiled slightly, "I can help too. Master Jiu, don't you have a medical consultant?"


Qin Jiuxiao just spoke the first word.

Shu Yao actively took over the quarrel, and said lively, "Then let me find it."

She doesn't know how to do this, but——

Brother will!

"Just you? If I remember correctly, Ms. Shu is from the entertainment industry." Gu Nanjin dismissed her.

Ridiculous to the extreme, what kind of medical advisor can a female star find.

This kind of project is of great importance. Don't look at it as just a title of medical consultant, but it is necessary to coordinate the whole project.

It's not something that can be done by just grabbing a doctor from the street or a hospital. It really is a simple-minded stupid woman.

With burning eyes, Shu Yao asked, "What if the person I find is better than yours?"

"What do you know, don't be brave, it's better to behave yourself." Gu Nanjin said with contempt.

Shu Yao only thought it was ridiculous, she hadn't been so angry for a long time, her voice was slightly lowered, showing coldness.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Let me ask you—"

"What if I find someone better than yours?"

Gu Nanjin responded proudly, "Then I will publicly admit my mistake, and vice versa, so will you."

No one like Shu Yao can be found, this is Gu Nanjin's professional strength.

She knows a lot of big names in the medical field!

"Okay, it's a deal." Shu Yao answered simply.

Gu Nanjin glanced at Qin Jiuxiao again, and added, "You can't let Jiuxiao intervene to help you, it's a foul."

Shu Yao still responded very readily, "Okay."

The short conversation was over, Gu Nanjin saw that the time was almost up, and she had to go to the next game, so she left happily.

Seeing that Gu Nanjin had left, Qin Jiuxiao looked at the woman beside him.

His eyes gradually softened, he stroked Shu Yao's long hair, and said softly, "What's wrong with you?"

Shu Yao is not such a competitive person, nor is she such a weak woman who cannot stand on her own.

But today, Shu Yao is very different.

"What's wrong? Why can't I understand." Shu Yao avoided the important ones.

Qin Jiuxiao squeezed Shu Yao's jaw, forcing her to look at him honestly, "Yao Yao."

"I'm not wrong, I'm normal, can't you buy me things with the money you earn?"


"Then what are you waiting for, I'm going to buy it right now."

Shu Yao just doesn't want to admit that she has a small belly, and she doesn't want to admit that she is jealous.

She had realized why Qin Jiuxiao cared so much about Fu Jingzhen before, and she did the same now.

Jealousy, jealousy is going crazy.

"Okay, okay, buy, buy, buy." Qin Jiuxiao helplessly let Shu Yao pull him up.

Since she didn't want to say it, Qin Jiuxiao didn't force her either.

Shu Yao who had just stood up felt a sudden discomfort, feeling sour and astringent in her stomach, not very comfortable.

When I stood up, I accidentally knocked over the tea and wet my skirt.

Shu Yao curled her lips, and pushed away the man who was about to follow, "I'll go to the bathroom to tidy up."

She ran to the bathroom in a hurry, but the first time she didn't fiddle with her skirt, she stood in front of the sink.

Shu Yao actually felt a little nauseous!
(End of this chapter)

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