Chapter 418 Just follow her!
Regardless of the mocking eyes of the people around, Shu Murou knelt down and picked up the phone.

She dialed Patriarch Los's phone number, and when the call got through, she cried and complained to Patriarch Rose without caring about face.

Seeing those people's eyes, Fu Jingzhen's face was slightly hot, and he felt very ashamed, so he immediately pulled Shu Murou over.


"I don't! Why, I want to get married, how can he..." Shu Murou struggled not to leave.

With that said, Shu Murou handed over the phone.

Shu Murou seemed to regain her confidence, and said arrogantly, "Master Jiu, uncle is looking for you."

Qin Jiuxiao took the phone and pressed the speaker button without hesitation.

As soon as the loudspeaker was turned on, Patriarch Rose's voice was loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Jiuxiao, what's going on?" Patriarch Rose's voice was low.

Qin Jiuxiao was lazy, and his tone was very casual, "She made my wife unhappy."

"you are right……"

"Shu Yao?"

Patriarch Rose hesitated to say that name, and it was her again, she and Shu Murou hadn't dealt with each other in the first place.

He sighed slightly, as if feeling tired.

"Jiuxiao, why are you being aggressive?"

When Shu Murou heard this, she seemed to have a reason and immediately said, "It's too much for you to use the wedding dress to force me to apologize!"

"It's you who insisted on robbing me." Shu Yao immediately interrupted Shu Murou.

Shu Murou has always had a way of turning right and wrong into black and white.

As soon as Shu Yao's voice came out, Patriarch Luosi's impression of Shu Yao was a little bit lower. Could it be that he couldn't calm things down.

"Are you in the banquet hall? I'm coming over now."

That's all, Patriarch Los can hang up the phone.


Patriarch Rose rushed over in person, and as soon as he saw Patriarch Rose coming, Shu Murou immediately burst into tears.

She plunged into the arms of Patriarch Los, and shouted softly, "Uncle!"

While patting Shu Murou's back, Patriarch Rose raised his eyes to meet Shu Yao's.

For a moment, those eyes were so familiar that Patriarch Rose was stunned.

"Miss Shu, what did Mu Rou do, I'll just apologize to you on her behalf." Patriarch Rose took the initiative to make peace.

Shu Murou was taken aback, she thought Patriarch Rose was here to uphold justice for her.

I thought that Patriarch Rose might be able to get that wedding dress back when Patriarch Rose came!
"I don't need your apology." Shu Yao looked at Patriarch Rose indifferently.

Over and over again, Shu Yao's impression of Patriarch Rose was already very bad.

Patriarch Rose frowned slightly, but Shu Yao didn't expect Shu Yao to be so straightforward, "Then what do you want?"

"As Master Jiu said, all I need is Shu Murou's apology, and she will apologize to me in person, respectfully."

After this request was made, Shu Murou immediately looked at Patriarch Rose pitifully.

Shu Murou tugged Patriarch Los's sleeve and whispered, "Uncle doesn't want it, I don't want it, it's so embarrassing."

So many people!

Why should she bow her head and admit her mistakes in front of Shu Yao again and again.

"Since Miss Shu is so stubborn, forget it." Patriarch Rose couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled Shu Murou over.

They pretended to leave directly, but Shu Yao didn't intend to let it go easily.

"Leave me and let Master Jiu fulfill her words, Shu Murou, did you hear that?"

Hearing this, Shu Murou trembled.

She can't get married without wearing a wedding dress, especially if she wants to wear the best wedding dress.

Patriarch Rose naturally defended Shu Murou, even if he knew that Shu Murou had made a mistake, it was wrong.

But he only blamed himself for not finding Shu Murou in time, and making her learn badly, so he should teach her a lesson behind closed doors.

Don't lose face and throw it outside!

Patriarch Rose said, "Jiuxiao, you just let her be so self-willed? Your vision is not very good."

He knew that Qin Jiuxiao was Jiang Yunrong's son, and he was Jiang Yunrong's friend.

After many years of acquaintance, Patriarch Rose knew that Qin Jiuxiao should be a very rational and calm person.

So, he should—

"Lord Patriarch, I hope you will consider it carefully, and I will do what I say."

"As long as I say a word, Miss Shu Murou might not even be able to wear a decent wedding dress at the wedding."

Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, she understood that Qin Jiuxiao was following her words and following her wishes.

It turns out that the feeling of being loved and protected by others is so solid and at ease.

"Jiuxiao!" Patriarch Ross scolded.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his lips and analyzed for him, also for Shu Murou.

"My mother is the most famous designer in country S, isn't she?"

As the royal designer of the Ross family, Jiang Yunrong naturally has status and identity.

She studied under Da Na, a designer from country S, and was the only closed disciple, so the design of wedding dresses was naturally a no-brainer.

"If I remember correctly, the major clothing materials in Lingguo are supplied by Qin's subsidiary, right?"

As long as the Qin family cuts off the supply, the clothing industry in country S will soon be in short supply and retreat steadily.

They have always maintained a good cooperation. If because of Shu Murou's words, hundreds of millions of orders were lost——

He is not afraid of the Qin family, so he doesn't know whether Patriarch Luos is willing to bear it.

"I, I..." Shu Murou's face was pale.

Even if she is as dull as Shu Murou, she knows the pros and cons of it.

Hundreds of millions, just to follow Shu Yao's wishes!
Shu Murou was about to go crazy with jealousy, and bit her lower lip in hatred.

"Jiu Xiao, then you will also—"

If the supply is cut off unilaterally, Qin Jiuxiao will definitely need to pay a lot of compensation.

"It doesn't matter to me, I can afford it, just a few hundred million, just a subsidiary."

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were calm and calm, and the mere hundreds of millions seemed to be floating clouds at his fingertips, not worth mentioning.

But Patriarch Rose couldn't be so capricious. After all, his family is huge and blood is the main one.

He is not only a family, he is the leader of a family, and there are so many offshoot families, the consequences of messing around——

It can only be that the wall pushes everyone down.

Patriarch Ross said angrily, "For a woman, you are crazy."

"Sorry, or—"

Before the words were finished, Shu Murou's heart broke, and she knew that there was nothing she could do.

Moreover, her wedding must be grand, and she doesn't want to be unable to wear a decent wedding dress.

Shu Murou said loudly, "I apologize!"

Patriarch Rose noticed this move, thinking that Shu Murou was too sensible to beg for mercy, which made him feel better.

Shu Murou clenched her hands into fists and came to Shu Yao.

Her eyes met Shu Yao's. Shu Yao clasped her arms around her chest, looking down on her like a high and mighty queen.

"I'm sorry, I did something wrong, and I apologize for my actions."

Shu Murou lowered her proud head, holding back the hatred that was about to overflow.

Shu Yao smiled and leaned over slightly, seeming to help Shu Murou up, but actually leaning against her ear and whispering.

"Shu Murou, a fake is still a fake, you can't replace it."

Shu Murou's eyes widened when she heard the words, she felt that Shu Yao seemed to have discovered something!
Patriarch Rose stepped forward and brought Shu Murou back to protect him, and said sharply, "Shu Yao, are you satisfied now?"

He spoke in a tone as if he said Shu Yao was that villain.

"Satisfaction, seeing the bad guys pay the price for doing wrong things, I think there's nothing wrong with being satisfied?" Shu Yao asked back.

Patriarch Luo Si was at a loss for words for a moment, but he was speechless, and heard Shu Yao's eyes were fierce, as if hiding endless resentment.

she asked loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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