After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 419 Stay away from my husband

Chapter 419 Stay away from my husband
"Lord Patriarch, you are an elder, you don't even understand such a simple truth?"

"She did something wrong, and if you apologize, you are telling everyone that you don't have to pay for what you did wrong."

Shu Yao stared directly at Shu Murou who was shielded by him behind him, her voice was obviously not loud, but it was extremely heavy.

Patriarch Rose couldn't even utter a word of rebuttal, he was indeed partial.

Shu Yao seemed to have had enough of these responsibilities, and wanted to confide all the unhappiness of these years, she looked at Fu Jingzhen again.

"If I calm things down, if Shu Murou makes mistakes in the future, will she blame me for being a sister for not being a teacher?"

"Anyway, it's all my fault. The people you favor are doing nothing wrong. If I'm wrong, I deserve death!"

Fu Jingzhen knew what Shu Yao was alluding to, but he was forced back a few steps by the sharp eyes.

Shu Yao's mood fluctuated violently, Qin Jiuxiao leaned gently behind her.

She felt the man's closeness and warmth, and realized more clearly that she was not alone.

Qin Jiuxiao took Shu Yao's words and said coldly, "This is the end, enough."

Patriarch Rose recovered from the shock, thinking that he was indeed too paranoid and blindfolded.

He said sincerely, "Miss Shu, I'm sorry."

the end.

Patriarch Rose signaled the servants around him to take Shu Murou away, and Shu Murou wanted to explain to Patriarch Rose.

But Shu Murou found out that Patriarch Rose didn't even look at her now, and was directly dragged away by his servants.

Seeing this, Fu Jingzhen hurriedly followed, but couldn't help but look back at Shu Yao a few more times.

"Being living outside may have caused her temper, and I will discipline her more."

Shu Yao just shook her head, looking at Patriarch Los indifferently.

"I'm here to give you a word of advice, see clearly whether you are surrounded by people or ghosts."

Patriarch Rose heard that there was something in these words, and couldn't help asking, "Miss Shu may wish to speak directly if she has something to say."

"I mean, do you really think Shu Murou is your sister's daughter? You must see clearly."

Since Patriarch Rose asked the question first, Shu Yao might as well use this topic to tell him.

Patriarch Ross really didn't believe it, and his calm expression changed slightly, "This is my family business, so don't worry about it."

After saying that, Patriarch Rose left the banquet hall.

After Patriarch Rose left, the top floor became quiet again, and Manager Li was hesitatingly waiting on him.

"Yaoyao, don't..."

Qin Jiuxiao hadn't finished speaking, but the woman in front of him suddenly reached out and grabbed him, making him have to lower his head.

And in an instant, Qin Jiuxiao's lips were covered with soft red lips.

He looked straight into Shu Yao's eyes, and he heard the gasps of other people.

After Shu Yao kissed, she quickly withdrew, her eyes were bright with the water, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, ma'am." Qin Jiuxiao smiled briefly, and raised his hand to stroke her black hair.

Shu Yao heard the ridicule in her tone, her eyes wandered, but she didn't deny it.

"Go and try? Hmm."

"Try, try what?" Shu Yao was startled.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes fell on the wedding dress, his eyes were soft and full of anticipation.

At first, Shu Yao just wanted to see that anyone who didn't have a wedding dress dream in her heart, but she didn't want to really want it.

The words of refusal came to her lips, Shu Yao wanted to refuse, but——

The man's two-way cold eyes were full of tenderness, clear and innocent, just like the moment when he lost his memory.

Qin Jiuxiao lifted the broken hair from her ears, and whispered softly, "It's a reward for me, okay?"

Speaking of which, he is very good at taking advantage of himself.

At the sight of her beauty, Shu Yao nodded in a strange way, "Okay—I'll try!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Qin Jiuxiao showed a genuine smile on his lips, like melting ice and snow.

The stern face was softened, making it look fresh and vivid.

Shu Yao didn't dare to look at the man too much, she just felt blushing and heart beating, hid in the fitting room, and the shopping guide next to her hurriedly followed.

When Shu Yao entered the fitting room, the man returned to normal, still solemn and dignified, like an inviolable god.

It turned out that Qin Jiuye, who was rumored not to be feminine, actually had such a side.

The eyes of the bystanders who saw it widened, except that Ling Heng was already used to seeing it.

"Ah Heng." Qin Jiuxiao said lightly.

Ling Heng immediately stepped forward knowingly, nodded slightly, "Jiuye?"

"Order, whoever accepts Shu Murou's custom-made wedding dress will be against me."

Hearing this, the others trembled all over, but they didn't dare to speak, and they didn't dare to make a sound.

Ling Heng nodded slightly, and responded, "I know what to do, don't worry."

Ling Heng was a person who would not delay, and he went to do it immediately when he got the order, leaving Manager Li to accompany him personally.

Qin Jiuxiao knew that the wedding dress was complicated and heavy, and it would not come out so soon.

Instead, he sat on the custom-made leather sofa and stretched out his hands lazily.

Manager Li immediately signaled to the people around him, and immediately someone stepped on high heels and left, and hurried back.

"Jiuye." Manager Li took the goblet containing red wine and brought it to him personally.

Qin Jiuxiao took it, and gently shook the blood-red wine in his hand.

His eyes were fixed on the curtain like a cheetah locking its prey, waiting for the moment when the curtain was pulled open.

Not long after, there seemed to be movement in the curtain, and she was about to come out.

At this moment, surprisingly——

Fu Jingzhen actually went back and forth, he came back to find the handbag that Shu Murou had left behind.

"Sorry, I wanted to ask if you saw the dropped bag..."

As soon as the voice fell, the curtain was pulled open in front of the public, and the lights concentrated on the body.

Shu Murou walked out in a snow-white wedding dress, dignified and sacred, and her calmness as a supermodel added luster.

She was wrapped in a thick skirt, and a crown was placed on her head. She was like a blooming flower bud, her skin was as white as snow, and she was rotten and eye-catching.

The countless fine glitters on her body shone brightly under the light, as if wearing a sky full of stars on her body, pure and sexy.


"As expected of an international supermodel, she's so beautiful, my God."

"I've seen it on TV before, it's too much for a real person!"

For a moment, the other people who were silent couldn't help but praise, their faces were full of surprise.

Even Fu Jingzhen looked absent-minded for a moment, his thin lips parted slightly, and his handsome face showed longing.


Qin Jiuxiao naturally also noticed Fu Jingzhen's absence, and he got up immediately with a thought.

The movement of standing up was very large, and the air pressure was very low. It seemed that he was going to eat people, and he was approaching Fu Jingzhen.

Fu Jingzhen was startled, and the conditioned reflex——

"Ninth Master!"

Seeing Fu Jingzhen waving his hand, Shu Yao knocked over the goblet in Qin Jiuxiao's hand, spilling the wine all over her body.

Qin Jiuxiao stepped back a few steps, her broken hair blocked the expression in the man's eyes at this time.

She didn't care much, she ran over barefoot with her skirt up, and pushed Fu Jingzhen away, "Stay away from him!"

Fu Jingzhen was shocked, he didn't expect Qin Jiuxiao to do such a thing.

"Shu Yao, don't get me wrong, he did it on purpose, I didn't think..."

He was inexplicably flustered, he didn't want to be misunderstood by Shu Yao, and he didn't want to be judged badly in Shu Yao's impression.

Shu Yao was just indifferent, looking at him from thousands of miles away and said, "Don't understand?"

"What?" Fu Jingzhen frowned slightly.

Word by word, Shu Yao kept Qin Jiuxiao by her side, and said coldly, "Stay away from my husband."

(End of this chapter)

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