After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 421 You Can't Let Me Lose, Can You?

Chapter 421 You Can't Let Me Lose, Can You?
The mobile phone vibrated several times in a row, turned on and off, and was not picked up in the end.

After an unknown amount of time, Shu Yao woke up in a daze, not knowing where she was.

Before, Shu Yao fell asleep from exhaustion.

Because she knows that she is at ease by Qin Jiuxiao's side, and she can always rest assured no matter what time it is.

So, when Shu Yao woke up again, her mind was still blank.

Looking around, Shu Yao found it strange.

"Knock knock knock --!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Shu Yao's familiar voice came, it was Shu Nanxun.

"Are you awake?" His voice was a little impatient.

Thinking of the madness before going to bed, Shu Yao pursed her lips slightly, feeling shyness belatedly.

Shu Yao threw off the quilt and ran down, opened the door, "Wake up, wake up."

Shu Nan Xun looked at Shu Yao indiscriminately, the eyes under the lens were calm and clear.

"Girls are like each other, restrain yourself." Shu Nan Xun said lightly.

Shu Yao's face turned red, and everyone said that her elder brother was like a father, so she was inexplicably embarrassed, "I see. Why am I here?"

It was Qin Jiuxiao who sent him back yesterday, and sent him directly to Shu Nanxun's home in country S, and he left.

Shu Nan Xunyan explained to Shu Yao concisely.

"This is my house. You don't have to come out when someone comes over, so I'll bring you breakfast."

"Let's rest and rest, I have something to tell you after I finish dealing with the matter."

Shu Yao nodded, then asked curiously, "Who?"

"You can come out and listen together if you want." Shu Nanxun said indifferently.

He just saw that Shu Yao rarely had a rest, and the guests who came were not good people, so he told Shu Yao not to come out.

She was curious, but Shu Nanxun would not stop her.

Shu Yao immediately shook her head like a rattle, and snatched the breakfast from Shu Nanxun's hands.

"No, no, I'm having breakfast, I won't come out."

Then Shu Nanxun left and closed the door behind him.

Shu Yao's mouth started to drool, she hasn't eaten anything Shu Nanxun made for a long time.

Seeing the porridge with preserved egg and lean meat that was still steaming and exuding the fragrance of rice, Shu Yao felt her stomach start to growl.

While eating in a hurry, she was also curious, where is Qin Jiuxiao?
At this time, Shu Yao heard the sound of the door opening and closing outside the room, and there were small human voices.

It was probably Shu Nanxun's so-called guest coming. She listened carefully and found out that it was a woman.

"I didn't expect you to be that genius on the dark river. If I had known, I wouldn't have paid such a high price for your news!"

The voice got louder and louder, and Shu Yao listened carefully, and it was still a little familiar.

She reacted suddenly, no way!
"Gu Nanjin, speak up if you have something to say." Shu Nanxun's voice sounded.

Only then did Shu Yao's eyes widen, and after confirming that the voice was indeed Gu Nanjin, she couldn't help but quietly opened the door.

The door was opened with a gap, and Shu Yao carefully watched it.

"Nan Xun, don't be so alienated, we also cooperated in K University back then."

Speaking of this, Gu Nanjin is very proud.

In the K Da Qin Jiuxiao, Shu Nanxun and Gu Nanjin, they are all considered to be the best in this field.

For many experimental projects back then, they were all selected by the instructor as a cooperative group.

Only later—

Shu Nanxun disappeared inexplicably, until a genius doctor appeared on the underworld trading network.

She made the bet with Shu Yao to find the best one, so she spent a lot of money to buy news.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an old classmate!
Shu Nanxun smiled inexplicably, "The past was the past. Come on, what's the matter?"

Seeing this, Gu Nanjin took out the project book in his bag and wanted to pass it to Shu Nanxun.

"Nan Xun, I have a project on my side, which is in cooperation with Jiuxiao's side, and there is a lack of a medical consultant!"

But Shu Nanxun remained motionless, and said indifferently, "I'm not interested."

"Nan Xun, didn't you always like this kind of project before, why don't you take a look at it?"

With that said, Gu Nanjin flattered and sent the project letter forward a bit.

Shu Nanxun lowered his eyes slightly and glanced, "I'm busy."

"What are you busy with?"

"Busy making money, busy living."

As soon as Shu Yao heard these words, she knew that Shu Nanxun was perfunctory, but Gu Nanjin's sense of superiority prevented her from hearing it.

Gu Nanjin looked around and found that the apartment was simple and casual. He seemed to understand what Shu Nanxun said.

So this is ah.

She immediately said, "Nan Xun, do you think the treatment is not good enough?"

Shu Nanxun twitched the corners of his mouth, a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips, but he didn't answer.

"You can directly ask for any treatment you want. Money is a trivial matter." Gu Nanjin said confidently.

Shu Nanxun still didn't say anything, just said, "Go back, I won't accept it."

Gu Nanjin felt that he was too arrogant, he refused to accept what was handed over, and now he directly refuses.

"You—why, you have to give me a reason?"

Shu Nanxun frowned slightly, and said disgustedly, "Because I'm not interested."

Dealing with people like Gu Nanjin, Shu Nanxun felt as if he had tarnished his IQ.

He stood up and pointed to the door.

"You can go." Shu Nanxun said simply and rudely.

As soon as Gu Nanjin stood up, he heard a bang from the gatehouse not far away.

She subconsciously looked for the sound, and suddenly saw the familiar face at the crack of the door, and immediately froze.

"Shu Yao?" Gu Nanjin felt as if he saw it.

Shu Yao hurriedly wanted to close the door, but after thinking about it carefully, she had nothing to shame.

She took the initiative to open the door, and Gu Nanjin rushed over immediately.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Nanjin looked at Shu Yao, and then at Shu Nanxun.

Immediately, Gu Nanjin seemed to have caught something, and nodded again and again, "Oh, so you are—"

"Us?" Shu Yao glanced at Shu Nanxun, thinking that there was nothing she couldn't see.

Obviously, Gu Nanjin seems to have misunderstood something.

Shu Yao was about to explain, but was interrupted by Shu Nanxun, who said in a rare way, "Just like what you saw."

Brother's words came to her lips immediately, and Shu Yao was shocked by what Shu Nanxun said.

What is he saying!
"You are such a person, I'm going to tell Jiuxiao." Gu Nanjin's eyes flashed.

Shu Yao immediately came back to her senses and wanted to make it clear, "No!"

"No wonder you're sneaky! I discovered it by accident..."

Before Shu Yao could speak again, Gu Nanjin didn't pester Shu Nanxun any more, but packed up and left in a hurry.

Shu Yao was left dumbfounded, she stared blankly at Shu Nanxun.

Shu Yao was really angry and helpless, "Brother, why did you mislead her?"

"She's too annoying, otherwise she wouldn't leave easily." Shu Nanxun explained calmly.

With a flash of inspiration, Shu Yao stepped on her slippers and ran to Shu Nanxun's side.

"Okay, you actually use me as a shield! In exchange, you promise me one thing."

Helplessness flashed across Shu Nanxun's eyes behind the lens, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Promise to be my medical consultant, I made a bet with Gu Nanjin on the project proposal."

"Bet on who can find the most powerful and best medical consultant, you can't let me lose?"

(End of this chapter)

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