Chapter 422: To Hell?
Shu Yao took Shu Nanxun's hand, held it up to her heart, her eyes were sincere and innocent.

She was born beautiful, with the innocence of a great lady, and the years have given her a different kind of sexiness.

Even Shu Nanxun thinks she is too beautiful, she really is a big star.

Seeing that he was silent, Shu Yao begged softly, "Brother... my good brother?"

"Got it, let Qin Jiuxiao draw up an agreement and I'll sign it." Shu Nanxun agreed casually.

Hearing this, Shu Yao's eyes widened. In fact, she never thought that Shu Nanxun would agree so easily.

after all--

In the past, the relationship between her and Shu Nanxun was very rigid, and they hadn't been together for a long time even after they were reborn.

You see, they are so blunt and distant that even Gu Nanjin doesn't know about their relationship.

Shu Yao pursed her lips and said warmly, "Brother, thank you."

After hearing this, Shu Nanxun suddenly raised his hand and touched Shu Yao's forehead, "I don't think you are sick?"

"Brother!" Shu Yao patted Shu Nanxun's hand away.

Shu Nanxun gave a short smile, and covered the smile on his lips before Shu Yao could see it.

"Wait, brother, you are—"

When Shu Yao opened Shu Nanxun's hand, the button on his cuff suddenly fell off, and the cuff opened wide.

Only then was Shu Yao able to see clearly that Shu Nanxun had wounds on his arms, and those wounds were stitched wounds.

"Shu Yao!"

"Let me see, brother!"

Regardless of Shu Nanxun's resistance, Shu Yao directly grabbed Shu Nanxun's hand and pulled up his sleeves.

On Shu Nanxun's arms, there were marks left by sutured wounds, and some were unknown scars.

These scars almost occupied Shu Nanxun's entire arm, which looked terrifying.

"What, what's going on?" Shu Yao's voice trembled unconsciously.

During the years when Shu Nanxun disappeared, Shu Yao couldn't imagine what he had experienced.

She tremblingly stroked those scars, but Shu Nanxun resisted and wanted to take them back, but was held tightly.

"It's all over, it's okay."

Shu Nanxun withdrew his hand abruptly, and pulled down his sleeve to cover those horrible wounds.

But Shu Yao was unwilling to easily cross this topic, and asked, "Brother, who wanted to harm you back then?"

This level is simply killing people.


Shu Nanxun seemed to be hesitating. He didn't know if he could say it. After all, Shu Yao had quarreled with him because of this incident when he was a child.

She is too simple.

But what Shu Nanxun didn't expect was that Shu Yao spoke again when he was still hesitant to talk about his life.

She said coldly, "Are you aunt?"

"What do you know?" Shu Nanxun asked with a slight frown.

Shu Yao looked like she was about to cry, she asked again, "Is it Shu Yawen, is it her!"

Seeing Shu Yao's reaction, Shu Nanxun didn't hide it anymore.

"is her."

As soon as the words fell, Shu Yao felt her heart was in a mess, and her eyes turned black.

Her uncomfortable stomach was twitching, and she couldn't help but start to feel cold all over. She couldn't believe it, but she couldn't believe it.

It's true, it's true!
In this way, it makes more sense to say that Shu Yawen is related to the death of her father Shu Boyan.

It's ridiculous that Shu Yao in her previous life mistrusted Shu Yawen, was brainwashed, alienated her brother, and made him fall to her death.

"Shu Yao, I'm fine, don't cry." Seeing Shu Yao crying, Shu Nanxun was at a loss.

He is not that kind of person, seeing Shu Yao crying, just feels very distressed.

Shu Nanxun frowned and raised his hand to wipe the tears off Shu Yao's face, but was caught off guard by the neckline.

"Is there any more?"

Shu Yao stared at Shu Nanxun and asked serious questions.

Shu Nanxun froze for a moment, then said coldly, "It's all over."

"Blame me……"

"It's all my brother's fault. If it weren't for you when I was young, I would have been caught by traffickers."

"If I hadn't been self-willed and disobedient and listened to Shu Yawen's words, wouldn't you have encountered these bad things?"

Shu Yao couldn't help trembling all over, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, even finding it difficult to breathe.

Her eyes were gray, and even Shu Nanxun's appearance was gradually blurred.

Shu Nan's eyebrows gradually softened, and he stepped forward and hugged Shu Yao in his arms, "Okay, don't cry."

Shu Yao froze, motionless.

"It has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself, I didn't like you very much back then." Shu Nanxun said in a low voice.

If it wasn't for giving birth to Shu Yao back then, their mother would not have died of dystocia.

In this regard, Shu Nanxun hated Shu Yao back then, and he didn't like this younger sister.

"You're not a fairy, don't take all the faults on yourself."

"Why cry, don't cry."

It was rare for Shu Nanxun to change his normal behavior and comfort him with kind words, and Shu Yao gradually calmed down.

But she still couldn't figure it out, and asked, "Why did Shu Yawen target you?"

"Father is dead, because I was the only one who targeted her. I must be a thorn in her side." Shu Nan Xun said lightly.

Once Shu Boyan died, the Shu family would definitely fall on Shu Nanxun.

Shu Nanxun originally fell on Shu Nanxun because of his mother's disagreement with Shu Yawen, and Shu Yawen couldn't please him.

"I didn't know it very well back then. The only person who knew who saved me was already dead."

"If you want to know clearly, ask Shu Yawen in person."

Saying that, Shu Nanxun took out the door card Qin Jiuxiao gave him, and the door card spread on the palm of his hand reflected light.


"Is it here?"

Shu Yao followed Shu Nanxun to a villa in the suburbs, which looked glamorous and magnificent from a distance.

She didn't dare to go inside, it didn't look like a place where people were detained.

Shu Nan Xun walked in freely, "Come on."

They walked in. Although the villa was big, it was very deserted. There were almost no people there, only an old man watering the flowers.

When the old man saw Shu Yao, his eyes lit up.

"Ma'am, you are here." The old man called out respectfully.

After hearing this, Shu Nanxun just sneered, "Ma'am? It will take advantage."

Shu Yao hadn't married into the Qin family yet, but Qin Jiuxiao couldn't wait to give her the title.

Shu Yao was stunned by the shout, but the old man seemed to know what they were going to do, and even said to go with him.

They walked around the magnificent villa and came to the cellar in the back garden of the villa. He squatted down and opened it.

The entrance to the cellar was dark, like a man-eating monster with a mouth.

"Ma'am, she's right below." The old man looked at Shu Yao and said.

Shu Yao was still a little uncomfortable with outsiders calling herself this name, so she responded, "Oh, good."

She quickly followed Shu Nanxun who had already entered the cellar, and the sensor lights lit up one by one as soon as she stepped into the cellar.

"Let me out—! Let me out!"

When the sensor light turns on, that means someone is coming, Shu Yawen shouted while grabbing the iron bars.

Until Shu Nanxun walked in front of Shu Yawen, Shu Yawen's eyes widened, and then she screamed strangely.

This face—

"Ghosts! Yes, there are ghosts!" Shu Yawen shrank back suddenly.

The way she looked at Shu Nanxun was indeed like hell, not like a fake.

Shu Yao slowly came out from behind Shu Nanxun, and asked, "Auntie, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Shu Yao was there, Shu Yawen dreamed back to reality, raised her hand to cover her eyes and only opened her fingers to see.

After calming down, Shu Yawen realized that it was not a ghost, but Shu Nan Xunzhen was still alive.

"You, how are you still alive?!"

Impossible, at that level back then, he should be dead!

(End of this chapter)

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