Chapter 423
Seeing Shu Yawen's reaction, Shu Nanxun was even more sure that it was Shu Yawen who did the murder.

It's just that Shu Nanxun really didn't really think about it back then, that his own aunt would actually——

want him dead.

Shu Nan Xun asked coldly, "Are you disappointed? Auntie."

His last two words were very heavy, unusually ironic.

"You, what are you - no, what are you talking about?" Shu Yawen immediately pretended to be stupid after reacting.

Now that she is in their hands, even if Shu Yawen is killed, she dare not admit what she did back then.

If she did, she would be worthless, let alone end well.

Thinking of this, Shu Yawen immediately changed her countenance, shook her head and said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I will never repent." Shu Nanxun sneered, but he did not force him.

Instead, Shu Yawen changed her normal attitude, as if concerned, "I'm just curious about how you've been missing for so long, why are you alright?"

Shu Yao almost laughed angrily, she was deceived by this face in her previous life.

"Stop pretending, Auntie, Grandma Li told you all the bad things you did!"

If it wasn't for the iron bars, Shu Yao would have liked to go in and tear Shu Yawen apart.

As if seeing that even Shu Yao couldn't come in, Shu Yawen suddenly let go and stimulated Shu Yao unscrupulously.

"So what, she told you, didn't she? Tell you, your father said I did it?"

"So what if I killed him! Do you have any evidence?"

Shu Yao suddenly restrained the iron railing, and said coldly, "Shu Yawen!"

"You can't come in without Master Qin Jiu. Why are you so fierce? It's useless to be so fierce." Shu Yawen laughed.

Seeing Shu Yao angry outside but unable to come in, Shu Yawen was calm and relaxed.

But at this moment, Shu Yawen suddenly noticed that Shu Nanxun seemed to be groping for something by the door.


Suddenly, the machine sounded, and the iron gate was opened.

Shu Nanxun looked at the key card in his hand, nodded, "So that's how it is used."

Said that it was too late and that was too soon, Shu Yawen's first reaction was to escape, and she rushed out.

However, as soon as his hand reached the door, he was immediately grabbed by Shu Yao, who took Shu Yawen away with a strong force.

In a blink of an eye, Shu Yawen was slammed to the ground, her bones hitting the cold floor.

"Ah, you crazy woman!" Shu Yawen scolded as she was about to get up.

Shu Yao stood by the opened door and approached step by step, "Can't you come in?"

The sarcasm just now is vivid in his memory, every word is like stabbing Shu Yao's heart with a knife.

Seeing Shu Yao's attitude at this time, Shu Yawen subconsciously felt afraid and shrank back.

But if you think about it carefully, Shu Yao is just a young lady of a family, a flower raised in a greenhouse.

What is she afraid of?
Shu Yawen stood up, trying to grab Shu Yao's hair, but Shu Yao grabbed her wrist and couldn't move.

The strength of the wrist was tightened little by little, like pliers, and Shu Yawen's face was livid due to the pain.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Shu Yao, let go, ah!" Shu Yawen burst into tears from the pain.

Shu Yao's strength was terrifying, Shu Yawen felt that her old bones were about to be crushed by Shu Yao.

Shu Yao's eyes were cold and sharp as a knife, "Is my father's death related to you?"

"You, you, let go first, I—"

Hearing this, Shu Yao shook off Shu Yawen's hand.

Shu Yawen kept rubbing her wrist in pain, and said, "I just know about that, it has nothing to do with me."

"what's up?"

"It's your father planning to elope with Li Qingya, that's the truth."

Shu Yawen didn't look at Shu Yao when she spoke, her eyes were dodged, and her words were not very clear.

Shu Yao felt that the matter must not be that simple, but Shu Yawen seemed to be bitten to death at all.

"Yaoyao, he's here." Shu Nanxun who was watching the show suddenly said.

Just as Shu Yao was about to say something, she turned her head and saw that stern and tall man appearing silently like a ghost.

It was Qin Jiuxiao.

The man was expressionless, playing with the jade wrench on his thumb, Shu Yawen's pupils shrank slightly.

It was Mr. Qin's stuff, and Mr. Qin had already given it to Qin Jiuxiao!

Qin Jiuxiao raised his hand and said softly, "Yaoyao, come here."

Without any hesitation, Shu Yao turned around and got into the man's arms, as if hiding in a safe haven.

Shu Yawen was dumbfounded watching this scene, Shu Yao was obviously strong and cold in front of Shu Yawen.

Actually in front of Qin Jiuxiao, she looked like a well-behaved and obedient girl who would come when she was called.

"Why did you come here too, are you so angry?" Qin Jiuxiao bent down and kissed the woman's black hair.

Just smelling the cold fragrance on the man's body was enough to make Shu Yao feel at ease, she closed her eyes and suppressed her anger.

"I want to know about my dad."

Qin Jiuxiao responded, and said, "I'll help you."

As he said that, the man raised his eyes and met Shu Yawen's gaze, and Shu Yawen trembled all over with the bloodthirsty and cold eyes.

Qin Jiuxiao signaled to Ling Heng who was beside him, and Ling Heng immediately stepped forward and walked behind the iron fence.

"Do it."

After giving an order, Shu Yao stuck in front of the man and couldn't see what was going on behind him, but she heard Shu Yawen's scream.

Immediately afterwards, Shu Nanxun's voice sounded.

"let me."

Qin Jiuxiao glanced at Shu Nanxun, and said calmly, "What do you want?"

"Blood for blood." He replied calmly.

Shu Nanxun is just a doctor, and his wheel strength is not as strong as his sister's, and his wheel skills are not as strong as Qin Jiuxiao's.


He knows how to use a knife. How many wounds Shu Yawen left on his body, he has to pay back now.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

"Ah——! Let——please, Nan, Nan Xun!"

"I say, I say—I say everything!"

"Ninth Master..."

There were continuous screams from behind, and Shu Yao wanted to turn her head to look, but was gently held down by the man in front of her.

Qin Jiuxiao leaned over slightly, and whispered in her ear, "Don't look, it will dirty your eyes."

After saying that, he tightly hugged Shu Yao's hand.

Shu Yao didn't move any more, only heard the screams and smelled the faint blood in the air.

After a while, the screams gradually weakened, and Shu Yawen's voice became hoarse.

Ling Heng pulled up the dying Shu Yawen and asked, "Tell me, what happened to Shu Boyan's death back then?"

Shu Yawen's face was covered in blood, and she could hardly see her face clearly.

She trembled and said hoarsely, "Yes, it's me."

"What are you?"

"No, not me."

The pain made Shu Yawen lose her mind. She would say yes and no at times, looking crazy.

Ling Heng and Shu Nanxun exchanged glances, and Shu Nanxun made another stab without hesitation.

"It's me, it's me! I, I said, can you let me go?" Shu Yawen has no image at all.

Shu Yawen looked helplessly at the man who dominated everything outside the door, trying to get a way out of Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't agree directly, but instead asked Shu Yao what she meant, "Yaoyao, what do you think?"

While speaking, Qin Jiuxiao let go of Shu Yao's hand, she can move freely and look back.

When Shu Yao slowly turned around to look back, she was still surprised even though she had been prepared for it.

(End of this chapter)

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