After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 424 The Truth About Falling Death

Chapter 424 The Truth About Falling Death
She turned her head, and what she saw was Shu Yawen's face, with many bumps and scars, bleeding out.

Shu Nanxun was cold, standing aside and wiping his blade, as if he had just presided over an operation.

"As long as you speak well, you will have a chance." Suppressing her nausea, Shu Yao said.

Shu Yawen took a few steps forward on her knees, as if she wanted to get closer to Shu Yao, but Shu Yao took a step back.

Seeing this, Qin Jiuxiao's eyes flashed coldly, and he looked at Shu Yawen.

With such a glance, Shu Yawen immediately became honest and stopped moving, muttering, "I'll say everything, I'll say everything."

"Did my father's death have something to do with you?" Shu Yao closed her eyes and asked.

Shu Yawen nodded very lightly, and said in a trembling voice, "Yes."


"Because your grandfather is eccentric! Your grandfather is patriarchal!"

As soon as this was mentioned, it seemed that something Shu Yawen was thinking about, and she suddenly became excited.

Shu Yawen's eyes widened, blood flowed into her eyes, and everything she saw was blood red.

She seems to be convincing herself and others, "I didn't do anything wrong, it's because they are not good."

Shu Yao looked at Shu Yawen firmly, feeling that she was about to know the truth, her heart was beating very fast.

As if aware of Shu Yao's emotions, Qin Jiuxiao hooked her silently with his hand hanging by his side.

The man wrapped Shu Yao's soft hand little by little, clasped his fingers tightly, and held her tightly.

"It would have been better if it was only me, it would have been better if it was only me!"

"Before Shu Boyan, your grandparents only had me, and they only loved me. After Shu Boyan—"

Grandpa Shu and Grandma Shu have changed. They have divided more than half of their parental love to Shu Boyan.

Before there was Shu Boyan, Shu Yawen, as the only daughter of the Shu family, was loved by thousands of people.

But when Grandma Shu got Shu Boyan, everything changed.

She has become unimportant, Shu Boyan has given everything that was given to her before, and she has to let Shu Boyan do everything.

Back then, Shu Yawen thought she felt the same as Shu Yao, and as the eldest sister, she had to be humble in everything.

But why!
If there is no Shu Boyan, she is the only daughter of the Shu family, the entire Shu family is hers, and her future successor is also her.

With Shu Boyan, after having a boy, Shu Yawen felt the lack of love and care.

Shu Yao shook her head puzzled, "But my father didn't treat you badly, he always respected and liked you very much."

Even if Mr. Shu repeatedly persuaded Shu Boyan to pay attention to Shu Yawen, Shu Boyan just refused to listen.

Because Shu Yawen is his biological sister.

"So what!" Shu Yawen roared unwillingly, her voice was hoarse, and she looked vicious.

But at the same time, Shu Yawen took another quick look at Shu Nanxun, and lowered her head again.

What does she mean by Shu Nanxun?
Shu Yao was puzzled for a moment, but realized that it was probably because Shu Nanxun looked the most like Shu Boyan.

Shu Yawen repeated, "I, I hate him, I don't need him to treat me well."

"So—" Shu Yao seemed to know the final answer, but she was not sure.

"So, I actually killed Shu Boyan!"

Shu Yawen finally uttered the deepest and dirtiest secret in her heart, and her whole body collapsed to the ground.

Staring at the ground in a daze, she began to recall.

"Li Qingya is my best friend. I know that she plans to meet Shu Boyan that day, and the two of them will go out."

"But that day—your father's car had a problem, and I offered to lend him my car!"

Shu Yao pursed her lips slightly, "Is there something wrong with the car?"

"Yes, I tampered with that car." Shu Yawen admitted directly without denying it.

Recalling that day, Shu Yawen still remembers it vividly.

Because Shu Boyan trusts her so much, and respects her as an older sister as Shu Yao said.

Before departure, Shu Boyan even hugged Shu Yawen, that was the last time she saw Shu Boyan.


The car was driven away, and Shu Yawen waited at home anxiously.

In the end, Shu Yawen got her wish. Instead of waiting for Shu Boyan to drive home, she waited until the car crashed and died.

Everything went according to Shu Yawen's plan, Shu Boyan was murdered and died, and it was rumored by her that he eloped with Li Qingya and fell to his death.

Not only was his father killed, he was also rumored to be unclean for several years, and he was also accused of abandoning his wife and daughter.

The cause of all rumors and misfortunes lies with Shu Yawen!

The most outrageous thing is that after killing Shu Boyan, after she succeeded once, she attacked Shu Nanxun again——

Hearing this, Shu Yao felt her head buzzing and the world went away, and she lost her voice.

If Qin Jiuxiao was not by her side, she would hardly even be able to stand firmly.

"I'll take her out first." Seeing something wrong, Qin Jiuxiao bent down and hugged Shu Yao.

Shu Yao didn't respond, she leaned quietly in front of the man, and even subconsciously burrowed into his arms.

Such an appearance of dependence was rarely seen by Shu Nanxun in Shu Yao, which showed that Shu Yao trusted Qin Jiuxiao very much.

He nodded slightly, and asked again, "Then how will she deal with it?"

"Do you have any ideas?" Qin Jiuxiao paused before leaving, and asked back.

Shu Yawen came to her senses as if she had just woken up from a dream. Seeing that Shu Yao could not be counted on, she turned her head and grabbed Shu Nanxun.

She hugged Shu Nanxun's calf tightly, and begged, "Nan Xun, please, let aunt go!"

"Aunt." Shu Nanxun squatted down.

Shu Yawen met Shu Nanxun's eyes, and when she heard Shu Nanxun calling her that, she thought there was a turning point.

"Yes, yes, I gave it back to you, look at this wound—"

These scars on her face were all left by Shu Nanxun, Shu Nanxun should be angry.

"I beg you, I've already paid the price, Nan Xun."

Shu Yawen also tried to reach out to hold Shu Nanxun's hand, looking at the face similar to Shu Boyan, she was lucky.

Shu Nanxun suddenly laughed, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Master Jiu, I have an idea but I have to lend your hand."


"Send her to the dark river and sell her, and she will never come back."

Qin Jiuxiao noticed that the person in his arms was depressed, and left without any more emotions.

"As you wish, I will cooperate."

Hearing Shu Nanxun's words, Shu Yawen rushed forward like crazy, and strangled Shu Nanxun with all her might.

Shu Nanxun was originally just a doctor, and he was powerless, so he was thrown down and strangled.

"You vicious person, haven't you hurt me enough!" Shu Yawen said in a vicious voice.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Heng stepped forward and easily opened Shu Yawen, restrained Shu Yawen and buckled the lock.

Shu Yawen struggled frantically and roared, "No! Mo Hui will look for me, I won't fail to come back!"

Mo Hui is her husband, her lover, and Shu's son-in-law.

When Mo Hui had nothing and was a poor boy, Shu Yawen was still with him and fell in love with him no matter what.

Even the company was opened by Shu Yawen for him, and the funds are all in Shu Yawen's name!
From various perspectives, Mo Hui would never leave her or give up on her.

"Mo Hui? You mean uncle." Shu Nanxun stood up slowly and touched his neck.

Shu Yawen had a bad feeling in her heart, "What did you do to him?!"

"Auntie, I heard that you like uncle very much, don't you?" Shu Nanxun didn't answer, but changed the subject instead.

His question made Shu Yawen's hair stand on end more and more.

Immediately, Shu Nanxun took out the phone, swipe the screen a few times casually, and called up a video.

He smiled and hit the play button.

(End of this chapter)

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