Chapter 425 Retribution
The video was played in a dark place in a hotel, and it seemed that the cameraman didn't know it.

Shu Yawen was taken aback for a moment, and then heard a familiar voice, which she could not mistakenly hear, it was Mo Hui.

"Mo Hui, when will you divorce Shu Yawen?" A soft female voice was suddenly heard outside the screen.

Shu Yawen was stiff all over, she couldn't believe what she heard.

She seemed to be able to predict what would happen next, and flinched and wanted to escape.

In the video, Mo Hui stepped forward and pulled the foreign woman in, and they kissed intimately.

Mo Hui touched the woman's bathrobe with one hand, and put his other hand inside.

"Don't worry, I haven't been able to contact her very often in the past few days, and all the money is with her."

Seeing this, Shu Yawen's eyes widened suddenly. She knew this woman, and this woman was——

It was Shu Yawen who gave Mo Hui's assistant Xu Mengying to monitor Mo Hui's every move!
I didn't expect the two of them to mix together, no wonder Shu Yawen never heard of it.

"Then do you like that old woman, or do you like me more? It's her who opens and shuts her mouth."

"Of course I like you. If it wasn't for her money, I would feel disgusted even touching her!"

"Oh? Then are we going to be like this for the rest of our lives? What about our children—"


When Mo Hui in the video heard it, he hugged Xu Mengying and spun around, his joy was beyond words.

Xu Mengying beat Mo Hui, and said angrily, "Put me down, hurry up."

"You have my child?" Mo Hui was very happy.

However, Shu Yawen, who was watching outside the video, was not happy at all, her eyes were wide open.

Shu Yawen was heartbroken watching the content in the video, but what made Shu Yawen unbelievable the most was the matter of the child.


Obviously Mo Hui didn't seem to like children at all, and he also said that he was worried about Shu Yawen's body.

It turned out that he wasn't worried about Shu Yawen's body, the truth was that even touching her felt disgusting.

It's not that they don't want them, to be precise, they don't want their children.

"No, don't show it to me!" Shu Yawen struggled and roared.

But Shu Nanxun didn't intend to move the video, he signaled Ling Heng to hold Shu Yawen.

In the video, Xu Mengying hugged Mo Hui tightly and leaned in front of the man. The two were very affectionate.

"Mo Hui, isn't it scary and hateful for me to behave like this?" Xu Mengying asked Mo Hui with a smile.

Mo Hui was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what she said, "How could it be? We were supposed to be together."

Xu Mengying must be concerned about her status as a mistress.

But Xu Mengying is definitely not the mistress, on the contrary, Shu Yawen is the mistress.

Mo Hui and Xu Mengying both came from the countryside to work hard, they were childhood sweethearts, but they separated because of Shu Yawen's instigation.

"Yeah! She is the one we should be together—how could I be like this if it wasn't for her?"

Speaking of this, Xu Mengying lay down in front of the man and began to cry, tears instantly wet the man's clothes.

When she spoke, her eyes seemed to fall on the camera unintentionally.

However, this was not accidental. Shu Yawen, who was staring at the video, knew that she was aware of the existence of the camera on purpose.

"Mengying, we're together, it's okay..."

"Together? Mo Hui, did you ever look for me back then?"

Suddenly, Xu Mengying's voice changed.

Shu Yawen outside the video was also taken aback, deep fear flashed in her eyes.

At the same time, Mo Hui in the video was also very disturbed, he hugged Xu Mengying tightly.

Mo Hui was taken aback again, his body froze slightly, "I, I looked for it, but I couldn't find you."

"Look at me, can you take a closer look at me?" Xu Mengying held the man's hand and pressed it to her face.

Mo Hui had a bad premonition in his heart, and asked, "Didn't your face say that there was a car accident—"

"It wasn't a car accident! It was a man-made accident! It was Shu Yawen who asked someone to hit me!"

"My face is ruined. If I hadn't met a kind person back then, I would have been burned to death—!"

The good-hearted people saved her back then, and Xu Mengying was able to linger on her last breath until now. With a changed face, she returned to Shu Yawen's side.

She had endured for so many years, waiting for this moment.

"What!?" Mo Hui pretended to know just now.

But in fact, since the death of Xu Mengying, Mo Hui hadn't looked into it, let alone looked for her.

Xu Mengying let him touch her face, and said, "Have you tried it? The torch burned the skin so painful?"

When Xu Mengying had an accident, Mo Hui rushed over and only received the news that Xu Mengying might become a vegetable.

She inhaled too much poisonous gas in that car accident, resulting in brain death, and is likely to be a vegetable for the rest of her life.

Mo Hui left the hospital as if fleeing, just at this moment Shu Yawen put more pressure on her.

Afterwards, he joined the Shu family, married Shu Yawen, and instantly became a master.

"I, I..." Mo Hui licked his lips nervously.

Xu Mengying hugged him and said in a low voice, "Have you ever thought about avenging me?"

Mo Hui didn't dare to speak, he never thought about going against Shu Yawen.

Shu Yawen was powerful, when Shu Boyan died, most of everything fell on her.

Mo Hui is just a prey she likes, how dare she have other ideas.

"No, isn't it?" Xu Mengying's voice became lower and lower.

Immediately afterwards, the camera collapsed, and Shu Yawen hadn't had time to see what happened.

All I saw was that the lighter fell to the ground, and the flames spread across the entire hotel room in an instant, igniting a raging fire.

He couldn't see people clearly, but he could hear Mo Hui's endless cries, mixed with Xu Mengying's crazy laugh from time to time.

"Auntie, I didn't know you were so capable."

At this point, Shu Nanxun turned off the video and stood up.

He looked down at the shivering woman from a high position, and said coldly, "You have done a lot of crimes."

Even Ling Heng, who watched the whole process, found it outrageous that there are such vicious people in this world.

No wonder they are Li Qingya's best friend, the two of them are like a nest of snakes and rats!
"It's time for these things to get retribution on you." Shu Nanxun actually laughed.

Shu Nanxun laughed, inexplicably like Shu Boyan, not to mention Shu Boyan's blood was already flowing on his body.

Seeing Shu Nanxun like this, Shu Yawen's blood became cold from head to toe.

After watching the video, she already felt heartbroken, and killing people is nothing more than that——

The man Shu Yawen tried her best to keep, but didn't like him at all, he was just being squeezed.

Under all kinds of blows, Shu Yawen was in a daze for a moment, and she mistook the person in front of her.

She became cowering and stupid, "No, don't take me away, Bo'an, please, I know I was wrong."

Shu Yawen was still afraid of death, she thought she saw Shu Boyan who was already dead.

She suddenly cried in embarrassment, knelt on the ground and shivered with her head in her arms, "What have I done!"

But Shu Nanxun didn't react too much, he just asked the last question.

"Auntie, you've done all the tricks, have you ever thought that my father used to be the one who trusted and respected you the most?"

"Have you ever regretted for a moment that you personally killed the person who was the best and most sincere to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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