Chapter 435 But, She Was Heartbroken
The more Shu Yao spoke, the more confident she became. On the contrary, she began to feel guilty a little bit, and her hands relaxed a bit.

"Woo that's too much, how can you lie to me with your face—" Shu Yao said through gritted teeth.

Qin Jiuxiao was amused by Shu Yao's earnest and angry look, and grabbed her hand and stroked his face, seductively.

"Like it?"

Shu Yao nodded her head like pounding garlic, she is not limited to men and women.

"It's yours, Yaoyao is yours." While staring at her, Qin Jiuxiao turned his face and kissed her palm lightly.

As if he was expressing his submission to Shu Yao, he was so docile and aggressive that no one could refuse.

Seeing the man's tone of voice, Shu Yao's heart was shaken, her eyes became slightly moist, but she still didn't forget to tease him.

"Will Master Jiu also bow his head for others?"

To bow one's head is to submit, and to be subservient to others. When Shu Yao was young, the most she heard was that Qin Jiuxiao would never bow her head.

Qin Jiuxiao chuckled when he heard the words, and said in a low and hoarse voice, "It's just for you."

He lowered his head and bit the woman's red lips, attacking the city bit by bit.

Staring at the man, her strength to resist gradually softened, and she obediently let the man get close to her.


Cofilo was resting his eyes in the ward, when he suddenly heard a sound from the door of the ward.

After so many injuries, Cofilo almost formed a conditioned reflex, and she sat up suddenly.

"Doctor." Cofilo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Shu Nanxun who came.

She touched her abdomen with lingering fear, looking very worried.

Shu Nan nodded slightly, and checked Cofilo as usual, but Cofilo looked very disturbed.

Especially after the examination, Cofilo stared at Shu Nanxun closely, for fear that he might say something unpleasant.

"It's okay, take care of the baby with peace of mind." Shu Nan Xunyan said concisely.

Cofilo heaved a sigh of relief, and finally showed a little smile on his face, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Seeing Cofilo love this unborn child so much, Shu Nanxun couldn't help feeling a little pity.

Maybe it's because Qin Siwen's death saw Jiang Yunrong's pain, or maybe it was from Kefilo...

He saw the shadow of his former mother.

"Ma'am, you have been in the hospital several times in a short period of time, don't you have any doubts?"

Cofilo froze when he heard this, and pursed his lips, "Dr. Shu, you might as well speak up if you have something to say."

"I mean, haven't you ever suspected that someone deliberately harmed you?" Shu Nanxun replied very directly.

Cofilo was slightly taken aback, with a look of pain on his face, "But what can I do?"

Cofilo loves Shen Qingyun deeply, and she knows better than anyone else what her sister's orphan means to Shen Qingyun.

She has no choice.

"I can help you." Shu Nanxun said, looking at the pale woman on the bed.

Confidence flashed across Cofilo's eyes, "How can I help?"

"I think the head of the Ross family should have kept his sister's relevant DNA chain of evidence."

"Can you bring it out to me?"

Cofilo frowned slightly, and said again, "Doctor Shu, don't you think you are too offensive?"

"You asked me to say it, and I said it."

"It's up to you to do it or not, I don't really care."

He just didn't want to see Cofilo being so frightened again, and his identity didn't matter.

That's all, Shu Nanxun didn't bother to wait for Kefilo to give him an answer, and left the ward directly.

The rest of Kefilo was very confused and could not understand Shu Nanxun's actions at all.

However, she was moved.


Ross Manor.

"It's ugly and doesn't suit me."

"Change, change! I even said I don't want this, you don't understand."

Shu Murou threw these expensive accessories on the maid like trash, and sat on the bed angrily.

If she hadn't been unable to go out and was locked up, she should have gone out to pick these things herself.

"Then, let's change the eldest lady." The maid bowed and retreated.


There was another sound coming from the door, Shu Murou thought it was the maid who left and returned so quickly, she must not have chosen carefully.

She stood up and was about to curse, but when she saw it, it was Fu Jingzhen.

"Brother Jing Zhen!" Shu Murou circled around the bed and flew over.

Fu Jingzhen caught Shu Murou and looked at the innocent and lovely face of the girl in his arms, but he couldn't bring up the joy of a big wedding.

He forced a smile, touched Shu Mujudo, "How are you doing?"

"It's all because of Shu Yao that I was locked up by my uncle, and I can't even go out now." Shu Murou grumbled.

Fu Jingzhen was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Shu Yao?"

"Yes, she deliberately set me up to make me say some ugly things, and then recorded it to my uncle."

Speaking of this incident, Shu Murou's eyes turned red with aggrievedness, and she crawled into Fu Jingzhen's arms to beg for comfort.

Fu Jingzhen's mind was calm, and he just took good care of Shu Murou according to Fu's mother's instructions.

He comforted mechanically, "It's all right, huh?"

"Yeah, come and see."

But soon Shu Murou was dazzled by the joy of her upcoming marriage, and immediately pulled Fu Jingzhen away.

"Look at this book of wedding dresses, which ones look better?" Shu Murou asked Fu Jingzhen to choose.

Say yes, only a few thin pages.

These wedding dresses are already the best and most exquisite series of wedding dresses that the Ross family can collect within the range.

For the rest, because of Qin Jiuxiao's orders, they didn't make them for her!

However, Shen Qingyun had already lost hundreds of millions of orders because of this matter, and Shu Murou didn't dare to ask for anything more.

Fu Jingzhen smiled lightly, "You look good in anything."

"Really? Speaking of which, Brother Jing Zhen, why did you come to see me?" Shu Murou hugged him and said unhappily.

After coming to Country S for so long, even though they were about to get married, Fu Jingzhen rarely came to see him.


Could it be that she went to meet Shu Yao in private again?

Thinking of this possibility, Shu Murou was going crazy with jealousy, she would never give up the person she got.

Fu Jingzhen was taken aback for a moment, and then made an excuse, "You forgot? My mother is sick, and I've been busy with it recently."

"Leave this matter to me. I also know a very good doctor."

"who is it?"

"Oh, let's not talk about it, you will know when the time comes."

Shu Murou pretends to be mysterious, but now that Shu Murou has a noble status, she naturally has more connections than Fu Jingzhen.

Fu Jingzhen didn't say any more, but saw Shu Murou repeatedly looking behind the door, as if looking for something.

"Jing Zhen, didn't your parents come with you? We're going to get married soon." Shu Murou asked strangely.

Fu Jingzhen looked distressed, and said again, "Mom is here, but..."

Before she finished speaking, Shu Murou saw Fu's mother appearing by the door.

Shu Murou stood up immediately, and greeted him politely, "Auntie!"

"Ouch, Murou, long time no see." Fu's mother also warmly held Shu Murou, and exchanged pleasantries for a while.

the end.

Fu's mother still didn't forget to say good things to her son, and explained, "Jing Zhen is busy recently, don't come here, don't blame him."

"No, no, Brother Jing Zhen already said the reason. Don't worry about your illness, I can help you!"

Upon hearing this, Fu's mother's eyes lit up instantly.

The strength of the Luosi family will find a doctor who is no worse than Shu Nanxun, so Mother Fu is relieved.

I still have to count on Shu Murou, and let Fu Jingzhen take good care of her!

"Okay, okay." Fu's mother smiled happily.

Shu Murou hurriedly invited Fu's mother into her bedroom, and called the maid to pour tea and water, acting like a hostess.

As soon as Fu's mother walked in, she looked at the bedroom and couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, the real wealthy family, the princess of the Ross family, is different.

(End of this chapter)

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