Chapter 436 You Deceived Me
Fu's mother didn't even dare to sit casually. It seemed that those seats were custom-made, as if they were afraid of getting dirty.

"Auntie, sit down quickly." Shu Murou took Fu's mother's hand and told her to sit down.

Mother Fu happily sat down, staring involuntarily at the ruby ​​jewelry on the table, her eyes shining brightly.

This box is a set, with two pendants and a necklace studded with diamonds, which are shiny under the sunlight.

Mother Fu didn't move her eyes, "This is really beautiful."

"If Auntie likes it, I'll give it to you." Shu Murou sat opposite Fu's mother and said indifferently.

Anyway, uncle has a lot of these things.

Shu Murou was dazzled, she didn't like it very much, so it didn't matter if she gave it to Mother Fu.

Mother Fu was both surprised and delighted, and hurriedly asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Shu Murou closed the box and handed it to Mother Fu.

Fu's mother was very happy, holding it in her hand, she felt that she had picked up a huge bargain.

Rao Fu's family can afford such things, but there is no way to be as generous and casual as Shu Murou.

Sure enough, she is the princess held by the big family, that is self-willed.

"Mom, you..." Fu Jingzhen walked over, frowning.

Fu's mother was afraid that Fu Jingzhen would not take it for her, so she quickly hid it in her bag.

Seeing this, Shu Murou smiled softly, "Jing Zhen, it's okay, just treat it as my tribute to Auntie."

"Oh, you're getting married soon, Mu Rou, why don't you change your mind, so unfamiliar?"

Hearing what Shu Murou said, Mother Fu seemed to be instantly enlightened.

She had to grasp Shu Murou's big treasury, and she wished that Fu Jingzhen and Shu Murou could get married as soon as possible.

"Mom!" There was anger hidden in Fu Jingzhen's eyes.

This is too obvious. In the past, Mother Fu didn't want to see Shu Yao, probably because of this box of expensive jewelry.

Mother Fu didn't treat Shu Murou much before, but when she learned of Shu Murou's identity, everything changed.

It was only now that Fu Jingzhen saw clearly that his mother was so greedy for profit.

Shu Murou took a peek at Fu Jingzhen, "Ah, but you haven't really married yet, how dare you?"

"It's okay, sooner or later, the invitations have been sent out, haven't they?" Mother Fu grabbed Shu Murou's hand.

Shu Murou looked at Fu's mother's satisfied and flattering appearance, and laughed in her heart, but her face was still gentle and obedient.

She called out sweetly, "Mom."

"Hey!" Mother Fu laughed and responded cheerfully.

Shu Murou raised her lips proudly, thinking of the time when Shu Yao went to Fu's house before and came back in disgrace.

Look, she is different, she is easy to catch Fu's mother.

Fu Jingzhen pulled Shu Murou away, and said in a low voice, "Okay, Murou, it's not such a nonsense to have too many things."

When being pulled away, Shu Murou's hand seemed to have accidentally touched Fu's mother's wound.

Mother Fu couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and cried out loudly, "It hurts."

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Shu Murou thought she got it by herself, and hurriedly asked.

Fu's mother curled her lips, it's okay if she doesn't say anything, she gets angry when she says it.

She recounted everything that happened in the hospital to Shu Murou in detail.

Of course, Mother Fu would not tell about Fu Jingzhen's nostalgia for Shu Yao, and picked out some bad things.

I saw that the corners of Shu Murou's lips rose more and more as he listened, and calculations flashed in his eyes.

"It's getting late, I have to go back." After Fu's mother finished speaking, she was going to leave early depending on the weather.

Shu Murou was the first to refuse, and stopped her, "Mom can stay and have dinner with my uncle at night."

"How embarrassing is that?" Even though she said that, Mother Fu didn't leave again.

Eating in such a large manor, and there are special staff to serve it, of course Fu's mother wants to try it.

"Of course, and my mother suffered such grievances at my sister's place. Let's make up for it with a good meal."

"It's not good!"

Mother Fu pretended to be embarrassed, and Shu Murou personally came up and pulled her to sit down.

Only then did Mother Fu nod her head, as if she was having a hard time compromising, "Okay then."

"Then I'll tell the servants!" Seeing Fu's mother agreeing, Shu Murou left the bedroom cheerfully.

Fu's mother turned her head to say a few words to Fu Jingzhen, but she saw that he was not very interested.

"Jing Zhen, what are you doing? You're about to get married, don't make a sad face." Mother Fu said angrily.

Fu Jingzhen asked instead, "I remember you weren't satisfied with Mu Rou before, but now it's changed?"


"Mom, didn't you just fall in love with Mu Rou's identity? Isn't Shu Yao just short of that?"

Mother Fu was told what was on her mind, and she couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

"A few years ago, Shu Yao was going to marry me, but you kept blocking me, so I understand."

"I should have listened to Dad."

Mother Fu swallowed her saliva, and was about to argue for herself, "Jing Zhen, listen to me, it's not like this."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a gust of wind blowing by his ears, and Fu Jingzhen left the bedroom straight away.


"These are my mother's materials?"

Shu Yao glanced at the black and white letters on the desktop, and quickly found the photo from the paper.

It was the only photo. The mother in the photo was immature and young, but it was not difficult to see her outline.

"Well, your mother is very powerful, and she hides it very well." Qin Jiuxiao stood behind Shu Yao and hugged her gently.

Shu Yao touched the paper in her hand, there were only two or three pages.

A person's life is so long but only a few pages, Qin Jiuxiao's ability can only find this level.

All kinds of signs showed that her mother really hid herself very well and completely broke away from the past.

Shu Yao touched the photo and murmured, "It seems."

This is very similar to the huge hanging painting that Shu Yao once saw in the study of the Ross family, the two are so similar.

"I have communicated with your brother. If there is nothing wrong, you are the person Patriarch Rose has been looking for."

For the first time, Qin Jiuxiao talked so much.

The identities of the two of them seemed to be reversed, Shu Yao couldn't say a word, she looked at her mother's information in silence.

Her heart sank and she couldn't tell what it was like.

"Yaoyao, did Grandpa Shu mention it to you?" Qin Jiuxiao seemed to be afraid of stirring her up, his voice was very soft.

Shu Yao blinked extremely slowly, then shook her head, "Grandpa doesn't know."

"I think he knows."

Hearing this, Shu Yao subconsciously wanted to turn her head to look at Qin Jiuxiao, but she didn't expect the two to be very close.

As soon as she turned her head, she kissed Qin Jiuxiao's lips instantly.

The man let out a chuckle, advanced instead of retreating, and touched Shu Yao's red lips again, "Why?"

"No, nothing." Shu Yao left quickly.

Qin Jiuxiao is like a raging fire, every time she touches it, she will burn herself unconsciously.

She quickly broke free from the man's embrace, her eyes dodged, and she returned to the question.

"Why do you think Grandpa knows?"

Qin Jiuxiao relayed to Shu Yao the conversation he had with Mr. Shu in the hospital that day.

He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Grandpa Shu should have kept a lot of things from you."

"No way. Why did Grandpa keep it from me?" Shu Yao hesitated, and she didn't have the confidence to say it.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't speak, but just looked at Shu Yao calmly, he believed that Shu Yao should have the answer in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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