After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 444 The first overnight stay!

Chapter 444 First time staying overnight!
What if one day Shu Yao is always putting on airs and people don't like it anymore?

If you like it, take the initiative.

Only then did Shu Yao realize that she couldn't laugh or cry, "Grandpa! What are you thinking?"

"Isn't this worrying? The person you like also happens to like you, so you have to grasp it."

Shu Yao didn't have a mother, her father died young, and her grandma left too early. The rest of Mr. Shu was heartbroken.

"It's definitely not good if you can't let go of being cold and cold all the time. When it comes to dating, two people must be sincere."

Mr. Shu spoke very seriously, he even told Shu Yao about Grandma Shu and his young age.

"Your grandma used to be generous, like a wolf like a tiger..."

What does this say!

Seeing that the shadow outside the house was getting closer and closer to Shu Yao, Qin Jiuxiao was about to come back after answering the phone.

"Grandpa, don't talk about it." Shu Yao almost covered Master Shu's mouth with her hands.

Mr. Shu refused to let go, and said again, "Yaoyao, you really have to grasp it, don't wait for her to feel cold."

Originally Shu Yao didn't listen at all, but Mr. Shu's words stunned Shu Yao.

Don't let people feel cold.

Past life——

Shu Yao recalled that dream, and the last moment when she was dragged into the car before she died.

Did Qin Jiuxiao feel chilled at that time?
"Seize the opportunity, it will come soon." Seeing Shu Yao's silence, Old Master Shu thought he had persuaded her.

Chance?what chance?
It wasn't until she realized that she could hear Mr. Shu's words clearly that Qin Jiuxiao had already returned and sat down next to Shu Yao.

Only then did Shu Yao come back to her senses, a trace of panic flashed across her phoenix eyes, and she hastily suppressed her emotions.

Old Master Shu cleared his throat, and at the same time sent a signal to Shu Yao with his eyes.

"It's getting late now, you've just come back and you're dusty, go wash up first."

Shu Yao couldn't laugh or cry when she was winked by old master Shu, she knew what grandpa wanted her to say.


"Then I'll first—" Qin Jiuxiao didn't think much about it, thinking that it was Mr. Shu who was chasing someone away.

Anyway, Mr. Shu is indeed the one who loves Shu Yao the most.

All his actions were based on protecting Shu Yao, so Qin Jiuxiao respected Mr. Shu very much.

Old Master Shu's eyes widened, and he coughed a few more times, "Ahem!"

Shu Yao's hand resting on the sofa trembled slightly, she turned her head and grabbed the man's big hand for a moment.

The moment she spoke, Shu Yao stood up and grabbed Qin Jiuxiao because she was anxious and didn't pass through her brain.

"It's getting late now, it's not safe outside, don't go." She began to make nonsense.

Because I didn't have a good draft, what I said was a sudden impulse.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Shu Yao also felt that something was wrong, she filmed too much, "I..."

When Mr. Shu heard this, the tea in his mouth almost spewed out.


How can there be such a way to retain people!

It sounds like the words of the male protagonist in a TV series to keep the female protagonist, but Qin Jiuxiao is a man——

This sounds weird.

"Yaoyao?" Qin Jiuxiao's beautiful eyes blinked very slowly.

He seemed to be digesting the meaning of Shu Yao's words, and there was a slight smile in his calm eyes.

He didn't say anything else, following Shu Yao's intentions, he said naturally, "Well, it's not safe outside."

Is someone like Qin Jiuxiao safe outside?

It's a big joke, what's outrageous is that the person involved actually followed Shu Yao's words.

"Cough cough cough!" Hearing this, Old Master Shu was startled and wanted to speak.

This time, he actually choked on the unswallowed tea in his mouth, coughing and wheezing.

The two men sang together——

It's obvious that Mr. Shu is just worrying blindly, no wonder Shu Yao of his family doesn't have any sense of crisis.

This kind of nonsense goes with her, seeing how Qin Jiuxiao's attitude is spoiling everyone!

Shu Yao pinched her palm and whispered, "Shall I stay for one night?"

"That's bothering you." Qin Jiuxiao was kind and nodded slightly to Mr. Shu.

Mr. Shu was still very happy in his heart, but he didn't want to be found out, so he cleared his throat with a sullen face.

Mr. Shu looked around and greeted Mrs. Xu.

"Don't bother, there are many guest rooms at home."

guest room?

Shu Yao subconsciously said, "Why clean up the guest room?"

Isn't Qin Jiuxiao with her, they are already the father of the baby in the womb.

As soon as the words come out, no!
This is not in Country S. I habitually feel that Qin Jiuxiao should be with him.

Old Master Shu immediately looked at Shu Yao when he heard the words, what nonsense is this girl talking about?

But the Qin family didn't respond, Mr. Shu glanced at Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled slightly, but did not make a sound, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

"Mother Xu, where's the person?" Old Master Shu broke the deadlock and shouted again.

Mama Xu rushed over immediately, and when she saw the situation, she reacted cleverly and immediately turned around to tidy up the guest room.

"Hey, here we come, sir - all right!"

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was warming up, Mr. Shu swallowed many words that he wanted to say.

He left quietly, leaving space for the two of them.


Shu Yao was left face to face with Qin Jiuxiao, and she couldn't explain the retention just now.

"I, I'll take a shower first." Shu Yao left as if fleeing.

Shu Yao returned to her room, immediately packed up her change of clothes and planned to take a shower.

But she suddenly realized that Qin Jiuxiao stayed overnight, he had no change of clothes, it was so late——

By the way, my brother's clothes are still there.

Shu Yao left the bedroom, and went to Shu Nan Xun's long-sealed room, where there were many clothes.

She watched and packed a few things.

Every year, even though Shu Nanxun is gone, old master Shu will give Shu Yao as many clothes as he wants.

Mr. Shu didn't say anything on the surface, but he still missed his eldest grandson very much. Fortunately, his brother has been found.

"Mother Xu? Where's Master Jiu?" Shu Yao came out after thinking about it, just in time to bump into Mother Xu.

Madam Xu looked at Shu Yao with a teasing smile, and whispered, "I'm in the guest room, I seem to be resting, Miss must go quickly!"

"I'm just sending clothes." Shu Yao helplessly shook the clothes in her hands.

Mama Xu didn't think so, and said, "Hey, good."

Shu Yao was about to go to the guest room, but she was stopped by Madam Xu just two steps away.

"Master is drinking tea in the living room, go find it boldly!"

It's normal for young people to want to be tired of being together all day.

What Xu Ma said made Shu Yao dumbfounded, and she didn't bother to refute, she disappeared in front of Xu Ma in a flash.

Before coming to the guest room, Shu Yao knocked on the door and opened it to go in.

Qin Jiuxiao saw the thing in her hand and smiled slightly, "It's just in time."

He was worried about this matter and was going to ask Ling Heng to send it over.

"Master Jiu, you should put on your brother's clothes first at night." Shu Yao approached Qin Jiuxiao to show what she had in hand.

Shu Yao unfolded the pajamas in her hands. It was dark blue silk pajamas, which looked very silky and soft.

She looked at the clothes with satisfaction, and then at Qin Jiuxiao, thinking that they must be suitable.

She didn't notice the man's hot gaze, and said to herself, "Do you like it?"

"Shouldn't it be appropriate for you to ask?" Qin Jiuxiao asked without answering, and suddenly approached Shu Yao.

Shu Yao is quite sure about this point, "It's definitely suitable."

The man is already imposing, ordinary people can't look directly at him, the innate coercion on his body makes people breathless.

She unconsciously took a step back, approaching the edge of the bed, and then sat down on the soft bed.

Qin Jiuxiao's handsome, godlike face suddenly approached.

"Why are you so sure I'm suitable?"

His question stunned Shu Yao, yes, why is Shu Yao so sure.

Yes, because...

She didn't know what to think of, and suddenly her face felt like it was burning.

(End of this chapter)

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