Chapter 445 Shu Yao, do you dare? !

Seeing the flushed face of the woman in front of him, Qin Jiuxiao freed up a hand to stroke it gently, caressing it carefully.

He could feel the temperature under his palm getting warmer, and the water in Shu Yao's eyes became more and more obvious.

"Is Yaoyao so familiar with my body?" Qin Jiuxiao leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

Shu Yao blushed, raised her hand to push away the person in front of her, and threw the pajamas on Qin Jiuxiao's body.

"You are becoming more and more out of shape, so I won't mess with you anymore."

After saying that, Shu Yao rushed out the door.

Qin Jiuxiao looked at Shu Yao's fleeing figure, and said leisurely, "Aren't you going to stay?"

However, Shu Yao has long since disappeared, leaving only the open door.


Does Shu Yao really think he is a good person, so cute.

The rest Qin Jiuxiao pinched the pajamas in his hands and raised his lips thoughtfully, and he would take it close to his nose and gently sniff it.

On the pajamas there is still the unique fragrance of Shu Yao, which is light and pleasant.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were stained with a dark color, he tightened his pajamas a little bit, turned around with a low laugh, got up and left.



After taking a shower, Shu Yao went to the window and closed the curtains, looking at the pouring rain outside, feeling uneasy in her heart.

She returned to the bed, pulled the quilt up and closed her eyes to sleep, but she stayed awake for a long time because of worrying about something.

"Won't there be a power outage?" Shu Yao didn't dare to sleep.

Thunder and lightning suddenly started outside the window. Even with the curtains closed, the thunder and lightning outside was still terrifying.

Shu Yao opened her eyes and looked towards the bed anxiously, when she heard a thunder, her eyes suddenly went blank.

Immediately afterwards, the room suddenly plunged into darkness.

Shu Yao immediately touched the desk lamp beside her, pressed it, and confirmed again and again, "Is there a power outage?"

The lights didn't respond, and all the electronic equipment around him went on strike, so there was no doubt that there was a power outage.

Shu Yao's first reaction was Qin Jiuxiao's. The last time the power was cut off in Ross Manor, that's what she was afraid of.

Qin Jiuxiao would harm himself and himself, because of that damned childhood shadow.

Without any hesitation, she opened the door secretly, and looked for it in the dark with her mobile phone flashlight on.

"Knock knock knock --!"

Shu Yao knocked on the door, but the room was very quiet, only the sound of heavy rain and thunder mixed with it.

"Jiuye?" Shu Yao lowered her voice again and knocked.

There was still a dead silence in the room, and there was no response, making Shu Yao even more uneasy.

She turned the handle of the door directly to try to get in, and when she turned it, the handle could be turned!
Shu Yao was overjoyed, but in the next second she was disappointed to find that the door lock was not locked, but it was locked from inside the house.

Inside the house a chain locked the clasp, which could not be opened from the outside.

"Ninth Master!"

Shu Yao saw the scene inside through the opened door, and opened her mouth immediately.

The house was dark, only the occasional flashes of thunder and lightning illuminated the people in the house, he was in the corner.

Qin Jiuxiao shrank in the corner of the house, like a trapped animal, staring at Shu Yao by the door.

He met Shu Yao's eyes, and Shu Yao could tell that Qin Jiuxiao recognized her, but he didn't move.

He doesn't want to open the door!
Qin Jiuxiao spoke as she thought, her voice was not a bit colder than before, "Let's go."

"I won't go, you open the door." Shu Yao tugged on the chain beside the door.

"You're going to get hurt, you forgot when—"

Back then at Los Manor, Qin Jiuxiao woke up from the light of the morning sun, having a good night's sleep and feeling relaxed.

But Shu Yao in her arms was covered with blood, and her feet were cut by broken glass with blood stains, and she didn't even deal with it.

He would rather be hurt by himself.

So Qin Jiuxiao didn't answer her any more, and even walked away from where Shu Yao could see it.

"Open the door, Master Jiu, can you hear me?" Shu Yao slammed the door hard.

She was strong, but she couldn't break through the door that was locked with a chain from the inside, which was more difficult than locking the door directly.


There was another thunderclap, and with a flash of lightning, Shu Yao saw the carpet-like mottled blood.

Shu Yao felt a sharp pain in her heart, fierceness flashed across her eyes, and she didn't try to break open the door again.

"Do you think you can reject me without speaking?"

In the past, Shu Yao definitely didn't have the calmness and confidence to talk to men, but now it's different.

She touched her abdomen and said to the inside, "If you don't open the door, I will jump off from the second floor."


As if in response to Shu Yao's words, there was a muffled sound in the room, and something fell to the ground.

Qin Jiuxiao's voice was stern, a warning, "Shu Yao, how dare you?!"

"Why am I afraid? If you don't open the door, I will hurt myself and our children."

Shu Yao couldn't see anyone, so she was more anxious in her heart, but she still had reason and she had confidence.

"You know if I dare, Master Jiu."

There was a long silence in the room, and there was no response.

Shu Yao narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, stepped back, and gradually left the door, "I'm going to hurt myself."

Just as Shu Yao stepped back step by step, she retreated to the edge of the fence of the stairs.

A figure flashed by the crack of the door, and there was a "click" of the door, and the door locked by the chain was opened.

Shu Yao stepped forward quickly and broke into the dark room without any hesitation.


As soon as she entered, the door behind her was closed and locked.

Before Shu Yao could react in time, she was grabbed by a force.

"Shu Yao, why are you disobedient?" The man's voice was low and hoarse, full of pain.

At this time, Shu Yao is really not cute at all.

Why is she disobedient?
Shu Yao bit her lip, "No."

She was pressed lightly against the rough wall, and her waist was tightly pinched by a big hand, and she felt the pain.

The pain made Shu Yao's eyes turn red unconsciously, but she struggled forward without any disgust.

"Because I want to be with you." Shu Yao leaned her forehead on the man's shoulder.

The man froze, but the strength in his hands did not let go at all, "No need!"

This tough attitude of refusal ignited Shu Yao, and she stubbornly wrapped her hands around the man's neck and hugged him.

Even if the man pinched her in pain, she couldn't help trembling, and her tears couldn't stop falling out of the pain.

"What's the use? Then you want me to watch you self-mutilate, face it alone, and then carry this disease back and forth for the rest of your life!"

Qin Jiuxiao was taken aback by Shu Yao's words, and there was a flash of sobriety in his mind, and it was more of a repressed tyranny in his heart.

In his head—

There is only boundless darkness, only pain.

"I can't watch you suffer. Instead of doing this, let me hurt too."

At the moment when the man was struggling, Shu Yao overcame the pain in her body, and suddenly leaned forward and kissed his thin lips.

She followed her previous memory and licked gently like a cat, but this didn't completely bring back his reason.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned, a coldness flashed across his eyes, his tyrannical heart overcame his reason.

He didn't hold back after all, his lips and teeth snapped together!

Almost instantly, Shu Yao burst into tears from the pain, and tasted blood on the tip of her tongue, but she did not back down.

It was you who redeemed me before, but now it's me.

She hugged the man firmly, and pressed the back of the man's head to deepen the kiss. It was so lingering, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

(End of this chapter)

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