Chapter 447

It's a pity that Shu Yao in her previous life didn't understand Mr. Shu's good intentions, harming others and herself.

"Yaoyao?" Old Master Shu raised his hand and shook it in front of Shu Yao.

Shu Yao came back to her senses in embarrassment, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"Yaoyao, do you know the latest news about your aunt?" Mr. Shu asked hesitantly.

He knew that Shu Yao had been blamed by Shu Yawen a lot, but now Mr. Shu was old and had been ill for so many years.

There is no way, no channel, so I can only ask Shu Yao.


When mentioning this person, hatred flashed across Shu Yao's eyes, and she subconsciously pressed her lower lip tightly, as if she was suppressing something.

She took a deep breath, and her phoenix eyes calmed down slightly.

"Grandpa, my father's death was finally classified as an accident. Didn't you continue to pursue the responsibility?"

That year, the incident was ruled an accident.

But this is obviously a human frame, did Mr. Shu not notice it at all?
Old Master Shu didn't expect Shu Yao to say that, he was stunned for a moment and said, "Yaoyao, what do you know?"

As soon as I heard it, sure enough.

As early as in the previous conversation between old master Shu and grandma Li, Shu Yao overheard old master Shu comforting grandma Li.

He said that Li Qingya couldn't be blamed for Shu Boyan's death.

"Grandpa! You don't think you can keep it a secret forever, do you?"

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing, this principle was taught to me by your grandfather."

Shu Yao held back her anger, and turned to look at Mr. Shu squarely, she was talking about Mr. Shu's words.

Mr. Shu opened his mouth slightly, his eyes flashed with pain, "You know everything?"

Seeing his granddaughter's appearance, Mr. Shu was stunned, his old and energetic eyes were filled with deep pain.

He wanted to run away in a hurry, not daring to face Shu Yao.


Old Master Shu sighed heavily, and said in a deep voice, "Did Master Jiu investigate and tell you?"

"Yes." Shu Yao continued, she knew that she was about to succeed.

Mr. Shu was ashamed of Shu Yao, he raised his dry and skinny hands, and held Shu Yao's tightly.

"I'm sorry Yaoyao, but, but grandpa can't help—"

"Can you understand Grandpa?"

The more Shu Yao listened, the more confused she became, but she knew the truth was about to be revealed, "How can I understand if you don't tell me?"

"It's not that grandpa didn't pursue responsibility back then, but he couldn't!"

"Don't you already know that it was none other than your own aunt Shu Yawen who killed your father back then."

As soon as the words fell, even Shu Yao, who knew the truth long ago, couldn't restrain her heart from suffocating.

She lost her father who loved her the most, because of a person's jealousy.

And what makes Shu Yao unbelievable now is that Mr. Shu is actually fully aware of it!
"So you know the truth about father's death?" Shu Yao's eyes turned red instantly, her face full of disbelief.

Old man has a son, Mr. Shu has always loved and liked this son very much.

But in fact, Mr. Shu knew the truth of the year, and he chose not to tell it.

Let the real villain Shu Yawen run away for decades!

"Yaoyao, what can I do?" Old Master Shu was also at a loss like a child, he was in pain.

Shu Yao struggled to take her hand away, and said sharply, "You should tell the whole truth instead of hiding it!"

How ridiculous, the truth is so close at hand.

Mr. Shu didn't want to let go of his hand, so he continued with a trembling voice.

"The palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh. Your father has already gone. Do I want to kill my daughter with my own hands?"

"Once it is revealed that your aunt is carrying two lives, will she end well?"


Mr. Shu was not the first to know the truth, he was belatedly aware of the strangeness of Shu Yawen that day.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Shu followed Shu Yawen for a few days before he learned the truth, and he dared not tell.

Grandma Shu's body is not as good as before because she was old and gave birth to Shu Boyan, and she is very weak.

The huge Shu family fell apart because of Shu Boyan's sudden death——

After learning of Shu Bo'an's death, Grandma Shu was even sicker. How dare Mr. Shu say that it was Shu Yawen's fault.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, but Shu Boyan is small, so it seems that Grandpa and Grandma Shu love the younger one more.

In fact, Mr. Shu and Mrs. Shu didn't say anything partial.

As long as there is really a little partiality, Mr. Shu would have personally exposed it when he learned the truth!

So in the end everything was concealed, and all the pain was borne by Mr. Shu alone, so he also felt uncomfortable.

This concealment has been concealed for so many years.

"Then my father died in vain?" Shu Yao closed her eyes and asked dejectedly.

Mr. Shu swallowed his saliva, his whole body was in a daze, and he said in a trembling voice, "Yaoyao..."

The old man's scars were uncovered and he looked even older.

Shu Yao was in a trance, she thought she could find out about her life experience, but she unexpectedly found out some past events.

It's just that some things are destined not to be let go.

"I can understand what you're doing, Grandpa, but—"

"But as my father's daughter, I can't forgive, and I will never forgive Shu Yawen in my life."

Mr. Shu was startled, and had an ominous premonition, "Yaoyao, do you know your aunt's whereabouts?"

"I know, brother also knows, but it's too late." Shu Yao looked at her grandfather calmly.

In this short sentence, there is too much information, and Mr. Shu can't digest it in an instant.

What is she saying?
Brother also knows——

But it was too late.

"Yaoyao, you, what are you talking about?" Old Master Shu's eyes widened with excitement.

the end.

Before Shu Yao could speak, Mr. Shu's hand seemed to regain strength in an instant, and he held Shu Yao's wrist tightly.

"Yaoyao, you mean Nan Xun is still alive?"

Shu Yao nodded very slowly, "Alive, but my brother has already died once."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Shu was stunned.

Shu Yao closed her eyes, as if she couldn't bear it, she felt that every word she said was very difficult.

She calmed down a little before she spoke, and said lightly, "Don't you know? My brother's disappearance is also thanks to my aunt."

After the voice fell, the living room became quiet, so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling.

After a while, Shu Yao couldn't hold back, because the scars on Shu Nanxun's body were still vivid.

"My brother was kidnapped and tortured, he was dying, and the bones in his body were broken and reconnected."

"What's the difference between dying and coming back to life?"

Mr. Shu was completely stunned, his lips trembled, and there was deep self-blame and guilt in his eyes.

Mr. Shu is completely unaware of this matter!

Because after Shu Boyan's death, Shu Yawen seemed to have changed her temper and took good care of their siblings.

Mr. Shu thought it was Shu Yawen who knew she was wrong, and felt indebted——

It turned out that it was just a sugar-coated cannonball, hiding murderous intentions!
"So, grandpa, do you still want to ask me about my aunt's whereabouts?" Shu Yao was stunned, a tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

He fell silent completely, and he didn't even want to ask about Shu Yawen's whereabouts anymore, he already understood everything.

No matter what happened to Shu Yawen, or where she was, she deserved what she deserved.

(End of this chapter)

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