Chapter 448 She Was a Former Leader!
Now that the matter has come to this point, Mr. Shu is powerless to ask further questions.

"What about Nan Xun? Is he okay now?" Mr. Shu asked nervously.

Listening to what Shu Yao said, Mr. Shu was afraid that Shu Nanxun would still be suffering——

No one is more aware of the torment of illness than Mr. Shu.

Shu Yao looked at the potion beside the tea table, and said softly, "Brother is fine now, don't worry."

"That's good, that's good." Old Master Shu said a few words in succession, feeling a little relieved.

In the end, Shu Boyan and his wife left only their sons and daughters, and Mr. Shu was too old to have the energy to take care of them.

In the early years, the Shu family fell apart, Shu Nanxun disappeared, and Shu Yao met with unkind people, but Mr. Shu was very anxious.

By the time he was able to take care of both, Shu Nanxun had disappeared, and Shu Yao had fallen in love with Fu Jingzhen.


There is still time to salvage all this, otherwise he will have no face to see Shu Boyan even if he dies.

"Then..." Mr. Shu opened his mouth, still wanting to ask.

But when he thought about it, because Shu Yawen almost killed Shu Nanxun, he, the grandfather, couldn't protect him.

For a while, Mr. Shu was embarrassed to continue asking.

Shu Yao saw the hesitation of old master Shu, and watched the old and sharp face of grandpa gradually soften.

Now he is indeed one of Shu Yao's remaining close relatives, and he never thought of harming Shu Yao.

"Your medicine is all dispensed by your elder brother." Shu Yao said slowly when she saw the disappointment.

Thinking about it, Shu Nanxun was willing to dispense medicine for Mr. Shu, and when she was away, he would pretend to be a doctor and accompany her.

He should be, never blamed Mr. Shu.

Mr. Shu was shocked, and exclaimed in disbelief, "What?!"

"The doctor assigned to you by the Qin family is actually brother himself." Shu Yao continued to explain.

Old Master Shu's cloudy and old eyes overflowed with tears, he didn't know that the person he was thinking of was by his side.

His Nan Xun, his eldest grandson.

Shu Yao narrated again in a gentle voice, "My brother has become a very powerful person now, so you don't have to worry about him."

"Okay, that's good, so Grandpa can rest assured." Old Master Shu turned around hastily.

Fearing that the juniors would see such a weak self, Mr. Shu felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

Mr. Shu took out a tissue and hastily wiped away his tears.

After wiping away his tears, Mr. Shu hurriedly wanted to ask again, "Yaoyao, can I—"

Can he meet up?
However, Mr. Shu felt that he was not qualified to make this request. It was good that he was still alive and safe.

"Yaoyao, please say thank you to Nan Xun for me, huh?" Mr. Shu begged.

It's no wonder that since the doctor assigned by the Qin family came, his body seemed to be reborn. It turned out to be Shu Nanxun.

It turns out that the real benefactor is the long-lost eldest grandson Shu Nanxun.

Shu Yao didn't agree immediately, instead she elongated her tone, "Grandpa..."

"No, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything, as long as grandpa knows that your brother is fine." Mr. Shu hurriedly said.

Shu Yao smiled, grabbed a tissue and wiped away the tears from the corners of Grandpa's eyes.

"Grandpa, you did your best."

"You don't have to feel so guilty, my brother and I are still your children, so don't be so careful."

past life.

She was controlled by Shu Murou and placed under house arrest by Fu Jingzhen. The last point of her value was to threaten Mr. Shu.

In order to prevent her from suffering, Mr. Shu hung his breath with the instrument, and finally tried to escape with her.

She has never forgotten these kindnesses.

"Yaoyao, why is it that Grandpa is sorry for you?" Old Master Shu shook his head and said in a trembling voice.

Shu Yao held back the smile on her lips, and said lightly, "As for thanking you, I'd better wait for brother to come back, you can tell me."

"Nan Xun, will he come back?" Old Master Shu was both surprised and delighted.

Hearing Shu Yao's tone, Mr. Shu thought it was true, that he was not qualified to make this request.

Shu Yao comforted her, "This is our home, if you don't go back here, where are you going?"

Hearing this, old man Shu's eyes filled with tears, and the hand that grabbed Shu Yao's wrist couldn't stop shaking.

"Yaoyao, thank you too."

Mr. Shu closed his eyes and said everything, always feeling that a big stone in his heart fell.

It turns out that it feels so good to go out, so fun!

"Now that Grandpa has finished speaking, I want to ask you another question."

"Yaoyao, tell me."

"My mother was really picked up by my father from the street?"

Shu Yao asked this question a lot when she was a child. When she was a child, it was childish to ask, but now she asks——

"Yes." Mr. Shu immediately came to his senses.

Just as Shu Yao was about to speak, Mr. Shu took another deep breath and looked at Shu Yao.

"I thought your mother was a missing person back then, but your father kindly brought her home."

It turned out that Shu Yao's mother seemed to have lost her memory, and she didn't know who she was or where she was.

Shu Boyan has always been fraternal and generous, so he took people in for a few days, and then spread the news about which family lost them.

Seeing that Shu Yao's mother is dressed in bright clothes and looks beautiful, it looks good.

Can send a message to no avail——

No one claimed it, so Shu Yao's mother became very dependent on Shu Boyan.

It just so happened that the two fell in love, and she stayed in Shu's house ever since.

"Amnesia? Is it true?" Shu Yao frowned slightly.

Mr. Shu thought it was ridiculous when he thought about it, and said, "I also thought it was fake at the time."

He also thinks that Shu Yao's mother did it on purpose, probably in disguise.

"But in fact your mother can't be regarded as amnesia, she has a split personality." Old Master Shu looked at Shu Yao lovingly.

Shu Yao suddenly realized the look in Master Shu's eyes, where did this kind of affection come from.

her headache...

"This disease has also been inherited from you. Your brother's symptoms are more obvious than yours."

"Remember? When you went out to play on your birthday and you were almost caught by traffickers."

Following the voice of Old Master Shu, Shu Yao's memory was brought back to that day, it was a glimpse of Shu Yao's broken memory.

She remembered!
No wonder the traffickers were almost arrested that time, but in the end not only were they not captured, but the traffickers were killed instead.

At that time, Shu Nanxun was covered in blood, and he didn't even know what happened, but he did kill the trafficker.

"Your brother may have been stimulated by the fact that you were about to be taken away. He inspired the second personality."

Shu Yao was stunned, the amount of information was too much, and she was shocked at once.

Seeing this, Old Master Shu hurriedly stopped, and didn't continue talking until Shu Yao's eyes became clear again.

"Then, that split personality, mother only has one personality and fell in love with father?" Shu Yao became confused.

Mr. Shu couldn't hold back, he laughed out loud, and said, "No, both of your mother's personalities are loving."

Otherwise, how could the first personality allow himself to be someone else's wife.

The first personality is arrogant and indifferent, and the second personality is gentle and considerate.

They are so different, yet they are so similar because they love Shu Boyan.

To some extent, Shu Boyan is very happy.

"Later, we didn't know your mother's real identity until your mother's main personality appeared."

"Your mother, she was the former leader of that ancient family in country S."

(End of this chapter)

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