Chapter 458 Drink too much!
After Wen Wan stumbled and ran out, she walked out along the wall step by step feebly, and she didn't even have the strength to walk without holding on to the wall.

She tried her best to suppress her emotions, trying not to lose her composure in front of so many people.


Wen Wan really couldn't figure it out, when she was at her worst and most desolate, it was Shen Huaiyuan who didn't despise her.

On the contrary, now that they are getting better together, Shen Huaiyuan wants to leave her.

"Oh!" Wen Wan walked with her head down, without looking at the road, and bumped into someone.

Wen Wan was startled, and hurriedly wanted to apologize, but when she looked up, she found that it was Shu Yao.

"Wan Wan, what's the matter with you?" Shu Yao thought they had finished talking.

Wen Wan didn't speak, just shook his head.

As if she had found her home, she stepped forward and hugged Shu Yao, her hands tightened.

Shu Yao didn't speak for a while, and let Wen Wan hold her, feeling the tears soaking through her clothes, and feeling the warmth on her collarbone.

"Is he—"

"No, it's not his fault."

Wen Wan subconsciously pulled Shu Yao back, she didn't blame Shen Huaiyuan, she didn't blame Shen Huaiyuan at all.

Shu Yao has been away for a long time, and she doesn't know what happened between them, so now she can only quietly accompany her.

There weren't many people coming and going in the corridor, but they weren't too few. Wen Wan's crying was naturally eye-catching.

Shu Yao couldn't help pulling up her jacket to cover Wen Wan's face.

Just like that, Wen Wan didn't want to leave Shu Yao's warm embrace, and Shu Yao didn't urge her either.

Until Ling Heng rushed over and saw the two of them like this, he paused a little.

"Ma'am, we are about to leave." Ling Heng whispered.

Set off?

Wen Wan left in front of Shu Yao in a hurry, restrained her emotions, "You have something to do, then, then you go and do it first."

"Something happened to my brother. I'm going to fly to country S overnight." Shu Yao raised her hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Wen Wan's eyes.

Seeing Wen Wan's tearful eyes, eyes that were ignorant and glistening with water, was really pitiful and lovely.

Even Shu Yao, as a girl, couldn't help but pity her.

"Ah, then go quickly." Wen Wan became anxious for Shu Yao instead, seeming a little annoyed, "You should have told me just now."

Otherwise, she wouldn't have pestered Shu Yao for so long, and it was all her fault.

Shu Yao looked at it funny and nodded, "Then you should leave here quickly, your temperament is not suitable for staying in Shengge alone."

She is too gentle, and her temperament is soft and natural.

"Okay, I know, you go!"

As soon as Wen Wan got anxious, her lacrimal glands developed, and she seemed about to cry for Shu Yao.

"Then I'll go first."

After saying that, Shu Yao followed Ling Heng out of Wen Wan's sight.

Seeing Shu Yao leave and gradually disappear from her sight, Wen Wan drooped her shoulders in frustration.

Instead of leaving, she went to the third floor of Shengge.

The whole floor of the third floor is occupied by the Qing Bar. There is a constant sound of wine glasses colliding in the Qing Bar, and even the elegant and melodious music of the piano cannot cover it up.

The light changes, and everyone in the Qing bar is reflected strangely.

Wen Wan sat at the bar, and immediately a bartender came to Wen Wan.

"Miss, what would you like to drink?" the bartender asked.

Wen Wan pursed her lips and said bluntly, "I want the strongest wine."


"You alone?"

The bartender glanced at Wen Wan and saw that there was no one else around. She wanted the strongest drink, fearing that she would lose consciousness after drinking it.

But Wen Wan rejected the bartender's offer, she asked, "Do adults still need to be accompanied?"

"Wait a moment." The bartender had no choice.


The bartender showed his hand in front of Wen Wan, mixed several strong wines together, directly ignited the wine glass, and it burned instantly.

It can be seen how high the alcohol concentration of this glass is.

But Wen Wan didn't have the slightest fear, and when the flames dissipated, Wen Wan just drank a cup.

The wine passed through the intestines, and the uneaten stomach burned hotly, warning the owner of the body.

But Wen Wan didn't stop, she drank one cup after another.

Gradually, Wen Wan's mind also became unconscious, and she felt as if she had returned to the past.

Once upon a time.

Wen Wan was accompanied by Tang Meng to drink with him, with his guests, and with his business partners, and was drunk glass by glass.

Where did the eldest lady of her former aristocratic family drink these spirits? After being spoiled like this, she immediately got stomach problems, but she didn't stop drinking with her.

She didn't want to be beaten, and if she didn't want to be beaten, she had to go to drink with her.

Even her husband Tang Meng didn't feel sorry for her, let alone others, until she met Shen Huaiyuan——

Shen Huaiyuan was the only one who was gentle to her.

Half asleep and half awake, Wen Wan heard someone whispering in her ear.

"Isn't this Wen Wan?"

"Yeah, why is she here? She looks very lonely."

"Go up and try to strike up a conversation. You used to be unworthy of drinking with us, but now you are a big star!"

Suddenly someone approached Wen Wan, and Wen Wan was forced to retreat by the bad smell of alcohol and tobacco on the man's body.

At the same time, the phone was buzzing and vibrating, and everything made Wen Wan feel noisy and upset.

She frowned and muttered, "Don't touch me."

"Ouch, no one touches you, seeing you drinking alone is so lonely, I want to be together." The visitor wanted to get closer, giggling.

Wen Wan backed away while dodging, there was nothing behind her, and she almost fell headfirst.

But instead of falling directly, she crashed into a familiar chest, but she couldn't see clearly.

But the inexplicably familiar smell on the man made Wen Wan feel at ease, and she didn't struggle anymore.


While supporting the drunken woman in front of him, Shen Huaiyuan uttered a word coldly at the two of them.

The two of them knew Shen Huaiyuan, the Shen family was powerful and powerful, and their reputation was not something they could provoke.

"Hello?" Shen Huaiyuan touched Wen Wan's phone familiarly, and picked up the phone.

The voice on the other end of the phone was very anxious, "Why didn't you answer the phone just now? Where are you in Shengge? I've been looking for it for a long time."

Shu Yao ordered Ari, and Ari rushed to Shengge immediately.

But after rushing over, Ari couldn't find anyone. After searching for a long time, she didn't answer the phone, and she was so anxious to death.

It's just that as soon as the voice fell, the other end of the phone fell silent. It felt as if the person who answered the phone just now was not a woman, but a man.

"I'm Shen Huaiyuan."

Ari became serious when he heard it, and said seriously, "Boss."

"She's by my side, don't worry." Shen Huaiyuan looked down at Wen Wan and said calmly.

Ari breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again, "Then, that..."

"Come here and take her back." Shen Huaiyuan's tone was flat, no emotion could be heard.

After finishing speaking, Shen Huaiyuan hung up the phone and took Wen Wan away from Qingba.

At the entrance of the Qing bar, Shen Huaiyuan waited until Ah Li was out of breath, and it seemed that he really rushed over.

"I'll take it down, you can't move it either." Shen Huaiyuan suddenly realized something was wrong.

Ari nodded, "The boss said so."

For Ahri's convenience, Shen Huaiyuan hugged Wen Wan directly. She was very stable at this moment, being hugged all the way, obediently.

She was stuck in front of the man, quietly as if she had fallen asleep.

Walking to the underground parking lot, Ari turned on the car, opened the door, and Shen Huaiyuan bent down to put Wen Wanyao on the back seat.

"No, don't!" Wen Wan trembled a bit, instead of letting go, she hugged her even tighter.

She trembled uncontrollably and flinched, as if she had dreamed of something terrible.

"no, do not want……"

"Do not hit me."

(End of this chapter)

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