Chapter 459 Master Jiu is a Coward
Wen Wan seemed to be in pain in her sleep, her whole body trembling subconsciously, and she grabbed Shen Huaiyuan in fear.

As if she was grasping at the last straw, she would not let go.

Shen Huaiyuan couldn't hold back, and said softly, "I won't go."

He didn't forcefully break Wen Wan's hand away, but stroked it gently, one by one.

As if comforted by Shen Huaiyuan, Wen Wan's struggle became much weaker, she still shook her head while murmuring.

Shen Huaiyuan had no choice but to sit in the back seat of the car with Wen Wan.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Wen Wan murmured, waving her hands wildly.

After waving for a while, Wen Wan became completely quiet again.

Shen Huaiyuan raised his hand to help her straighten her struggling messy hair, and even the lipstick was scattered and scattered by her.

In this way, there is no half of the beauty of the glamorous big stars on TV.

Shen Huaiyuan was silent for a moment, then said to Ah Li, "Let's drive."


Ari reacted, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove away.


Country S, Manston Manor.


A plane landed slowly in the private manor, riding the night, the plane landed safely.

Perhaps it was because of running around all night, Shu Yao was pregnant again, even if the plane landed and made noise for a while, it didn't wake her up.

She quietly leaned against Qin Jiuxiao's side, her hands still on her stomach.

"Master?" Ling Heng walked over.

Qin Jiuxiao put his index finger to his lips, signaling Ling Heng not to disturb Shu Yao.

Randomly, Qin Jiuxiao stood up and threw the blanket on his body to Ling Heng. He bent down and carefully picked up Shu Yao.

Ling Heng chased after Qin Jiuxiao and got off the plane.

"Go pick up Shu Nanxun." Qin Jiuxiao ordered lightly.

Ling Heng was taken aback at first, and responded randomly, "Yes."

Qin Jiuxiao hugged Shu Yao tightly to the castle in the manor, his movements were very gentle and meticulous, until he gently placed Shu Yao on the bed.

Shu Yao was submerged in the soft bed, wrapped in the fluffy quilt, and submerged in white.

Looking at it from a distance, she looks like a fairy, clean and pure white, not eating fireworks.

He sat quietly on the bed, his eyes were deep and dark, looking at the love that could not be concealed in the eyes of the person sleeping on the bed.

At this moment, Qin Jiuxiao was not as indifferent and steady as he was in front of Shu Yao.

"Huh?" Feeling the warmth around her, Shu Yao arched to that side.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his hand to caress her smooth and delicate face, suppressing the tyranny in his eyes.

Since Shu Yao has provoked him now, he will not let go even if he dies, even if it is a robbery, he will definitely let Shu Yao stay by his side.

Her person, her heart, and the child she conceived should all be his.

Shu Yao seemed to have sensed something, and opened her eyes in a daze, "Brother Jiu..."

"What's wrong?" Qin Jiuxiao recovered as before, leaning slightly and asked.

The moment he leaned over, Shu Yao's eyes were slightly sly, and she raised her hand to pull him over.

Caught off guard, Qin Jiuxiao was about to be crushed on Shu Yao's body. He supported it with his hands in time, but luckily he didn't get on top of Shu Yao.

He leaned on Shu Yao's body, looking at the smug and sly look of the woman under him, smart and cute.

Qin Jiuxiao's tone was a little helpless, but he didn't dare to blame him, "What should I do if the baby is crushed?"

"No, it's only that small." Shu Yao disagreed.

Saying that, Shu Yao straightened up and kissed the person in front of her. She really loved Qin Jiuxiao very much.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't back down and let her kiss him firmly.

"Stop making trouble, stop making trouble, I still have to go find..." Shu Yao was about to push Qin Jiuxiao away as she spoke.

She must have fallen asleep, otherwise she would have gone to find Shu Nanxun immediately.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't move away, but said, "I asked Ling Heng to pick it up, you don't have to worry about it."

She seems to always be concerned about this and that.

Hearing this, Shu Yao let go of her heart, and lay down again with warmth in her heart.

By Qin Jiuxiao's side, she never seemed to have to worry about anything. If she didn't remember, someone remembered it for her.

"Jiu Ye, do you know about elder brother's illness?" Shu Yao asked, looking at the man beside her.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled briefly, "It's not a secret, of course I know."

"Then why didn't you tell me!" Shu Yao sat up excitedly.

Qin Jiuxiao was not in a hurry, his eyes were light, "Because you are special."


"You stimulated him when he was a child is the main reason for his split personality."

Shu Yao blinked extremely slowly, as if digesting what Qin Jiuxiao said.

She realized it belatedly, it was probably related to the fact that she was almost kidnapped and taken away by human traffickers when she was a child.

If it wasn't for Shu Nan Xun in time——

It is very likely that she was captured by the traffickers at that time.

"So you don't have to worry too much or do anything else when you know this, everything will be fine as usual." Qin Jiuxiao said again.

Shu Yao lowered her eyes slightly, and asked again, "Then, do I also..."

"No." Qin Jiuxiao interrupted Shu Yao.

Childhood is the most likely to induce this disease, but Shu Yao has passed this period, and there is only a very small potential chance.

"No, then when you approached me, why didn't you tell me the truth and cause me to misunderstand you."

Speaking of this, Shu Yao was still angry.

Qin Jiuxiao looked at her tenderly, and said softly, "Because I dare not bet."

He didn't dare to bet even if it was an extremely small potential probability, one in ten thousand, one in million.

These things are likely to stimulate Shu Yao's potential morbidity, and it was precisely because of Qin Jiuxiao's departure that she was too stimulated when she was a child...

It led to Shu Yao's selective forgetting, closing that memory.

Therefore, he would rather let Shu Yao misunderstand him.

"I hope you are safe and healthy. It doesn't matter if you can't remember." Qin Jiuxiao quietly covered the back of her hand.

Shu Yao was so angry and wanted to cry, she said with a smile, "So Master Jiu is also a coward."

"Yes." Qin Jiuxiao did not deny it.

Seeing that Shu Yao was about to be made to cry by him again, Qin Jiuxiao felt strange. Shu Yao didn't always cry so much in the past.

Do you experience emotional ups and downs after pregnancy?
After Qin Jiuxiao's calm and rational analysis, he felt that he needed to learn some relevant knowledge in this area.

"Knock knock knock --!"

At this time, someone knocked on the door, it was Ling Heng.

"Master, Shu Nanxun has arrived."

As soon as the words fell, Shu Yao turned over and got out of bed in an instant, almost jumping off, Qin Jiuxiao frowned in disapproval.

She ran out barefoot, opened the door, passed Ling Heng, and rushed downstairs.

"Ma'am, you, you slow down!" Ling Heng also looked terrified.

This jumping up and down, she still has the blood of the Qin family.

"Not wearing shoes." Qin Jiuxiao looked at the direction Shu Yao left in disapproval, and said to himself.

He bent down helplessly, picked up the pair of fluffy, cute and pink plush shoes, and left the bedroom.

Ling Heng blinked his eyes quickly. Although the shoes are not strange, they are very strange in Qin Jiuxiao's hands.

"Rest." Qin Jiuxiao ordered as he passed by.

Ling Heng was shocked, and immediately said, "Yes."

After the words were finished, Qin Jiuxiao followed Shu Yao downstairs, but when he arrived downstairs, he saw Shu Yao with her head stuck in front of Shu Nanxun.

No, not allowed, even siblings.

He felt his temples throbbing a few times, reminding her in a deep voice.


(End of this chapter)

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