Chapter 460

As soon as she heard the man's unhappy voice, Shu Yao understood and was about to get up from Shu Nanxun's arms.

But Shu Nan Xun had quick hands and quick eyes, he flew but didn't let go, he even pressed down a bit so that Shu Yao could lean on him.

Shu Nan Xun's eyes were pale, and he looked directly at Qin Jiuxiao who was about to come in front of him, "What?"

"What do you say?" Qin Jiuxiao's voice was extremely cold.

Shu Nanxun let out a low laugh, and let go of Shu Yao, "You can't make any jokes, everyone is yours."

Qin Jiuxiao's voice was low and indifferent, without any warmth, "This is not funny."

Shu Nanxun didn't take it seriously, he was used to Qin Jiuxiao's temperament.

His so lovely, such a good sister loved by his family, is about to become someone else's.

Hearing this, Shu Yao raised her hand and beat Shu Nanxun, her phoenix eyes were stained with a thin layer of sullenness.

"Brother, don't make trouble with him." Shu Yao lowered her voice.

Shu Nan Xun grasped Shu Yao's wrist, and exchanged in a low voice, "Before you get married, your arm is turned away?"

"No." Shu Yao raised her eyebrows and left in front of him.

As soon as Shu Yao left, the man behind him wrapped his arms around Shu Yao tightly as if swearing possession.

If it was someone else, Shu Yao might do it, but he is different.

He has no sense of security, it's all because Shu Yao didn't know people well before.

"You didn't ask me to come here to see your affection." Shu Nanxun twitched the corner of his mouth.

These two people are really, all the way, working hand in hand.

His lovely sister--

Under Qin Jiuxiao's connivance, she became uncute at all.

"Brother, I want to talk about your illness..."

"I'm fine, I'm taking my medicine."

Shu Nanxun directly interrupted Shu Yao's words, he raised his glasses calmly, the eyes behind the lenses were calm and composed, not as if they were fake.

Seeing that Shu Yao seemed to be reluctant, Shu Nanxun took out a document before Shu Yao could speak.

He pushed in front of Shu Yao, and asked mysteriously, "Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news."

"Good news." Shu Yao knew that Shu Nanxun would not speak properly if things were not going her way.

Shu Nanxun pushed forward a little more, and said in a gentle voice, "Open it and have a look."

Shu Yao hesitated and picked up the file on the desktop, and the moment she opened it, her eyes were fixed on the end of the file.

"As you can see, we are what the Ross family has been looking for—"

"Really, Orphans."

Shu Nanxun began to talk while Shu Yao was watching, there was no joy in his eyes, and he spoke in a nonchalant tone.

Even though Shu Yao had expected it long ago, she still felt a ridiculous sense of fate.

If only sooner—

Before Shu Murou recognized their relatives, they met each other, maybe Shu Yao would have a different feeling, but now she can only be silent.

Seeing that Shu Yao was silent, Shu Nanxun continued.

"However, the bad news is that Shen Qingyun was shot and admitted to the hospital."

Hearing this, Shu Yao abruptly closed the folder and stood up abruptly.

She frowned slightly, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, but the injury isn't serious, it's just that he lost too much blood." Shu Nan Xun said in a nonchalant manner.

It sounds like whether Shen Qingyun is alive or dead, to Shu Nanxun, the life or death of this uncle is not important.

But Shu Yao couldn't do it, no matter what she said, she couldn't do it without fluctuation after knowing everything.


"Go and have a look." Qin Jiuxiao glanced at Shu Nanxun, and took Shu Yao's hand.

"What are you going to do? At most, it's just a relative in name."

Shu Nanxun's words stopped Shu Yao, she looked at Shu Nanxun, his eyes behind the lens were cold.

"Women's benevolence, what are you going to do?" Shu Nanxun snorted coldly.

Shu Yao tightened her hand, and her slightly sharp nails pierced her palm, she was struggling.

At this moment, Qin Jiuxiao squeezed her palm, and said warmly, "Go if you want, is it important what other people say?"

Go and see Shen Qingyun, go and see him.

Qin Jiuxiao's voice was like her guiding light, guiding her, and she spoke again.

"Go if you want, there are not so many things in this world that can be explained clearly with reason."

This was Shu Yao's first reaction after learning about Shen Qingyun's accident, of course she wanted to go.

Go if you want, Qin Jiuxiao is right, don't let yourself regret living in other people's words.

She staggered away from Shu Nanxun's figure and ran into the night.

After the manor was completely quiet, Shu Nanxun let out a long sigh and leaned on the soft sofa.

He touched the needle where he transfused Shen Qingyun's blood not long ago, and couldn't help but smile.

"We really deserve to be brothers and sisters, we do the same things."

Simply, duplicity.


Country S, Qin family's private hospital.

"who are you?"

A person suddenly appeared in front of her, waking Aisa up, and she looked at him vigilantly.

But after seeing the man's attire clearly, Aisa relaxed his vigilance. The man came in a white coat, a doctor's attire, and a work badge.

Probably the doctor who came round at night.

"I'm a ward patrol, and I don't call anyone when the medicine is almost gone. How do you take care of the patients?" The strange doctor scolded.

Aisa took a look, and sure enough, the hanging medicine bottle was about to run out.

"Sorry, sorry, I fell asleep."

She fell asleep, but fortunately the doctor came to make an inspection.

The strange doctor turned around, dipped alcohol in a cotton swab, and smeared it on another bottle of medicine, preparing to change the needle water.

Aisa felt that she was really unconscious, "I'm going to wash my face."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left the hospital bed, and went to the bathroom in the ward.

Seeing the light in the bathroom come on and the sound of running water, the doctor paused and his eyes changed color.

He put his hand into the side pocket of the white coat, and the corners of his lips under the mask slightly raised.

Immediately afterwards, the doctor took out a long and thin needle tube, the needle mouth was still glowing with silver light.

"It's so stupid." The doctor smiled and injected the tube of injection into the infusion solution, and then replaced the empty bottle.

It looks like everything works fine.

"Is it here?"


But at this moment, there were hurried footsteps and conversations outside the door. The doctor felt something was wrong and left immediately.

When Shu Yao rushed over, she was taken aback when she came in.

Aisa was also stunned, and hurriedly shouted, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Hush." ​​Shen Qingyun turned pale and shook his head at Aisa, "Don't make noise."

Aisa immediately shut up, she was as shocked as Shu Yao, not knowing why.

She just washed her face and came out, and when she came out, she saw Shen Qingyun pulling out the infusion tube almost at the same time as Shu Yao!
After pulling it out, Shen Qingyun sealed the needle port familiarly, and then smiled softly at Shu Yao.

He said, "Miss Shu, why are you here?"

"What are you doing?" Shu Yao stepped forward slowly and asked in surprise.

Shen Qingyun somehow pulled out the infusion tube by himself, it was something that saved his life, and he pulled out the tube without sleeping in the middle of the night.

No matter who it is, seeing this scene feels unbelievable.

Qin Jiuxiao was the only one in the audience who was calm. He walked up to the potion that was still hanging, and raised his hand to wipe the seal.

Qin Jiuxiao lowered his head and sniffed carefully——

There are two strong contrasting smells of medicine on it.

(End of this chapter)

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