Chapter 470 The Second Personality
Shu Nanxun's second personality has no rationality at all, and often wants to conquer the main personality and control the body.

It's just fortunate that the main personality's will is strong enough not to be taken over by the second personality, but occasionally it gets out of control because of some things.

And the second personality, who is always peeking at this body, will occupy the dominance of the body whenever the main personality loses control.

"So, don't worry about anything going wrong." Qin Jiuxiao showed some sarcasm in his eyes, and raised his hand to stroke Shu Yao's black hair.

The man's big hands were warm and extremely powerful.

Ayang still looked at Shu Yao motionless, staring at Shu Yao, feeling very strange.

Sister Lin Lang didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and didn't resist at all?
He thought that because he wasn't strong enough or capable enough, sister Linlang looked down on him.

but in fact……

She seems uncomfortable, she is not completely strong and cold, she is divided.

Shu Yao felt relieved, and said again, "Ah Yang, that is my very important person."

"I, I see, come with me."

Ayang pulled himself together and walked out of the hut first.


"Speak or not?"

The big man picked up Shu Nanxun who was on the ground, and watched the man gasping weakly, showing no mercy in his hands, and his strength was very brutal.

Shu Nan Xun coughed and panted twice, but he still shook his head, "I don't know."

"I don't know? Stop pretending!" The big man threw Shu Nanxun heavily on the ground again.

Shu Nanxun was thrown on the ground, his body slammed into the ground, and he groaned in pain.

He slowly curled up, looking at the big man with disdain, a big man who is so invulnerable, he looks like a rabbit.

"Serve him well, don't stop if you don't talk!"

The big man directed the other subordinates around him, turned around and left the room.

The others gradually approached, and Shu Nanxun sensed that those people were not kind, trembling and panting, he unconsciously pressed the things in his heart tightly.

He glanced out of the window from the corner of his eye, the moon was heavy, at this moment——

I'm going to take medicine.

"What does he seem to be hiding?"

"Let me see?"

"Where! He won't give it to us, grab it!"

Someone with sharp eyes noticed that Shu Nanxun seemed to be hiding something, they became interested and suppressed Shu Nanxun all by themselves.

The others took advantage of this opportunity to reach out and feel for the place Shu Nanxun had pressed just now.

Shu Nanxun watched them take away the medicine, his pupils shrank slightly, "No..."

"What kind of medicine is this?" The person who snatched the medicine looked at the instructions, confused.

The medicine is all in English, the man can't understand what the medicine is, but he just thinks that Shu Nanxun seems to care a lot.

If you care so much, it must be a life-saving medicine!
The man was foolishly playing with Shu Nanxun's medicine bottle, and squatted down in front of Shu Nanxun.

"How about this, if you give us the things, how about we return the medicine to you?"

Shu Nanxun looked at the man, showing an inexplicable smile, "If you don't return it to me, you will be at your own risk."

"What?" The man turned cold.

Shu Nan Xun closed his eyes as if giving up, he was a little sleepy, and had exhausted too much energy this day.

"I'm just telling you the truth, if you don't return it to me, you will bear the consequences."

The man thought it was ridiculous, and suddenly raised his hand to hold Shu Nanxun's neck.

Give this person some pain!
"Recognize your identity! You are tied up by us now, how dare you say such arrogant words?"

Shu Nanxun didn't struggle, but said calmly, "A normal person will go into shock after three to five minutes of pinching."

He was so rational that he didn't look like a normal person. The man suddenly felt a little scared.

But the other accomplices are still here, the man wants to save face, he is not willing to show weakness easily, watching Shu Nanxun's face turning pale little by little due to lack of oxygen.

The man did not feel the pleasure of revenge, but a kind of fear.


"Ah, ahem! Use more force!"

Shu Nanxun was still able to speak intermittently, which proved that the man did not use too much strength at all.

Instead, he commanded the man, Shu Nanxun like this made the others feel a little scared, and no one dared to suppress him.

"Grass, it's weird."

"He must be sick. How can anyone really want to die?"

"It's terrible, call the boss back."

The others were discussing one after another, looking at the man who was still pinching Shu Nanxun.

Now that everyone else said that, the man just had an excuse to let go, but as soon as he let go, Shu Nanxun immediately coughed.

Shu Nan Xunke's tears were about to come out, but after panting, he couldn't stop laughing, "Hahaha..."

"Damn!" The man felt that he was being laughed at.

The man directly picked up the medicine that he had just taken away, and unscrewed the jar.

"Hey, watch you bastard!" The man asked Shu Nanxun to watch.

Shu Nanxun had no one to press it, and he didn't stop him, just staring at the medicine bottle——

Immediately, the man proudly poured all the medicine bottles on the ground.

"You're so arrogant!" The man crushed the spilled pills with his feet and crushed them into powder.

It’s over.

There was really nothing left. Shu Nanxun was amused in his heart, but he didn't stop him again. These people couldn't see the coffin without crying.

The things in front of Shu Nanxun's eyes began to gradually become blurred, flickering, and there was something in his heart that was ready to come out.

"Is it too exciting?"

Seeing Shu Nanxun like this, the man stepped forward proudly.

Shu Nanxun didn't seem to be supported by anyone, and his whole body was in a very bad state. His body was on the verge of falling, shaking from side to side.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" The man suddenly panicked.

Could it be that the person died before the item was obtained?

Others panicked too, and some took advantage of the fact that the man didn't care, and went out to find the boss.

Although Shu Nanxun's consciousness has gradually become blurred, he can still distinguish the current situation, but he is too tired.

Since these idiots don't listen...

Then go with them.


Shu Nanxun closed his eyes, allowing his consciousness to be completely silent in the darkness, and his body fell sideways.

He made it so suddenly that it frightened the others.

Boss He had ordered that you must get that thing, and don't think about it if you can't get it. Now that this person is dead, where can I find that thing.

"It's all your fault! Why are you so scary?"

"Could it be that this doctor has a heart attack, grass, what are you trying to do?"

"What should I do if I can't find the dead thing? How can I explain to Boss He?"

For a while they were in a mess, complaining to each other.

Not long after, the big man was their boss, and he went back and forth. Seeing this step, he was much calmer than the group of brats.

The boss came to Shu Nanxun and squatted down, raised his hand to check Shu Nanxun's breath.

"Damn, what are you panicking about?"

The person is not dead, Shu Nanxun is still angry, the boss is almost scared to death by these bastards.

While the boss breathed a sigh of relief, he was about to take his hand away.

"and many more--"

Suddenly, a hand grabbed the boss's wrist with a slap, and the strength was so strong that the boss felt like a jack had fallen.

The boss lowered his head, only to find that Shu Nanxun opened his eyes, which were full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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