Chapter 471 Sharing a Body

The four eyes met, and it seemed that even the air was quiet for a while.

Shu Nan raised his lips, and looked around at the people around him, all the people he locked in couldn't help but shrank their necks.

"Let go!" The boss was about to take his hand away.

But Shu Nanxun's hands were like pliers, fixed on the boss's wrist motionlessly, pinching tightly.

Immediately afterwards, before everyone could react, the boss was dragged violently by Shu Nanxun, and he was almost at ease on the ground.

The boss subconsciously wanted to struggle to get up, but Shu Nanxun quickly got up and locked the boss's arm behind his back.

"What are you looking at, help me!"

The eldest, a strong man, was pressed to the ground by a doctor who looked thin and unable to move.

A bloodthirsty and icy smile rose slightly on Shu Nanxun's lips, looking at the boss flopping on the ground like a fish on a chopping board.


He directly pulled back, clasping the boss's arm backwards, and the only sound of bone cracking was heard in the empty room.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

The boss suffered from the pain, and broke out an amazing instinct, directly throwing Shu Nanxun off his body, covering his deformed arm in pain and screaming.

Everyone was shocked, and only belatedly stepped forward to help.

Shu Nanxun was overturned and fell to the ground, and the group of people flocked to him, holding knives, guns and sticks.

But he didn't have the slightest fear, holding the dagger that just slipped over from the boss in his hand, he swiped in the air!
In the chaos, it was unknown who was stabbed, and the blood spattered in an instant, splashing Shu Nanxun's face, and someone in the crowd who came up suddenly fell down.

The others hurriedly retreated, looking at the one who fell in front of them.

"Does it hurt?" Shu Nanxun licked the blood splattered on Dao's face, and squatted down.

The injured man was the tall, thin man who snatched Shu Nan Xun Yao just now. He tremblingly covered his bleeding neck and stepped back.

However, Shu Nanxun stepped on the man's ankle bone.

Shu Nan Xun smiled rebelliously, "Speak, I'm asking you something."

Even though they were the same person, the tall and thin man could clearly feel the change in Shu Nanxun's aura.

this person--

It's like a lunatic. The previous Shu Nanxun still had reason at all, but this is a lunatic at all.

"It hurts, it hurts!" The tall and thin man had no choice but to answer.

Shu Nan raised his lips and nodded, "I was in pain just now, did you feel good when you hit me?"

The tall and thin man shook his head subconsciously, trembling, "I, we are also entrusted by others."

"Who?" Shu Nanxun bent down, admiring the man's painful expression up close.

The man was approached, and the blood rushed over, and the disgusted man almost retched.

Just as he was about to speak, Shu Nanxun suddenly raised his hand, pressed down on the man's neck, and tightened it a little bit like he did just now.

"Did you treat me like this just now?"

Seeing that the tall and thin man was in pain, Shu Nanxun smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"To test you, how long does it take for a normal person to go into shock?"

"Forget it, for the sake of being the benefactor who let me out, I'll give you a good time."

The thin and tall man's hand covering his neck gradually loosened, struggling a few times, and seemed to stop.

Seeing this, Shu Nan Xun let go of his hand boredly, and he wiped the blood on the man's body in distaste, and stood up.

"Let me see, who's next?"

Looking at the trembling crowd all around, Shu Nanxun took off his glasses that were in the way, and slowly stepped forward to approach them.


After an unknown amount of time, a group of people who did not know whether they were dead or alive lay beside him.

Only the boss was still on the ground like a dog, he looked at Shu Nanxun tremblingly, and looked at the empty medicine bottle.

How did he forget!

Forgot, Boss He told Shu Nan Xun to be sick, so don't let him get sick.

But the boss didn't take it seriously at all. How dangerous is it for a doctor and a boy with a sickness?
Now the boss knows that he was wrong, a big mistake.

Seeing that the boss was still distracted, Shu Nan Xun stepped on the boss's hand condescendingly.

He was crushed, and asked casually, "Let me ask again, who is Boss He?"

"I, I—" The boss held back, but still refused to speak.

Anyway, he was dead anyway, and Boss He would definitely not let him go if he said it, so the boss simply refused to say anything.

Seeing this, Shu Nanxun seemed a little unhappy.

He went to his bag next to him, rummaged through and found a small bag of surgical kits.

"Since the mouth is not used for talking, then...hehehe..."

Shu Nanxun returned to the boss's side with the surgical bag in hand. He was very happy when he saw the coldly shining scalpel in the surgical bag.

"Then sew it on."

As soon as the boss heard this, he immediately recruited, "I said, I said you don't want to do anything!"

Seeing this, Shu Nan Xun sneered and threw the surgical kit away.

In fact, he doesn't know how to operate at all. Only the protagonist can do this thing, that guy who can only study hard.

They have a body together, they have the same memory, but they will be completely different.

"He, Boss He, his name is He Yunzhou."

Hearing this, a face flashed in Shu Nanxun's mind.

It turned out to be him, the dean of Yecheng No. [-] Hospital, the so-called young talent.

"Oh, it's him." Shu Nanxun nodded indifferently.

The boss nodded like a pounding garlic, and tentatively asked the lunatic, "Then can I..."


Shu Nan Xun Chu stretched out his hand calmly, and pressed it on the boss's neck, ready to end everything tonight.

"Da da da--!"

Suddenly, both the boss and Shu Nanxun heard eager footsteps approaching at the same time.

The boss seems to have seen hope, and he is probably Boss He's person.

"elder brother!"

But the person who came was none other than Shu Yao and the others.

"Wow wow wow!" A Yang saw this scene and sat down on the ground in fright.

The boss saw Ayang, but didn't know Shu Yao and the others. He thought it was Ayang who called them, but he didn't hear Shu Yao's words clearly.

The boss thought it was Ah Yang who came to rescue him, so he hurriedly said, "Hurry up—!"

Unexpectedly, Ah Yang ignored the boss, turned his head and ran away in fright after bringing him over.

"It's late, Qin Jiuxiao, I'll save you a lot of work when it's over." Shu Nanxun seemed not to hear, and said directly to Qin Jiuxiao.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were indifferent, and he glanced roughly, "Not bad."

"Of course, do you think I'm that trash?" Shu Nanxun raised his eyebrows proudly.

As he said that, Shu Nanxun, who was very confident and calm, turned away from the boss without saying a word, and he immediately wanted to escape from here.

"Nothing, I'm leaving."

Shu Yao hurriedly grabbed the person who was trying to escape, "Brother!"

Shu Nanxun froze for a moment, then stopped in his tracks.

younger sister……

It was their sister, the sister they had been protecting all along, her hands were soft and warm.

"Hmm, ummm." Shu Nanxun replied vaguely with his eyes flickering.

This is not the original Shu Nan Xun, Shu Yao can tell that this Shu Nan Xun is more outgoing and hearty than the previous one.

However, he is also less calm than the previous Shu Nanxun, and he can be seen through at a glance.

As Shu Nanxun said, he wanted to take his hand away, "I have nothing to do, don't worry."

"Brother, you are..."

Shu Yao was unwilling to let go of her hand, she glanced at Qin Jiuxiao, and opened her mouth only after she got an affirmative answer.

"Are you brother's second personality?"

(End of this chapter)

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