Chapter 472 Stimulated!

Hearing this, the color of Shu Nan's Xun's eyes changed, and his unnatural hands on both sides tightened tightly, and finally loosened again.

Shu Nanxun glanced at Qin Jiuxiao and asked, "She knows everything?"

"Yes, she knows all about it."

After getting Qin Jiuxiao's affirmative answer, Shu Nanxun's whole body stiffened. When Shu Yao took a step forward, he took a step back.

Looking at Shu Yao, Shu Nanxun looked very stiff and unfamiliar.

It's not at all like the sharp-tongued elder brother in the past, he is obviously the same person, but now Shu Nanxun looks very disturbed.

He completely lost the violence that A Yanggang saw all over his body when he saw it. Instead, he was like a beast that met its master and suddenly became obedient.

Seeing this, Shu Yao felt confused, "Brother? Don't you know me?"

"I know." Shu Nanxun nodded unnaturally.

Seeing the blood spilling from the wound on Shu Nanxun's face, Shu Yao couldn't help but take a step forward, wanting to raise her hand to wipe it off.

But when Shu Nanxun saw Shu Yao approaching, he frowned, subconsciously waved his hand and opened it!
"Don't touch me!" Shu Nanxun stepped back and shouted angrily.

A trace of injury flashed across Shu Yao's eyes, "Brother, you are bleeding."

"It's okay." Shu Nanxun wiped his face indiscriminately, not caring.

At this moment, everyone didn't notice that the boss who was dying just now quietly got up and touched something on his waist.

A Yang who was stunned at the side discovered this first, but it was already too late by this time.

In the empty room, there was the sound of the trigger being pulled!

Shu Yao reacted quickly, and subconsciously threw herself in front of Shu Nanxun.


After a gunshot, Shu Nanxun felt a wave of wetness seeping through his clothes, he was in a daze for a moment, and quickly reacted.

"Get out of the way." Qin Jiuxiao broke Shu Nanxun away and said coldly.

Shu Nan Xun Mingming is a doctor, but he doesn't know how to do first aid at all, so he can only cover Shu Yao's wound indiscriminately.

Shu Yao's eyes turned red for a moment, and she cried out weakly, "It hurts..."

Fortunately, the shot went wrong and hit Shu Yao's body, only hitting her arm.

But under the severe pain, Shu Yao still couldn't hold back, shed tears in a hopeless way, and couldn't help but grab Qin Jiuxiao because of the pain.

"Brother Jiu, it hurts, it hurts so much..." She panted.

It hurts.

Shu Yao's eyes went black for a while, but she saw Shu Nanxun standing up suddenly.

"Okay, okay, if you want to die, I will help you!" Shu Nanxun's voice was hoarse and ugly like a ghost crawling out of hell.

What is he going to do?
"elder brother--"

"Shu Yao, don't look."

Qin Jiuxiao's hand suddenly covered Shu Yao's eyes, she was stunned for a moment, and only heard the sound of a heavy object falling from the building.

Immediately afterwards, the empty room fell completely silent.

Shu Yao felt that the voices around her were far away, and when she took her hand away again, the boss had disappeared.

There was only Shu Nanxun's figure standing on the edge of the balcony. The wind blew his baggy clothes up, and it seemed that the wind would blow them away.

he looks like this -

Under the mixed pain, Shu Yao's mind was in a mess, as if she saw Shu Nanxun in her previous life.

She looked at Shu Nanxun downstairs, and watched Shu Nanxun fall from the tall building.

He hit the ground, dripping with blood, and finally died before the ambulance came.

"No, no, no..." Shu Yao kept shaking her head.

With the flash of the previous life images, Shu Yao's eyes began to turn black, and her headache was splitting.

The severe pain was mixed with the tragedy of the previous life, Shu Yao was so uncomfortable that she was about to suffocate, she struggled to hug Qin Jiuxiao tightly.



At last……

Under heavy stimulation, Shu Yao let go of her hand and passed out completely.


Shu Yao, who passed out, suddenly seemed to have returned to her childhood, and something gradually became clear in her mind.

She heard the person in front of her, so familiar, yet a little strange.

"I'm leaving." The boy's voice was cold and forceful, irresistible.

Shu Yao felt that she stepped forward and grabbed the little boy's hand, no, this is——

This is her when she was a child, the chubby, innocent and carefree little dumpling when she was a child.

Xiaotuanzi begged, "Why, brother Jiu? Then are you coming back?"


The little boy hesitated for a moment. If he promised and couldn't keep it, wouldn't it make the little dumpling even more sad.

So the boy shook his head, and said indifferently, "I won't be coming back."

"Brother Jiu, a big liar, you are a big liar, you clearly agreed, woo woo woo..."

Xiaotuanzi couldn't accept this fact, so she sat down on the ground and started crying.

The boy knelt down and wanted to help Xiaotuanzi wipe away his tears, but being nice to Xiaotuanzi now would only leave her nostalgia.

What if he doesn't come back?

It would be better to let Shu Yao directly hate him and forget about him.

The boy stopped his attempts to comfort her, "Goodbye."

"No!" Xiaotuanzi struggled to get up, trying to hold the boy.

The boy got into the back seat of the car, and the bodyguard behind him also got in. Xiao Tuanzi stretched out his hand to block the door.


As soon as the car door was closed, Xiaotuanzi's hand was clamped hard before he could retract it.

"Wow!" Xiaotuanzi yelled in pain.

The boy was terrified when he saw this, and hurriedly pushed the bodyguard away from the car, "Yaoyao, Yaoyao, are you okay?"

Xiaotuanzi's hand suddenly swelled up, turning blue and purple, which shows how hard it was pinched.

"Don't go, Brother Nine, don't go." Xiaotuanzi clung to the boy's arms without caring about his own hands.

She was small and chubby, and the boy in her arms staggered.

The boy blinked slowly and looked at Xiaotuanzi's eyes that were red from crying, and there was a bit of sourness in his heart.

He has grown so big, Shu Yao is the only one who really needs him and cannot do without him.

"You said it before, brother Jiu, you said that you want to grow up with me, protect me, and take care of me."

"You can't count your words..."

Seeing that the boy didn't open his mouth, Xiaotuanzi took advantage of the boy's pity for himself, and was even more unwilling to let go.

She analyzed it seriously with Qin Jiuxiao, and tried all the benefits she could think of to make Qin Jiuxiao stay.

"The big deal is that I don't want brother Jiu to take care of you anymore, I will take care of you, I will protect you, I..."

"Jiu Ge doesn't have a home, so I can give Jiu Ge a home."

Hearing this, the boy froze slightly.

This little idiot doesn't even know what he's talking about!
"Master, it's going to rain, you should get back to the car." Seeing that the boy hadn't come up, the driver of the car urged.

The boy knew that he must go.

If he doesn't leave, he won't be able to fulfill his promise to protect Shu Yao, because he is too weak now.

Who is Shu Yao?
Shu Yao is the daughter of the Shu family in Yecheng, if he doesn't go back, he is just a nobody.

not to mention……

His mother has been alone for so long, he can't be so selfish not to go back to Qin's house.

The boy gritted his teeth, opened Xiaotuanzi's red and swollen hand, and pushed Xiaotuanzi away without saying a word.

This time, the boy didn't look back and didn't hesitate any more, he left quickly and slammed the car door.

Xiaotuanzi was pushed and sat on the ground, stunned for a long time.

How could Brother Jiu be so cruel?
"do not want!"

The rain didn't know when it came out, she cried and chased the starting car, eating a mouth full of rainwater.

Until the car disappeared a little bit, she still struggled and cried for the car, but the car disappeared into the rain and was never seen again.

(End of this chapter)

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