Chapter 473 Restoring memory
Seeing the car drifting away, Xiaotuanzi gradually lowered his hand, bit his lower lip in aggrieved, crying so hard that he couldn't breathe.

big liar!
big bad guy!
Ninth brother is a big liar, she will never like her again.

Xiaotuanzi was hugged in the arms of the grandpa housekeeper who rushed over in a daze. The grandpa housekeeper touched Xiaotuanzi's forehead and was shocked.

"Miss, oh my miss, you have such a headache and so hot?"

The housekeeper's grandfather hurriedly took Xiaotuanzi home, and a professional doctor at home diagnosed Xiaotuanzi, who had a fever.

However, the little guy was unsteady when he had a fever, Xiaotuanzi couldn't stop crying, and refused to let the doctor give him an injection.

"I don't want it, I want Brother Nine, I want Brother Nine—!"

As soon as Xiaotuanzi cried, he struggled vigorously, and the blood in the needle began to flow back.

"Miss, can you be more obedient?"

"Oh, oh, Yaoyao."

"Yaoyao's father is here, can you be obedient?"

For a while, the whole family panicked over Xiaotuanzi.

Xiaotuanzi struggled like this for a long time, and finally fell asleep from exhaustion, so the doctor could start to do it.

But half a day had passed by this time, and when the fever subsided and woke up, everyone was afraid that Xiaotuanzi would run out to find someone again.

It's just surprising——

She woke up, but she seemed to have forgotten all of this.

Xiaotuanzi giggled, tilted his head in confusion, pure and innocent.

"Dad, why do I have a fever?"

She forgot.

I completely forgot, since then there is no memory of Brother Nine again...

Do not!
Don't forget him!

"No, I don't want—!"

Shu Yao suddenly woke up from the bed, gasping for breath like a dehydrated fish, covered in cold sweat.

She remembered, she remembered everything, everything about the past.

Those broken memories are like reading other people's stories, but they don't know that she is the real protagonist.

Shu Yao looked around, the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant, she was also wearing a hospital gown, she looked around.

There was only a 'click' by the door, the sound of the doorknob being turned.

"Yaoyao, wake up..." It was Qin Jiuxiao.

He walked quickly to Shu Yao's side, but Shu Yao suddenly reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Qin Jiuxiao was startled, and squatted down to look at Shu Yao's red eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Ninth Brother..."

"I remember it all."

Hearing this, Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes were coated with disbelief.

He stared at Shu Yao fixedly, trying to take Shu Yao's demeanor into his eyes without moving.

After all, Shu Yao tried to deceive him about recovering his memory before, his first reaction was just to think that Shu Yao was...

Shu Yao raised her uninjured hand and caressed Qin Jiuxiao's face, "Brother Jiu, why did you treat me so badly?"

She remembered!
"You..." Qin Jiuxiao's eternally silent mask finally had a crack, and he said hesitantly.

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao like this, Shu Yao was angry and wanted to make trouble, "Why did you treat me so badly back then!"

If Qin Jiuxiao was so cruel back then, how could Shu Yao have forgotten that past.

Even if Qin Jiuxiao can't come back, she is willing to wait for Qin Jiuxiao for ten years, 20 years, or 30 years...

Why did he make his own claim in the first place!
"I, I forgot about you, because you treated me so badly." Shu Yao tremblingly said with her eyes red.

Qin Jiuxiao pursed his lips slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry."

Shu Yao pulled the corners of her lips, looked at Qin Jiuxiao, the water in her eyes moved slightly, and she quietly moved closer.

The kiss fell on the corner of the man's eyes like a superficial kiss, there was no desire but only a slow love and obsession.

For a while, the ward was silent.

It was rare for Qin Jiuxiao to be touched by such a sudden kiss, his expression changed slightly, and the roots of his ears turned red quietly.

Shu Yao said seriously, "Don't say I'm sorry, you can only say you love me from now on."

"Okay." Qin Jiuxiao replied softly.

the end.

Shu Yao belatedly felt that her hand hurt so badly, she just couldn't care about it when she was immersed in emotions, but now she realizes that it hurts.

She gasped in pain, her eyes narrowed unconsciously, just like a cat.

"Why is it so painful, how can I attend Shu Murou's wedding tomorrow." Shu Yao bared her teeth in pain.

Qin Jiuxiao was startled, and frowned in disapproval, "Since you're injured..."

"Brother Jiu, no matter what you say, I still have to go." Shu Yao interrupted Qin Jiuxiao and said bluntly.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yao's reaction was like this. Qin Jiuxiao was taken aback for a moment at first, but then came back to his senses.

When she thought about it, she lost a little of her previous politeness and caution.

Qin Jiuxiao sighed helplessly, "Okay."

the end.

He asked softly again, "Do you want me to help?"

Qin Jiuxiao said that the clouds are light and the wind is light, which is very light. You must know that a random help from Lord Qin Jiuye in Yecheng is hard to buy.


She doesn't want to.

"I want to finish all this with my own hands." Shu Yao shook her head, denying this suggestion.

In this life, it doesn't matter whether it's family, lover, or her career.

All of these, she is bound to get.


On the second day, Los Manor.

Ross Manor has been busy since the dawn of dawn, and everyone in the manor knows that today is Shu Murou's wedding.

It was the wedding of Shu Murou, an orphan who was highly valued by the Patriarch of the Ross family and who could be hailed as the jewel in his palm.

Such an identity is doomed to a grand and luxurious wedding.

The servants of the manor have been busy since early in the morning, including Cofilo, who is the head of the house.

Shu Murou came to Kofilo's bedroom early to say hello, "Auntie, good morning."

"Good morning, my child." Cofilo smiled softly as she stood up from the vanity mirror.

Shu Murou immediately fixed her gaze on the dazzling jewelry on Kefilo's chest, a blood-red dazzling pendant.

The pendant is dainty and small, yet it's not hard to see its luster value.

If I remember correctly, this pendant is a symbol of the honor of the Mistress of the Ross family, and it is really beautiful.

Shu Murou's complexion changed, and she stepped forward to hold Cofilo's hand gracefully, "Auntie, I'm sorry before, I really didn't mean it."

"It's okay, today is your important day, so there's no need to talk about it." Cofilo shook his head and said softly.

Shu Murou's eyes kept locking on the pendant, she thought that none of the jewelry she chose was as beautiful as Kefilo's.

Looking at it, Shu Murou was fascinated, she is living a very stable life now.

Shu Yawen disappeared and didn't come to harass her again. Fu Jingzhen was about to become her husband.

So, Shu Murou's brain became hot, and she said, "Auntie, your pendant is so beautiful, can you lend me to wear it today?"

"This..." Cofilo's eyes turned, and there was a smile on his lips, which did not mean to be offended, "Of course."

She took it off and put it on Shu Murou's neck.

Shu Murou was very happy, she didn't expect Kefilo to agree to him so easily, just when Shu Murou was happy.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Shen Qingyun who was picked up from the hospital to attend her wedding.

Seeing this, the smile on Shu Murou's lips froze.

Isn't this being caught right?
(End of this chapter)

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