After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 474 I wish you a happy new year

Chapter 474 I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years

Shen Qingyun's eyes fell on the pendant in Shu Murou's hand, and his eyes changed.

"Murou, why are you speechless when you see uncle?" Kefilo stepped forward at this moment, smiling.

Shu Murou took the pendant and took it off in a panic, feeling a guilty conscience.


"Didn't you just say you like your aunt's pendant?"

Kefilo gently pressed Shu Murou's shoulder, looking so gentle and understanding.

Shen Qingyun's voice was low and cold, "Mu Rou, is that so?"

"Yes, that's the case, but what my aunt gave me is not what I insist on." Shu Murou was terrified at the sight of those eyes.

She didn't want Shen Qingyun to misunderstand herself, she wanted to get all of Shen Qingyun's favor.

Only in this way can she do whatever she wants in the Ross family.

Cofilo said leisurely at this time, "You have already spoken, can I not give it to you?"

"Mu Rou, return it to Auntie." Although Shen Qingyun was not angry, his tone was indifferent.

What's the point of Shu Murou, now all the honors in her body are given by Shen Qingyun, and she immediately took off the pendant.

She didn't dare to neglect, and returned it to Cofilo with both hands.

Shen Qingyun's face softened a little, and he said, "Okay, I'll entertain the guests first."

That's all, Shen Qingyun left first.

And Shu Murou froze in place, clenched the handkerchief unhappily, almost going crazy with anger.

"Auntie, you're plotting against me on purpose!" Shu Murou turned around and looked at Kefilo.

It turned out that Cofilo was willing to give the pendant on purpose, knowing that Shen Qingyun was coming.

It was good this time, Shen Qingyun bumped into him, and his impression of her must have been reduced.

Saying that you don't mind or get angry is all deceitful and hypocritical!

Cofilo smiled indifferently, and said lightly, "Scheming? Each other."

"Auntie, what do you mean by that?" Shu Murou's face froze.

Cofilo still looks very kind and friendly, just like the gods in fairy tales who care for the world, always gentle and loving.

She approached Shu Murou gently, and her fingers picked up a strand of Shu Murou's hair, "You plotted against my child before, didn't you?"

"I didn't, I said I didn't do it on purpose." Shu Murou became anxious.

Kefiluo raised his lips, his eyes were indifferent, "I didn't do it on purpose, it's just that Qingyun happened to see it."

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Shu Murou was so blocked that she couldn't speak, the servants only listened to the contest between the two, and didn't dare to raise their heads.

Shu Murou was trembling with anger, and Kefilo patted her with concern.

"Fight with me, you're still young, little girl." Cofilo walked past Shu Murou arrogantly.

Cofilo had to go down with Shen Qingyun to entertain the guests, leaving Shu Murou alone.

Shu Murou kicked the door fiercely, her eyes turned red with anger.

She was just about to swear, when she spotted Fu Jingzhen walking towards her with sharp eyes, and quickly swallowed all the words that came to her lips.

"Mu Rou, why are you here?" Fu Jingzhen had a headache.

Shu Murou saw the man's displeasure, and said in a low voice, "I wanted to say hello to my aunt, but she, she doesn't seem to like me."

Otherwise, Shu Murou wouldn't be here alone now.

"However, brother Jing Zhen is in such a hurry, what happened?" Shu Murou asked again.

Seeing that Shu Murou was so anxious, Fu Jingzhen thought it was because of getting married today, so he didn't think much about it.

Therefore, seeing Shu Murou coming in such a hurry and being so considerate, Fu Jingzhen's heart was even softer.

"It's okay, my parents are here, let's go downstairs to pick them up."

Shu Murou took Fu Jingzhen's hand and went downstairs with him.

Going down the winding stairs, Fu Jingzhen and Shu Murou are like a pair made in heaven.

In addition, Shu Murou has a distinguished status and is the host of today's feast, so the eyes of all the guests are on Shu Murou.

They came to the door, ready to welcome Fu Fu and Fu Fu.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they came downstairs, they heard a commotion at the door.

"People from the Qin family are here!"

"Hey, didn't you say that the Qin family fell out with the Ross family?"

"Next to that is..."

"That elder sister who seems to be Shu Murou, why did she get mixed up with the Qin family?"

Everyone looked towards the door at the same time, and they were all amazed.

It was rare to see a man in a white suit. He was unparalleled in handsomeness, exuding an aura that should not be entered by strangers, dazzling like a god.

And beside him, Shu Yao wore a long white dress with a tube top exposed in front of her body, revealing a beautiful figure with plump collarbone.

As soon as the two stepped in, they attracted the attention of the audience. Their temperament seemed to be more like the protagonists of this wedding.

Shu Yao handed out the invitation, and turned to look at Shu Murou with a smile, "Why, you're not welcome?"

"You..." Shu Murou was stunned.

She didn't expect that Shu Yao would actually come.

But it's good to come here, let Shu Yao see that she, Shu Murou, lived such a happy life.

What Shu Yao has, Shu Murou also has, what Shu Yao doesn't have, she also has Shu Murou!

Fu Jingzhen was also slightly distracted, but after a short pause, he returned to normal, "Welcome."

"Bless you, a happy marriage for a hundred years." Shu Yao said generously.

Fu Jingzhen nodded slightly, looked at Shu Yao, and then at the man beside her, feeling as if she had passed away.

"Thank you." He almost squeezed the words out between his teeth.

A happy marriage for a hundred years.

These four words should be blessings, but Fu Jingzhen found it extremely ironic.

At this time.

Fu's father and Fu's mother also came to the door, just in time to meet Shu Yao.

"Why are you here too? You deserve it too?" Mother Fu immediately began to act strangely when she saw Shu Yao.

Father Fu frowned, it was because their family was sorry for Shu Yao.

"Okay, don't say a few words."

Mother Fu shut up immediately, not because of Father Fu's words, but because Mother Fu noticed Qin Jiuxiao's existence.

Shu Yao, who has always respected the elderly, was so presumptuous for the first time. She proudly said, "Whether I am worthy or not, you will know later."

"Okay, sister, mom, don't quarrel." Seeing this, Shu Murou hurried forward to smooth things over.

Seeing Shu Murou like this, Fu's father felt a little comforted. Fortunately, this daughter-in-law can be considered polite.

"Look how sensible Mu Rou is." Fu Mu gave Shu Murou a sidelong glance.

Mother Fu was not so warm before, holding Shu Murou's hand, those who didn't know thought Shu Murou was her own daughter.


Shu Murou knew that Fu's mother was just greedy for her current status, she used to look down on her status as the Second Miss of the Shu family.

Shu Murou was extremely disgusted, and pulled out her hand without any trace, "Okay, I have to prepare first."

That's all, Shu Murou signaled to Fu Jingzhen and left.

"Pfft." Seeing this scene, Shu Yao felt ridiculous.

Mother Fu was embarrassed when she saw that Shu Yao broke her, but she didn't want to admit it, so she pretended to be unintentional and straightened her hair with the hand that was thrown away.

"Why are you laughing, it's inexplicable!" Mother Fu snorted coldly.

Father Fu couldn't stand it anymore, shook his head again and again, felt ashamed and left straight away.

Seeing this, Mother Fu hurriedly followed, still angrily.

"What are you doing, old Fu, you should thank me. If I hadn't insisted on not marrying Shu Yao at the beginning, how could there be such a scene now?"

(End of this chapter)

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