After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 476 Call me uncle, you deserve it too?

Chapter 476 Call me uncle, you deserve it too?

Walking to the door, Shu Murou approached Shen Qingyun step by step, with infinite expectation and longing in his eyes.

She was on the verge of success, one step closer to something she had previously been out of reach.

The people around her are all focused on her because she is the princess of the Ross family.

She walked in front of Shen Qingyun, raised her hand and was about to put her hand on Shen Qingyun's palm, "Uncle..."

The words had already been spoken, but Shen Qingyun suddenly became very indifferent and unfamiliar.

The moment Shu Murou was about to put his hand on it, he withdrew his hand and put it behind his back.

"What does it mean?"

"Isn't it Shu Murou's wedding? The Patriarch's attitude is..."

"What are you doing? It looks like the owner is very angry."

Shu Murou didn't react either, and there were many small and trivial discussions in his ears.

She immediately blushed because of embarrassment, even Fu's father and mother outside the banquet hall did not react, why did Shen Qingyun do this.

But soon, Shen Qingyun gave the answer.

"What are you calling me?" Shen Qingyun asked arrogantly, even indifferently.

Shu Murou panicked for a moment, and looked at Shen Qingyun beggingly, she didn't know why Shen Qingyun wanted to make a fool of herself.

"Uncle, I call you uncle."

Obviously just before the preparations started, Shen Qingyun was still smiling and talking, even in the hospital before, she was still so kind to her.

If he was still angry about Cofilo, why did Shen Qingyun punish himself and embarrass himself so much?

Shu Murou wanted to ease the embarrassment, and immediately stepped forward to grab Shen Qingyun's hand, "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Qingyun saw her small movements, and Shen Qingyun asked her to pull her.

Shen Qingyun raised his lips and asked repeatedly, "What are you calling me?"

After being asked again, Shu Murou suddenly became a little scared, and her heart sank.


Shu Murou immediately found Shu Yao who was standing not far from Shen Qingyun in the crowd. She stood so close and was dressed so beautifully.

"Awesome." Seeing Shu Murou looking at her, Shu Yao made a silent lip motion to her.

Shu Murou pinched her palm violently, her hatred was about to overflow.

Shu Yao came here prepared, to see her jokes, no wonder she was so intimate with Shen Qingyun before the opening.

"Uncle, did someone say something about me?" Shu Murou whispered.

She doesn't want to be seen through by others, and today is her most important day.

Shen Qingyun...

Anyway, he can't be so cruel!
Shu Murou was about to burst into tears, "Uncle, don't be so afraid of me."

"what happened?"

Fu Jingzhen's voice sounded outside the door, Shu Murou looked at Fu Jingzhen pitifully as if she had a chance to breathe.

Fu Jingzhen came here after waiting outside for a long time, and saw this scene as soon as he came here.

what happened?

Even Fu Jingzhen was at a loss. It was obvious that Shen Qingyun doted on Shu Murou the most, and he always responded to Shu Murou and Shen Qingyun.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Fu Jingzhen protected Shu Murou as usual.

Shen Qingyun didn't answer, but suddenly laughed in a low voice, looked at Shu Murou, and bit by bit broke Shu Murou's hand that was holding her.

"You deserve to call me uncle?" he said coldly.

This tone is like a millennium ice, with a compelling chill.

In the past, Shen Qingyun loved Shu Murou because of Shu Murou's identity. Shen Qingyun has always restrained his aura.

Only now, it's different.

"Until the end, you won't admit it, will you?"

"Shu Murou, a fake is a fake, it will never become real."

Looking at Shu Murou's astonished eyes, Shen Qingyun said it mercilessly, so that everyone present could hear it clearly.

In an instant, the banquet hall became quiet and silent.

After reacting, a wave of discussion was set off, which was about to engulf Shu Murou.

"Can't the fake become the real?"

"No wonder the Patriarch is so angry..."

"Does this mean that the orphan is a fake?!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, let me just say, Shu Murou doesn't look like that adult's child at all."

At first those envious eyes turned away, only countless ridicules and contempt fell on Shu Murou.

Many people raised their hands and started pointing at Shu Murou.

Fu Jingzhen reacted in disbelief, "How is it possible?"

"Yeah, uncle, how is it possible, someone must have lied to you, right?" Shu Murou couldn't accept Shen Qingyun's words.

That's all, Shu Murou locked on to Shu Yao who was beside her.

Regardless of the heavy wedding dress she was wearing, she immediately went over and dragged Shu Yao out.

"Uncle, my sister must be jealous of me. Did my sister speak ill of me to you?"

Shu Yao was pulled out by him, stood in the middle of the crowd, and became the target of public criticism together.

Now, after Shu Murou said it, everyone knew that they were sisters.

Qin Jiuxiao saw Shu Murou's rough tugging, his brows became colder, "Get lost."

With just one word, he gently held Shu Murou's wrist, and Shu Murou felt that his wrist was about to be broken.

She immediately let go of the pain, and looked up with tears in her eyes, but bumped into Shen Qingyun's extremely indifferent eyes.

Both Qin Jiuxiao and Shen Qingyun stood in front of Shu Yao one by one.

At this time, Shu Yao said slowly, "I'm the one who spoke ill of you."

The idiot admitted it himself!
Shu Murou seemed to have grasped something, and said loudly, "Look, I already said that it was my sister who spoke ill of me."

"Shu Yao, you..." Fu Jingzhen also believed it.

Seeing this, Fu's mother thought she had spotted a good time.

She immediately jumped out and defended her future daughter-in-law. After all, this was related to her happiness for the rest of her life.

"Shu Yao, you are also an older sister, why are you so vicious, and you choose to speak ill of others at this time?"

"Aren't you just jealous that Jing Zhen doesn't love you? You actually want to ruin his wedding!"

Listening to these righteous words, it seems that what Fu's mother said is the truth.

Shu Yao couldn't help laughing, her eyes were cold and lifeless, "I'm vicious?"

Her gaze fell on Shu Murou's body, and that cold gaze made Shu Murou feel uneasy.

What is Shu Yao going to do again?
"As a sister, should I give you everything with both hands unconditionally?"

"Shu Murou."

Shu Yao's eyes were bright, and her words were cold, "I have a clear conscience, since you stepped into Shu's house, I have never treated you badly."

"You..." Shu Murou felt guilty.

As the person involved, of course she knows better than anyone who treats her best.

"what about you?"

"You robbed me of resources, robbed my boyfriend, robbed everything I had before, and tried to replace it—"

"Aren't you vicious? Is this villain me?"

Shu Yao's words were so precise that Shu Murou couldn't answer a single word.

Because, Shu Murou knew that Shu Yao was telling the truth better than anyone on the field.

Shu Murou's silence was like silent acquiescence, and there was a lot of discussion in the venue for a while, and the wedding turned into a farce.

Only then did Shu Murou react, and shook her head in denial, "No, that's not the case!"

"I'm vicious, you can do it, why can't I?" Shu Yao sneered, and silently clenched her hands.

Shu Yao waited for this day for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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