Chapter 477
"It's not what you said, you just use your mouth..."

Before Shu Murou finished speaking, Shu Yao took out a recorder as if by magic.

"Then you have to listen carefully to the recording of the day you and Aunt Cofilo came to the door."

The recorder is very small and exquisite, if it is hidden somewhere, it can't be seen at all, but Shu Yao moved her finger, and the green light flashed.

The recorder started broadcasting the conversation between Shu Yao and Shu Murou...

At first it was Shu Yao's voice, "What have you done?"

"As you can see." Shu Murou's voice sounded immediately.

Shu Yao pressed the pause button, but Shu Murou was completely frozen, she knew what she said that day.

It was that day that Kefilo and Shu Murou came to visit because of the wedding dress——

Before Shu Murou could think of a reason, Shu Murou's voice came out from the recorder again.

"It's because you and Master Jiu are blowing the pillow wind that I don't have a wedding dress to wear, so I come to the house with my aunt."

"I'm just not careful. If you weren't so small-minded, my aunt and I wouldn't have come here for this matter."

"In other words, if it wasn't for you, nothing would happen to my aunt!"

Every word Shu Murou said was calculated, so that everyone present could hear clearly.

Then, after a while of conversation, Shu Murou's determined voice sounded again.

"So what? But he's not here. I know he's out today. I checked it out."

That said!
It is absolutely certain that Shu Murou checked on purpose, and the doctor on duty that day did not have Shu Nanxun who could almost bring people back to life.

In this way, Shu Murou chose to start on the same day, and designed that Cofilo bumped into the child in his belly again!

"Why are you so vicious? Obviously, the head of the family raised her as a princess."

"It must be because she is afraid that the birth of the mistress' child will hinder her from obtaining benefits."

"Jealousy is really scary. No wonder you look so ugly. It turns out that it is born from the heart."

"If this young lady hadn't revealed it, I'm afraid I would have been kept a secret for a lifetime!"

Those people began to point and point at Shu Murou, but the recorder hadn't been turned off yet, and their conversation was continuously playing in a loop.

This sudden evidence nailed Shu Murou in place.

Kefilo, who was at the side, looked down. She guessed that Shu Murou deliberately harmed her child, but she didn't expect that she would be so shameless and dare to speak out.

It's a pity that he was too conceited and left the handle in the hands of others.

"I..." Shu Murou suddenly realized, but found that there was no way to refute.

This bitch, Shu Yao, is actually recording!

No wonder Shu Yao didn't follow after Cofilo's accident that day, just to trick her.

When did she become so smart, and when did Shu Murou become so careless?
Fu Jingzhen was shocked when he heard it, and turned around, "Mu Rou, are you so capable of such a thing?"

"I, I... I didn't." She said weakly.

Shu Murou couldn't find a reason to refute, so she could only repeat this sentence over and over again.

"Uncle, listen to my explanation, I didn't do it on purpose, it was Shu Yao..."

"Enough." Shen Qingyun interrupted Shu Murou.

Shu Murou stepped forward, wanting to hold Shen Qingyun's hand, because she knew that only Shen Qingyun could save herself at this time.

After the recording was played, everyone's eyes changed completely.


"Did you call uncle too?"

Shen Qingyun dodged Shu Murou indifferently, and then stretched out his hand to the person beside Shu Murou, "Come here, Yaoyao."


When Shu Murou heard such intimate words, she immediately froze.

She suddenly raised her head to look at Shu Yao beside her, and Shu Yao was also looking at Shu Murou, her phoenix eyes were proud and indifferent.

Facing Shu Murou's disbelieving gaze, he walked to Shen Qingyun's side step by step, and stood still in front of Shen Qingyun.

"I am here today to announce that this is the real orphan of my Ross family."

"Miss Shu, Shu Yao, and her brother, Shu Nanxun."

"They are the widows of the only female heir of the Ross family back then, and they are the only gift left by my sister."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Including Fu Jingzhen and his parents who were present, because Shen Qingyun didn't look like he was joking at all.

He chose this time to expose Shu Murou's identity and announce the real orphan.

This is completely deliberate, not like a little bit of deceit.

Shu Murou panicked, and said in a trembling voice, "Uncle, you misidentified the wrong person, it's me, not her!"

"Hey, what's going on here?" Mother Fu couldn't help but ask.

Shen Qingyun glanced at them lightly, "I did a DNA report, and it turns out that she is my child."

Isn't it just a report, Shu Murou spoke immediately.

"Uncle, I have it too. Didn't the one my aunt gave you verified..."

Shen Qingyun smiled slightly and asked, "Then do you dare to take off your hair on the spot and have it checked with me?"

"I..." Shu Murou was speechless.

Of course she didn't dare, because she knew she wasn't.

"Miss Shu, are you greedy enough to enjoy the privileges my Ross family has enjoyed these days?" Shen Qingyun asked.

Shu Murou looked at the unfamiliar Shen Qingyun, and retorted, "I, I didn't."

"Yeah, there must be some misunderstanding, isn't there?" Mother Fu also panicked and said quickly.

This is related to Fu's mother's happiness for the rest of her life, it can't be fake, if it's fake——

Then Mother Fu stopped Shu Yao back then, wouldn't she have become a joke!

Fu's mother quickly pushed and pulled Fu Jingzhen, "Speak quickly."

"What can I say? What did she do..." Fu Jingzhen was still shocked by the conversation on the recorder.

Once this is established...

Those ambiguous and refutable words back then were wrongly blamed on Shu Yao, were some of them calculated by Shu Murou?
He always thought that Shu Murou was as innocent and lovely as an angel.

"Brother Jing Zhen, these are all my sister's tricks on me, because I stole you away, she hates me!" Shu Murou quickly explained.

She tugged at Fu Jingzhen, afraid that even this only possession would be lost.

Fu Jingzhen remained silent, his eyes changed, "Say no more!"

Now that Shu Murou no longer has the identity of the Ross family, Mother Fu will not pester her anymore——

This means that Fu Jingzhen can choose to regret it.

"I'm not going to tie it anymore." Fu Jingzhen took off his tie and suit jacket.

Shu Murou is the one who does bad things, why should he bear these strange gazes together?

That's all, Fu Jingzhen didn't want to be the master of this farce anymore, so he left the banquet hall and walked out.

Seeing this, Shu Murou collapsed on the ground, and the snow-white wedding dress was spread all over the floor.

"Come on, pull it out, she has no right to step here again."

Shen Qingyun's indifferent instructions seemed to be looking at a stranger, not a person who had been with him day and night for several months.

Shu Murou was stunned, crying, still not wanting to recognize the truth, "No, no! Uncle, don't treat me like this!"

The servants in the manor pulled and dragged Shu Murou directly from the ground.

"Shu Yao! You bitch! You framed me on purpose!"

"Uncle, I'm the real one, I'm the one, she lied to you!"

Until being dragged away, Shu Murou still screamed unrepentantly, her voice was hoarse, and the snow-white wedding dress was stained with dirty dust.

She was thrown out of the manor like garbage, which is where she belongs.

But no one present felt that she was innocent, and no one felt sorry for her, because she deserved what she deserved!
(End of this chapter)

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