Chapter 489 Reunion?
Almost instantly, Shu Yao understood the emotion in those black eyes.

But soon, the man staggered his gaze, closed his eyes as if nothing had happened, and the deep emotion disappeared.

What was left was that Qin Jiuxiao, Brother Jiu who was extremely gentle to her and indulged her without any bottom line.

"What was I like before?" Qin Jiuxiao asked confusedly.

Qin Jiuxiao's voice was gentle and light, not at all the darkness that Shu Yao glimpsed just now, as if the emotion in his eyes just now was just an illusion.

But as the ninth master of Yecheng, the Qin family has been able to win over and control Yecheng for so long, of course Qin Jiuxiao cannot be really gentle.

From the very beginning, Shu Yao should have known that Qin Jiuxiao was a dangerous person.


Shu Yao's heart softened, and she answered seriously, "He is a very gentle person."

She doesn't mind a man's possession of her, and it's undeniable that she enjoys it now.

"Aren't I gentle now?" Qin Jiuxiao laughed, and suppressed the too naked possessiveness in his eyes.

Shu Yao curled her lips and whispered, "It's a little bit bad."

She lowered her eyes, but unexpectedly caught a glimpse of one or two books in the shopping cart.

It turned out that Qin Jiuxiao didn't deliberately tease him to go to the book section, but really had something he wanted to buy.

Shu Yao curiously stretched out her hand to pick it up, but stopped suddenly.

What if Qin Jiuxiao doesn't want him to see it, just like her, otherwise, wouldn't it be unreasonable for her to take the book rashly?

Shu Yao asked curiously, "Can I see what you bought?"

The woman approached unsuspectingly, and suddenly approached Qin Jiuxiao, her bright and clear eyes were full of curiosity.

She is so agile, like when I first met when I was a child, full of vitality.

How could such a Shu Yao make Qin Jiuxiao not soft-hearted, he said softly, "Of course, you can do whatever you want with my things."

The man's generosity made Shu Yao, who just felt that her things had been peeped at, feel a little ashamed.

"Then I'll read it." Shu Yao said while picking up the book from the man's shopping cart.

As soon as she picked it up, Shu Yao was slightly taken aback by the words that entered the book. The words on the book turned out to be some nursing books related to pregnant women.

It was obvious what Qin Jiuxiao was going to do with these books.

Shu Yao froze for a moment, then said again, "No need, what are you looking at?"

"I don't want to be like my father." Qin Jiuxiao's tone was flat, without any disturbance.

Someone like his father—

Qin Jiuxiao was talking about Qin Siwen.

Because of the persecution by Tang Lingtian and Qin Hede back then, Jiang Yunrong had to leave his hometown and live alone when she was still pregnant.

Even, for a long time after Qin Jiuxiao was born, he almost lived as a single parent.

It wasn't until people from the Qin family came to the door that Qin Jiuxiao knew that his father was not dead.

"You won't." Shu Yao said firmly.

Qin Jiuxiao looked at the woman in front of him tenderly, or his little girl, "I definitely won't."

Because he finally seeks benevolence and obtains benevolence, how could he be willing to let Shu Yao suffer even a little bit more.

Shu Yao put the book back into the shopping cart, and couldn't help but imagine Qin Jiuxiao reading the book then.

"You have to hide the books when the time comes, otherwise people will be laughed at if they see Master Jiu reading this kind of books, right?"

Qin Jiuxiao didn't think so, and was very calm, "No."

"Why not? Think about it, Tangtang Ninth Master?" Shu Yao looked at him amusedly and teased.

Although it was for Shu Yao's sake, it didn't prevent Shu Yao from taking this opportunity to rebel.

The provincial Qin Jiuxiao is always teasing her!

Qin Jiuxiao grabbed Shu Yao's waist forcefully and said in a declarative tone.

"No, they dare not."

In fact, it is true, Shu Yao knows that the man is discussing the matter.

But Qin Jiuxiao's overly serious and cold tone still couldn't help but sweat at the man's serious terror.

After the scary man finished speaking, he covered Shu Yao's hand on the shopping cart.

"Go home."

Qin Jiuxiao's understatement of the three words made Shu Yao feel more powerful than "I love you".

She didn't answer, but just followed the man's pace, and they were going home together.


Seeing that it was getting late, most of the sun by the window had disappeared, and it was shining warm yellow.

Jiang Yunrong stood up and stretched, raised his hand and glanced at his watch, it should be almost off work at this point.


Just as she was about to take off the white coat she was wearing, the mobile phone placed on the table vibrated.

Walking over to see, the caller ID is Cofilo.

"Yunrong, are you here yet? Do you want me to send someone to pick you up?" Cofilo on the other side of the phone asked thoughtfully.

Cofilo's tone was soft and delicate, everything was appropriate, and it sounded absolutely irresistible.

When calling at this time, in all likelihood, Cofilo came to tell her deliberately because he was afraid that Jiang Yunrong would not come.

Jiang Yunrong sighed, and said with a smile, "I have a car, no need, Mrs. Shen."

"Yunrong, am I afraid that you will be tired?" Kefilo pretended not to understand what Jiang Yunrong meant, but still said very considerately.

Cofilo's gentle offensive is really overwhelming.

If it wasn't for Kefilo and Shu Yao, Jiang Yunrong would rather die than step into Shen Qingyun's territory.

Jiang Yunrong was helpless, "Okay, okay, I know, I'm about to..."

While holding the phone between her arms, she was preparing to take off her white coat, and when she was halfway through taking it off, there was a knock on the door of the consulting room.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the consulting room was opened, and the person who appeared made Jiang Yunrong froze suddenly.

"Are you going to come over? Really don't need me to send someone to pick you up?"

Cofilo on the other end of the phone didn't notice it, and she didn't realize that something was wrong on the other side until the other side fell silent.

"Yunrong, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yunrong quickly recovered from the shock and absent-mindedness, she said hastily, "It's nothing, it's just someone seeing a doctor, I'll get back to you later."

That's all, without waiting for Cofilo to refuse, Jiang Yunrong hung up the phone hastily.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yunrong settled down and looked directly at the person in front of him——

Tang Lingtian.

The man who was no longer young by the door was also very excited, his hand on crutches trembled uncontrollably, as if he couldn't even stand still.

He stared intently at Jiang Yunrong in front of him, his eyes full of nostalgia, "Yunrong, is that you?"


Jiang Yunrong, Tang Lingtian's White Moonlight!
"Jiang, Aunt Jiang." Even Tang Meng who came with him was stunned and stuttered.

Since Tang Lingxi's accident, Dao Globe's reputation plummeted, and the stock market slumped, Tang Lingtian's health has deteriorated day by day.

Therefore, Tang Ling came here to see a doctor after being famous.

It never occurred to him that he would meet someone whom he hadn't seen for many years and who he almost thought would be impossible to meet again.

Jiang Yunrong suppressed all emotions, and said coldly, "Sit down."

When Tang Lingtian heard that Jiang Yunrong finally spoke to him, he couldn't help but speed up his staggering steps, wanting to get closer to her.

"Okay, okay, okay." Tang Lingtian's voice was full of uncontrollable excitement, and he said repeatedly.

After walking staggeringly in these short steps, Tang Meng hurriedly supported him forward, helping Tang Lingtian to sit down in front of Jiang Yunrong.

(End of this chapter)

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