Chapter 490 Because You Are Old
As soon as Tang Lingtian sat down, he withdrew Tang Meng's hand that was supporting him. He wanted to appear less depressed in front of Jiang Yunrong.

"You go out first." Tang Lingtian said to the people around him.

Tang Meng hesitated for a moment, still in awe of Tang Lingtian's coercion, put down some medical records and left the consultation room.

For a while, the consulting room was very quiet, so quiet that even a needle falling on the ground could be clearly heard.

Jiang Yunrong didn't say much, and directly picked up the medical record that was in Tang Lingtian's hand, and began to read it alone.

Tang Lingtian, on the other hand, looked at Jiang Yunrong with all his attention. She was still as good-looking as she was back then, and the years were almost tolerant of her.

"Have you seen enough?" Jiang Yunrong put down the medical records and said coldly.

Tang Lingtian came back to his senses suddenly, and said in a low voice, "We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"There's no need to say goodbye." Jiang Yunrong's voice was cold, even more so than to a stranger.

Tang Lingtian frowned, unable to understand Jiang Yunrong's indifference, "Yunrong..."

"Do you want to see a doctor?"

Jiang Yunrong is now willing to receive Tang Lingtian only because Tang Lingtian spent money, and she treats it as a doctor.

The funny thing is that Tang Lingtian doesn't seem to think so, he even sells his pity.

"Look, of course, if I don't look at this leg, I'm afraid it will be useless." Tang Lingtian touched his leg with a wry smile.

From the moment Jiang Yunrong came in just now, it was obvious that Tang Lingtian's legs were so serious that he was almost unable to walk.

Otherwise, with Tang Lingtian's ridiculous arrogance, he would definitely not want to be helped in.

Jiang Yunrong smiled and did not express, "Oh, because you are old."

"Yunrong, have you forgotten?" Tang Lingtian didn't expect Jiang Yunrong to be so decisive, so he said again.

Of course, Jiang Yunrong has not forgotten, everything she experienced when she was young is enough to make her unforgettable.

Including Tang Lingtian, of course she didn't forget, because Tang Lingtian's leg was injured because of her.

Back then, the Jiang family was not down, they were still good childhood sweethearts, Tang Lingtian loved her even more, and took care of her everywhere——

His leg was injured when he was about to pick up Jiang Yunrong who jumped down from the tree.

"Forget? I haven't forgotten."

"So didn't I love you with all my heart back then? Isn't that enough?"

Tang Lingtian was slightly taken aback, unable to answer for a moment.

But he didn't speak, but Jiang Yunrong was full of resentment. She still couldn't forget her poor self.

"You keep saying that you love me. When I was betrothed to Qin Siwen, I would rather die than surrender, and be locked up in a room by my father under house arrest—"

"It's hard for me, I finally got a chance to call you, please take me away, how about you?"

Jiang Yunrong still remembers how excited she was when she got the phone call. Her parents are not unreasonable people.

As long as Tang Lingtian was willing, they could have been together.


Tang Lingtian actually refused, he even gave up on Jiang Yunrong at that time for Bai's support, and watched her get married.

The reason is very simple, because Tang's is unable to compete with Qin's.

Regardless of the dirty things that Tang Lingtian and Qin Hede did later, after so many years, they still sell the things that happened back then!
"Yunrong, back then I had no choice but to really like you." Tang Lingtian became excited.

After so many years, Tang Lingtian never forgot Jiang Yunrong.

Seeing them now, Qin Siwen is dead again, it must be fate's intention to let them be together again.

Tang Lingtian wanted to explain, but when he saw Jiang Yunrong's hand in front of him, he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart and wanted to go forward to hold it.

Jiang Yunrong had quick hands and quick eyes, and withdrew his hand, feeling that he was disgusting!
"I, Jiang Yunrong, will not love a trash who has no responsibility and no courage. I used to be and I am now."

Tang Lingtian was taken aback, and then hurriedly said, "Yunrong, listen to my explanation, I was also forced when Mr. Qin spoke out..."

"Forced?" Jiang Yunrong laughed out loud, his eyes were cold, "Then it wasn't you who threatened me with death and let me go to the hotel to meet?"

If it hadn't happened that year, she wouldn't have been forced to give birth to Qin Jiuxiao alone.

No one knows better than Jiang Yunrong herself how miserable and pitiful she was killed because of Tang Lingtian.

Jiang Yunrong asked sharply again, "Didn't it be your Global Newspaper who made a big report on this incident back then?"

As the person involved, he is also the president of the Global Newspaper and the director behind it.

Thanks to this incident, the Tang Corporation has opened up a new world in the media industry, and has become a leader, and the Tang Corporation has since become one of the four great families.

"Then, the media is reporting the truth." Tang Lingtian said bluntly, unable to argue.

Jiang Yunrong slapped the table and stood up, and said angrily, "You still want to lie to me now? It was Qin Hede who joined you to harm the Qin family back then, and I was just a sacrifice."

As Qin Siwen's wife back then, the Qin family couldn't break through from the outside, so it started with her.

So rumors spread throughout Yecheng that Jiang Yunrong, the mistress of the Qin family, was dissolute and a bitch...

Elder Qin's reputation was discredited, forcing Qin Siwen to attack her, which made the husband and wife divorced and separated for many years.

"Yunrong, I, I was really forced. The Tang Corporation was insignificant at the time. How dare I not do it when Qin Hede asked me to do it?"

"Now I won't, Yunrong, you believe me, now I won't."

His words were earnest and his voice was full of sincerity, as if he had become the person who kept saying that he loved him back then.

If he really loved Jiang Yunrong so much, how could he allow her to become the laughing stock of Yecheng back then!
A strange color flashed in Jiang Yunrong's eyes, "Really?"

"I'm not the same now as I was before. I'm strong enough to compete with the Qin family. I..."

"Where's Bai Xiao?"

Bai Xiao, her former best friend.

The ridiculous thing is that she didn't know that her best friend had been secretly in love with her childhood sweetheart.

Going around, they were together, and Jiang Yunrong became that clown instead.

"Yunrong, I knew you still cared." Tang Lingtian's eyes lit up when he heard it.

In this way, Jiang Yunrong still cared about Bai Xiao, she must be caring, she was jealous, she cared about Tang Lingtian.

Jiang Yunrong saw Tang Lingtian so excited, a sneer appeared on his lips, and it disappeared in a flash.

She put her hands on the table and asked with great interest, "Does Bai Xiao know what you said?"


It must be because she still likes herself that she cares so much about Bai Xiao's existence.

Tang Lingtian's heart was agitated, his head became hot, he lost all reason at all, and his nervous palms were about to sweat.

"Does it matter if she knows? If she hadn't coerced me back then, I wouldn't have married her."

"Even if you are married, I will definitely wait for you. I was just forced to do so back then."

Jiang Yunrong smiled, cold and noble, "Really?"

From the meeting until now, every word Tang Lingtian said was to excuse himself, to shirk other people's complaints, and he never felt sorry or ashamed.

He didn't take responsibility back then, and now it looks like he hasn't changed at all, even more stupid than back then.

How could he still think that he had a chance to turn back?

(End of this chapter)

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