After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 491 I Don't Hate Him, I Love Him

Chapter 491 I Don't Hate Him, I Love Him
Seeing Tang Lingtian's earnest and impatient look, Jiang Yunrong thought it was disgusting.

Who does he think he is?
From that phone call back then, there was no possibility between them.

Seeing Jiang Yunrong asked the word 'really?', Tang Lingtian felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"of course."

If it weren't for all the barriers back then, it would be Tang Ling who owns Jiang Yunrong now, not Bai Xiao.

Tang Lingtian has now realized his mistake back then. He and Bai Xiao have been together for so many years and have no feelings at all.

Only then did he realize that apart from Jiang Yunrong, not everyone can do it.

"Yunrong, Qin Siwen, he has already..." Seeing that Jiang Yunrong hadn't made a statement, Tang Lingtian tried to launch an offensive again.

Mentioning this, Jiang Yunrong's phoenix eyes were instantly stained with a layer of frost, and a cold aura suddenly burst into his body, and his whole body changed.

She interrupted Tang Lingtian, "You don't deserve to mention Qin Siwen!"

Qin Siwen is the person Jiang Yunrong really likes, and she is the legal spouse in terms of marriage law.

"Are you defending him?" Tang Lingtian frowned in disbelief.

Qin Siwen and Jiang Yunrong were only married by contract back then. It was Qin Lao who fell in love with Jiang Yunrong's ability to become the mistress of the Qin family, not love.

When Jiang Yunrong was going to marry Qin Siwen, Jiang Yunrong hadn't even met Qin Siwen a few times before the marriage.

Not to mention that Qin Siwen was a flirtatious person back then, and he never lacked beauties around him, and he was also provocative in appearance.

Jiang Yunrong said seriously, "Yes, you don't deserve to mention his name."

"Yunrong! Are you crazy? If it wasn't for the Qin family, we would have been together. He is..."

"No if, he let me see your face clearly."

"Is contract marriage also what you want? If so, why did you call me to rescue you from home?"

Now Jiang Yunrong is clearly protecting Qin Siwen, even Qin Siwen is dead, yet she still loves a dead person so much.

Tang Lingtian originally thought that Jiang Yunrong didn't love Qin Siwen that much, but now it seems that he is not.

Jiang Yunrong admitted flatly, "But after marriage, I love him."

"Yunrong, you are really crazy." Tang Lingtian was unwilling to accept this fact.

The person Jiang Yunrong should love is him, and should always love him, but now Jiang Yunrong admits that she has fallen in love with someone else.

"When I was scolded, bullied, and looked down upon, it was he who protected me and loved me."

"He is the father of my child."

That's all Jiang Yunrong said, she stood up and picked up the medical record, and threw it on Tang Lingtian's body.

She said coldly, "I won't pick you up as a patient, and I will refund all the money you paid for seeing the doctor."

"Yunrong!" Seeing that she was about to leave, Tang Lingtian stood up anxiously.

But Tang Lingtian's legs and feet were not good, and he couldn't catch up with Jiang Yunrong at all. He staggered to his feet and wanted to catch Jiang Yunrong who had left.

Jiang Yunrong just avoided it in disgust, and quickly opened the door of the consulting room to leave.

"Aunt Jiang..." Tang Meng nodded slightly.

Without saying a word, Jiang Yunrong left quickly on the height of Hentian.

But Tang Lingtian who was chasing after him could only see the back of Jiang Yunrong's leaving. He watched obsessively, and he didn't even hear Tang Meng shouting.

Tang Lingtian clenched his crutches unconsciously, and the color of his eyes gradually changed, indicating that he would never give up so easily.


Ross Manor.

Cofilo paced uneasily by the door, his bright eyes were full of thoughts.

She couldn't get through to Jiang Yunrong's phone number, and she didn't know what happened to Jiang Yunrong's side, whether she would come at night or not.

Just as Cofilo was considering whether to go to the hospital to find someone, a car stopped in front of the door with a dash.

The car door opened, and the people in the car were dressed in neat and clean outfits, took off their sunglasses, and revealed their faces.

Who is it if it's not Jiang Yunrong?

"I was scared to death, what happened to you just now?" Cofilo stepped forward and said reproachfully.

It wasn't the question of whether Jiang Yunrong would come or not, it was that Jiang Yunrong was suddenly in a bad state, and then lost contact.

After losing Qin Siwen, Jiang Yunrong's state has been very unstable, and Kefilo was terrified of what Jiang Yunrong would do stupidly.

Don't look at Jiang Yunrong as cold and arrogant, but in reality she is soft and sensitive inside, and she is more tolerant than anyone else.

Jiang Yunrong didn't intend to hide it either, "I met Tang Lingtian."

"What?!" Cofilo was also taken aback, frowning slightly.

Back then, Jiang Yunrong left Yecheng and came here in order to get away from all the disputes of the year, including people and things.

Unexpectedly, Tang Lingtian ran into Tang Lingtian again after going around.

Cofilo hesitated to speak, "Then he..."

Seeing Kefilo's worried look, Jiang Yunrong didn't take it seriously. She and the past were all buried in the past.

"Both he and Bai Xiao have two children. Now that they are so old, I also have Xiaojiu."

"What else can Tang Lingtian do? I'm not young anymore."

Cofilo was a little surprised, but he was afraid that the people outside would be speechless, so he dragged Jiang Yunrong inside.

They talked as they walked, Jiang Yunrong really hated Tang Lingtian, but she no longer had the hostility she had back then.

"Yunrong, are you going to let him go like this?" Kefilo couldn't help asking.

Tang Lingtian harmed Jiang Yunrong so badly back then, so is that all?
Based on Cofilo's understanding of Jiang Yunrong, Jiang Yunrong is not such a timid person.

"I'm not letting him go, I'm letting myself go, I don't have the heart to think about that anymore." Jiang Yunrong smiled wryly.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yunrong's eyes turned red, and she thought of Qin Siwen again.

Without Qin Siwen, she seemed to have lost her last connection in this world, like a kite without strings.

It's not that she doesn't care about her son Qin Jiuxiao, it's just that the child has his own life after all, and the child is not anyone's appendage.

Qin Siwen's meaning is different, but he is no longer there.

Jiang Yunrong stopped, her voice trembling slightly, "Man, why do you wait until you lose it before you know how to regret it?"

"Yun Rong..." Kefilo knew who she was thinking of, and felt distressed.

The last time Shen Qingyun had an accident, even though he knew that there was no major problem, Kefilo was very angry. Why did Shen Qingyun not take care of his body so much.

What's more, Jiang Yunrong, she has completely lost her love.

Jiang Yunrong's eyes were slightly distracted, she seldom showed such a vulnerable side in front of anyone, and finally she couldn't help it in front of her best friend.

"It was so sudden. I just went back from here that day, and he was gone."

"Do you think he still thinks I hate him?"

Cofilo couldn't say anything to comfort her. During that time, Jiang Yunrong and Qin Siwen were arguing about separating, and the quarrel was the worst.

It is estimated that with Jiang Yunrong's temper, he said something ugly at the time, but Cofilo didn't think Qin Siwen was completely innocent.

If Qin Siwen had persisted back then...

Why did Jiang Yunrong go away alone and give birth to Qin Jiuxiao alone.

"Yunrong, you are not wrong, you have done a good job." Cofilo didn't want her to continue to blame herself.

Jiang Yunrong couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and hugged Cofilo and buried her on her shoulder, choked up and almost speechless.

"But, but..."

"I don't hate him at all, I love him."

(End of this chapter)

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