Chapter 492 Aren't you sad?
It wasn't until Qin Siwen's death that Jiang Yunrong knew that she didn't hate him at all, she liked Qin Siwen because of her love.

Otherwise, with Jiang Yunrong's stubborn and arrogant nature, it is impossible for her to be willing to have a child for Qin Siwen.

"But it's too late for Cofilo, he's dead, I can't tell him anymore."

Jiang Yunrong's voice trembled more and more, as if he couldn't restrain it.

The more depressed, the more turbulent the emotion.

Cofilo hugged Jiang Yunrong tightly in distress, stroked Jiang Yunrong's long hair, and lowered his eyes slightly, unable to say words of comfort.

She could only lend her shoulder to Jiang Yunrong to lean on, other than that, she had no other choice.

But he didn't know that there was someone standing still not far away, who could see Jiang Yunrong's appearance clearly.

They are none other than Shu Yao and Qin Jiuxiao who came back from shopping.

Shu Yao happened upon this scene, her heart was sore, she couldn't tell what it was like, she just felt pain.

Empathizing with the pain, she subconsciously clenched Qin Jiuxiao's hand.

"Let's not go back this way, go around." Seeing Shu Yao in a daze, Qin Jiuxiao leaned over slightly and said in a low voice.

Before Shu Yao came back to her senses, Qin Jiuxiao led her to take a detour back to the front of the villa.

Shu Yao didn't struggle along the way, like his string puppet, she was dragged staggeringly behind Qin Jiuxiao.

The sad picture of Jiang Yunrong just now appeared in Shu Yao's mind, and she stared at the man in front of her again.

She endured it, shook off the man's hand, and suddenly hugged Qin Jiuxiao from behind.

"Ninth brother."

Qin Jiuxiao was caught off guard by her hug, and wanted to drag him to him, but Shu Yao didn't let go.

Shu Yao just clung to Qin Jiuxiao from behind, "Brother Jiu, I'm so scared."

This is the first time that Shu Yao has expressed her heart since her rebirth.

"What are you afraid of?" Qin Jiuxiao squeezed Shu Yao's arm, trying to see Shu Yao's expression clearly.

But Shu Yao hugged tightly and did not let go, her face was buried behind the man, her back was completely turned to him, panting cautiously.

She was afraid that her anxiety would be heard, "I, I..."

"Don't panic, speak slowly." Qin Jiuxiao could still hear her anxiety.

Shu Yao wanted to say that she was afraid that the nightmare would come true. She dreamed of going back to the world where she lost herself and died, and Qin Jiuxiao lived alone and desperately.

Until her death, Shu Yao in her previous life did not have time to tell Qin Jiuxiao that she did not harm him.

But Qin Jiuxiao didn't know in his previous life that she was dead, and Qin Jiuxiao would still think that Shu Yao hated him so much that he wanted him to die...

"Yaoyao, don't worry, what's wrong?" Qin Jiuxiao was also at a loss.

Because she gradually felt a gentleness behind her, it was tears, she was crying, but she didn't want him to see it yet.

It was so sudden, even though he was fine just now, it inexplicably made Qin Jiuxiao feel uneasy.

Qin Jiuxiao patted her hand and said warmly, "Yaoyao, let me see you."

"No." Shu Yao's voice was muffled.

She hugged the man's hand tightly, bit her lower lip slightly, and felt so uncomfortable that she was about to suffocate.

Seeing Jiang Yunrong's regrets, Shu Yao seemed to see herself in her previous life, and she didn't have time to elaborate on those things.

She died with regret, leaving only remorse.

"Ninth Brother, I'm sorry..."


Qin Jiuxiao frowned slightly, and froze. He didn't understand Shu Yao's sudden apology.

Shu Yao was silent for a long time, and then said, "I remembered the past, when I saw my mother, I remembered the past, I was not good to you."

She let go of her hand slightly, and Qin Jiuxiao immediately turned around.

What came into my eyes was a pair of slightly moist eyes filled with despair and panic, these eyes didn't even dare to look at him.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his hand to wipe away the tears that flowed down her outline, and said softly, "It's okay."

"Are you all right?"

Shu Yao stared at the man in front of her, feeling wronged for Qin Jiuxiao, let alone the person involved.

"At the beginning, I liked Fu Jingzhen, and I scolded you and beat you, and broke all your presents. Aren't you sad?"

"You are not sad, I saw the gift you gave me in your study, I am sad!"

"Why was I so bad back then..."

Listening to Shu Yao's rambling, Qin Jiuxiao counted his sins while weeping, he couldn't help laughing.

Therefore, Qin Jiuxiao really laughed.

As soon as he smiled, Shu Yao raised her eyes ignorantly, but found that Qin Jiuxiao didn't care at all.

"Why did you say that suddenly?" Qin Jiuxiao raised his hand and stroked her face.

Shu Yao felt angry and wronged, "Because I think it's really terrible to miss it."

"Is it because I saw my mother?"

Suddenly being poked into something in her heart, Shu Yao suddenly stopped.

"Yaoyao, don't think too much, I didn't miss it, and neither did you."

Qin Jiuxiao's hand touched the back of her head along the crevice of her hair, took her slightly, and pressed her into his arms.

The man's chest was solid, with a unique cold fragrance, which made Shu Yao relax immediately, she buried her face in it and did not speak.

Shu Yao's heart settled down, but she just breathed a sigh of relief.

A familiar voice sounded next to my ear——

"Little Nine!"

The voice was full of arrogance and orders, the only one who could be so presumptuous towards Qin Jiuxiao was Jiang Yunrong.

Jiang Yunrong walked up to him on Hentian Gao, glanced at Shu Yao, "Why are you making people cry again?"

"Mom! No!" Shu Yao came out of Qin Jiuxiao's arms in a hurry.

Jiang Yunrong saw that Shu Yao's eyes were red, but there was still a blush on her face that would not fade away in the future, no matter how you looked at it, it was not a quarrel.

"Okay, Yunrong, who is your child?" Cofilo couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

Qin Jiuxiao nodded slightly, very decently, "It's because I didn't do well enough."

"No, Master Jiu, why did you take everything down!" Shu Yao became anxious, and her voice became a little louder unconsciously.

Qin Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows, but now he recovered quite quickly.

Her voice was slightly louder, so loud that both Kefilo and Jiang Yunrong were surprised.

This is Qin Jiuxiao, even Master Qin would never speak to him in such a presumptuous tone.

It turned out that besides him, Jiang Yunrong, there was another person who could be so presumptuous towards Qin Jiuxiao, and they were opened their eyes.

Kefilo and Jiang Yunrong looked at each other and smiled, expressing their meaning without saying anything.

"I listen to Yaoyao." Qin Jiuxiao smiled and said calmly.

Shu Yao's face turned red, and she reacted belatedly, pursing her lips slightly, avoiding the man's scorching gaze a little uncomfortably.

Their relationship had already reached this point unconsciously.

When did it start that she was indulged so presumptuously, so unscrupulously?

Cofilo, who saw this scene, was very relieved, because Shu Yao was being loved steadily, and this was so natural.

When I first met Shu Yao, Cofilo thought that Shu Yao and Jiang Yunrong were the same type of strong woman, but now it seems...

She is just a flower bud that has not been moistened yet, and now it is finally in full bloom.

Cofilo spoke at the right time and greeted them, "Okay, let's all go in."

Without waiting for Cofilo to move, Jiang Yunrong walked in first. She was very familiar with her, after all, she was close friends with Patriarch Ross and his wife.

She has been here countless times, and it is her other home.

Just as soon as he entered the door, the person on the sofa couldn't wait to get up, and was caught off guard by Jiang Yunrong who walked in first.

"Yaoyao, come back..."

That person was Shen Qingyun, he almost bumped into Jiang Yunrong, and the words on his lips stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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