The actor is a genius

Chapter 200 Stars

Chapter 200 Stars
Shen Tunan has stood on the stage to accept awards many times. This time was the smallest scene she experienced, but it was the most unexpected one. She looked at the certificate, her eyes were a little sour, it was only half a month, why? Make it so provocative.

Shen Tunan took the certificate and couldn't help but laugh when he saw the words on it. Who came up with this, it's silly and naive, but it's still quite touching.

"Congratulations to our outstanding intern, let's give her a toast."

Li Tezhu seems to be very proficient in being the master of ceremonies. After handing over the certificate, he took the lead in applauding, and at the same time motioned to his colleagues to bring the wine.

Shen Tunan was immediately surrounded, and his colleagues enthusiastically held up their wine glasses, and Shen Tunan also served a glass of wine under their enthusiasm.

"I don't drink well, so I just want to drink a little, or I drink too much, and you will suffer."

Shen Tunan took the wine glass and drank a big sip of beer. Her drinking capacity is really bad, so she can only be mean, but the colleagues don't seem to intend to just let her go, Shen Tunan under their burning eyes I had to finish the glass of wine in my hand.

After drinking a glass of wine, those who sang began to sing, and those who ordered food began to order, and the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

"Xianxian is here to sing, what do you want to sing, I will give you something."

Colleagues took Shen Tunan to sing, Shen Tunan wanted to refuse, but everyone was so enthusiastic, Shen Tunan had no choice but to agree, the atmosphere was good tonight, she ordered a more cheerful song, and she sang She also jumped up, because she was not familiar with the dance, so she was not very proficient in dancing, but she still had a good look. She sang and danced, and her colleagues cheered immediately, cheering for her one by one. Make it like a concert.

Shen Tunan seldom comes to ktv to sing. It feels good to try it. Shen Tunan sings very steadily, very typhoon. Naturally, he is not afraid of his colleagues. After singing a song, he sang again under the booing of his colleagues After singing a song, everyone probably didn't expect Shen Tunan to sing so well, and suddenly felt like they had discovered a treasure.

Li Tezhu was the only person present who knew everything. Shen Tunan was born in a girl group and released records every year. Naturally, his singing skills are very good. He stood aside and looked at Shen Tunan with a smile on his face. Shen Tunan She turned out to be so cute in private, in contrast to the snarky star on stage.

On weekdays, they are busy with work, and it is rare to have a chance to relax. Everyone is crazy about playing, and the wine they ordered is almost done, and the bottles are crooked and poured into pieces.

Colleagues who had drunk too much collapsed on the sofa together, chattering indiscriminately with loud voices.

Shen Tunan said no to drinking, but she couldn't resist the enthusiasm of her colleagues and drank some more. Her alcohol capacity was really bad, and she was almost drunk after just two glasses of beer. She pulled Li Yuan to talk, and the two of them You say a word, and I have a very happy chat when I say a preface that doesn't match the postscript.

Some people began to go home, and the number of people in the hall gradually decreased. Shen Tunan hugged Li Yuan's arm and the two of them seemed to be asleep.

Li Tezhu looked at the time and wanted to wake Shen Tunan up so that he could send her home.

Shen Tunan drank too much and fell asleep, her short black hair stuck to her face made her skin look extraordinarily fair, and because of drinking, her face was a little flushed, and she seemed to be talking in a dream at the moment, her mouth twitched Zhang Yi is very cute.

When he got close, Li Tezhu couldn't help being stunned. Because of Huang Yaoxian's relationship, Li Tezhu had been paying attention to Shen Tunan for a while. Originally, he didn't have much feeling for that big star. Apart from being beautiful, he didn't seem to have anything special .

But after he watched her TV show, her variety show and various interviews carefully, he was surprised to find that he seemed to have fallen into a deep obsession. That woman who was originally just beautiful flew like an elf into his heart.

The person hidden in his heart was lying quietly in front of him. Li Tezhu couldn't help reaching out his hand. He really wanted to touch her and feel her warmth. Even when he was drunk, she still seemed to be shining like that. , like a beautiful but dangerous flower, exudes a charming fragrance that makes people lose themselves.

It seemed that Shen Tunan was the only one left in Li Tezhu's eyes, and she was there pointing her fingers at him, like a fox or a cat.

"Jingle Bell--"

Li Tezhu was awakened by the ringing of the phone. He looked at the ringing cell phone on the sofa. It was drawn from Shen Tunan's pocket. It was ringing cheerfully at the moment, and the note displayed on the screen was " Sweetie."

Li Tezhu looked at those two words with his eyes. These two words were full of love and doting, obviously not ordinary people.

Li Tezhu smiled wryly, and restrained all his charming and psychedelic thoughts. He tidied up his collar and became a shrewd and capable special assistant again. He reached out to pick up Shen Tunan's cell phone and pressed the answer button.

"Is the little fairy home? I just finished my work here, and I just saw your message."

Ever since Shen Tunan came to the company as an intern, Xu Ranzhi fell in love with the title "Little Fairy", and it became more and more fluent. He has been busy all day today, and now he has time to play with his mobile phone. When he opened it, he saw Shen Tu Nanfa's past selfie, Shen Tunan's short haircut is also very good-looking.

"Hello, I'm Xianxian's colleague. We held a farewell party for Xianxian today. She's too drunk to answer the phone right now. I'll take the liberty to answer it."

Li Tezhu listened to the voice from the phone, and became more sure of the identity of the person on the other end of the phone. He must be Shen Tunan's boyfriend.

"Oh, it's Special Assistant Li. She mentioned you to me. She's a little fussy after drinking too much. Please take care of her first. I'll send someone to pick her up right away."

Xu Ranzhi was stunned when he heard the man's voice, and then he reacted. Shen Tunan told him that Huang Yaoxian specially sent his special assistant to take care of her, so he made a bold guess.

"It's my job to take care of Xianxian. I'll send you the address later."

Li Tezhu kept smiling, but he couldn't help looking at Shen Tunan again. Shen Tunan turned over at this moment and curled up like a child.

"sorry to bother you."

Xu Ranzhi thanked him again and hung up the phone. Soon he received Shen Tunan's address at this time, and he immediately contacted Xiao Chen to ask her to pick him up. When he remembered Shen Tunan's appearance of drinking too much, he I feel a little headache.

Xiao Chen arrived quickly, and she called Fang Qi. As soon as the two entered, they saw Shen Tunan lying on the sofa, and Li Tezhu standing quietly aside.

The two of them greeted Li Tezhu, and then carried them up one left and one right. Shen Tunan groaned dissatisfiedly after being disturbed and drowsy, and uttered many meaningless words.

Li Tezhu sent them outside all the way. He watched the three get into the car and went away before he looked away. His star went away from him, like a shooting star passing by his world.

Fortunately, he could still stand under the stage and look up at her.

(End of this chapter)

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