The actor is a genius

Chapter 201 I Was Wrong

Chapter 201 I Was Wrong

When Shen Tunan woke up, she had a severe headache. She was about to get up to drink, but when she opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Chen staring at her with wide eyes. She was startled.

"Why are you here, you're going to scare me to death early in the morning?"

"It's getting late, and don't you know why I'm here?"

Xiao Chen looked at Shen Tunan with disgust. Shen Tunan was still smelling of alcohol. After getting her back, she started to drink like crazy. She didn't fall asleep until very late. Both Xiao Chen and Fang Qi were exhausted. It was getting late, and the two simply made a bed on the floor and stayed at Shen Tunan's house for the whole night.

Shen Tunan slept happily by himself, but unfortunately the two of them couldn't sleep well at all. They were woken up by Xu Ranzhi's phone call early in the morning. Xu Ranzhi was worried that Shen Tunan didn't want to disturb her sleep, so he went Harassing the manager and the assistant, the manager and the assistant feel miserable!

"Ah, I seem to have lost my memory."

Shen Tunan tried to remember what happened between herself and Xiao Chen, but unfortunately failed, she only remembered playing with her colleagues, and then sang a few songs, and then she seemed to have a glass of beer, and then It was blank.

"If you can't drink, don't drink. Teacher Xu was worried all night, urging us to pick you up, and asked you about your situation early in the morning. I met you last night. I really admire Teacher Xu. Teacher Xu is really great. People with perseverance, but anyone with a weak heart will definitely not be able to stand your toss, Fang Qi and I are about to take quick-acting heart-rescuing pills."

Xiao Chen talked as if he was about to cry.

"It's not that exaggerated. The most I can do when I drink too much is to talk more and be clingy."

"Hehe, as soon as you came back last night, you jumped on the sofa and sang and danced, and you even dragged us to dance together. After dancing for a while, you started crying again, talking while crying, but you didn't understand what you said. , finally finished crying, and started chasing cats all over the room. Cheese was so frightened that he climbed onto the cat climbing frame. You didn't calm down until early in the morning, if you don't believe me, you can ask Aunt Chen, there is still the vase you broke yesterday in the trash can, you can also go and have a look."

Xiao Chen talked about Shen Tunan's actions yesterday in a very flat tone, Shen Tunan couldn't help covering his face, she didn't drink too much yesterday, how could she be so virtuous?

"Stop talking, let me be quiet."

Shen Tunan covered his face with one hand, and waved the other hand at Xiao Chen. There are more and more black history.

"You should contact Mr. Xu, because he doesn't seem very happy when you go out to drink."

Xiao Chen handed over a glass of water, slowly showing a smirk, Shen Tunan suddenly felt her head was going to explode when she heard the words, she remembered that she had sworn to Xu Ranzhi that she would never drink outside. Not long after, she went home drunk.

"Ah, I'll faint for a while, and when he came to me, he said I wasn't awake yet."

Shen Tunan fell down again in despair, the quilt was pulled over his head, and he slept very peacefully!

Xu Ranzhi called at dinner time, Shen Tunan answered tremblingly, before Xu Ranzhi opened his mouth, she immediately yelled.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't go out to drink, let alone get drunk beyond my control. I won't drink again next time."

As soon as Shen Tunan answered the phone, he immediately sent an apology triple. Xu Ranzhi on the other end was stunned, and couldn't help laughing. He just wanted to ask Shen Tunan if his head still hurts. Yesterday, his colleague It is understandable for them to hold a farewell party for her. The only blame is that Shen Tunan's drinking capacity is really bad.

"What's the matter today, so cute, I thought I made a wrong call."

Xu Ranzhi chuckled, he really wanted to turn on the video to see what Shen Tunan's expression was like now, it must be super cute.

"Hey, I'm afraid you'll be angry. After all, it's true that I don't know much about this matter, and I overestimated myself. In fact, I only drank two glasses of beer."

As Shen Tunan spoke, her voice became quieter. Last time it was two cans, this time it was two cups. She was just a little better than one cup.

"Next Monday, the crew will start reading the script. Come here if you have time. It's a good opportunity to learn. Director Nie will be there in person."

Xu Ranzhi and Shen Tunan had a few gossips before getting down to business with her. They have been training recently, but they haven't even seen the script yet. Director Nie said that the script will be given to them before the script reading. He will personally sort out the plot for them, tell the play, and let everyone go through it first.

Director Nie is notoriously good at teaching, even if you are a piece of wood, he can make you perform well, but only the actors themselves know how much hardship it takes.

"Okay, I'll come over this weekend. I'll go to director Lu Yan first. I've almost finished my preparations recently. I'm very confident that I can succeed."

Shen Tunan estimated the time and agreed. She will go to Lu Yan tomorrow, and it should be settled. After she is done, she will fly directly to Xu Ranzhi. It happens that she can study in Director Nie's crew and finish filming the cameo part by the way.

"Then you go to bed early, I will go to torture later."

Xu Ranzhi took a break while eating, and seeing that the rest time was almost up, he greeted Shen Tunan and was ready to hang up.

"Pay attention to your body and remember to miss me."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Tunan lay down on the sofa again. After lying down for a while, he seriously took out his notebook and began to study it. These are the notes she remembered in the past half month. She carefully observed every detail in the office. Colleagues, record their demeanor, habits, working status, etc. Half a month of internship is not enough for her to fully understand the hard work of work, but by observing colleagues, she can learn from them, which can make up for her lack of experience.

Shen Tunan has already made an appointment with Lu Yan. Lu Yan was a little surprised when he heard that she was ready. He waited for more than half a month and thought that Shen Tunan had given up. After all, this is not a good job for him.

First life, second time acquaintance, when Shen Tunan came to Lu Yan's house this time, Lu Yan was obviously more enthusiastic, and he made it quite formal this time, took out the cameras, and prepared to take pictures of Shen Tunan. Audition clips.

In addition, besides Lu Yan, there was another person there. Lu Yan introduced Shen Tunan to him. It was Wang Zhi, the assistant director. The second time was Nie Rong who introduced him. At first it was because of Nie Rong’s face. Later, after watching Lu Yan’s script and storyboard, he also admired his talent. Now he is looking forward to the release of this work. .

(End of this chapter)

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