The actor is a genius

Chapter 30 The Adult's Secret Garden

Chapter 30 The Adult's Secret Garden
Xu Ranzhi unscrewed the bottle cap and passed the water directly to Shen Tunan's mouth. Shen Tunan went up to take a sip and then shook his head to express that he didn't want to drink it.

Shen Tunan rested her head on Xu Ranzhi's shoulder, and she looked up at Xu Ranzhi.

"To commemorate our first kiss, do you want to have something good tonight?"

"Eat as much as you want, don't make such boring excuses."

Xu Ranzhi took a step back, Shen Tunan lost his support and fell backwards, Xu Ranzhi stretched out his hand to support her again,
The sudden weightlessness startled Shen Tunan, and she glared at Xu Ranzhi angrily.

"Hmph, originally I was a treat, but now you pay the bill, I'm going to eat the most expensive Japanese food tonight!!!"

The restaurants around the film and television base are not rich, but there are a few good ones. The Japanese food in Shen Tu Nankou is a relatively famous gourmet restaurant around here.

"Xiao Xu, come here."

Before Xu Ranzhi could answer, the director's voice came over. Xu Ranzhi responded and walked towards the director. After walking a few steps, he turned around and made an OK gesture to Shen Tunan.

As soon as Xu Ranzhi left, Wang Yang appeared out of nowhere, leaned close to Shen Tunan and glanced at her, then at Xu Ranzhi who ran away, and said softly: "Are you reconciled? "

"What do you mean we are reconciled? We didn't quarrel?"

Shen Tunan gently pushed Wang Yang away, and gave him a strange look, not understanding what he meant by "reconciliation".

"No quarrel? Then why is the atmosphere between you so awkward? You always liked to get together before, but recently the two of you seem to be ignoring each other. You are fine. My brother-in-law looks a little weird. Before, I I’ve gotten closer to him, and recently he’s burst out with that terrifying icy aura again, but now his aura seems to have withdrawn.”

Wang Yang glanced at Xu Ranzhi who was talking to the director with his head turned sideways. He didn't know what the director said to him. At this moment, Xu Ranzhi smiled brightly, and his indifferent eyebrows and eyes became two crescent moons. Not to mention how warm and bright it is.

"Adults need to have their own secret garden. No matter how good friends are, it is impossible to stick together all the time. You, Mr. Xu, need your own space, and your sister and I also need our own space. We are not Siamese dolls. How could it be possible to stick together every day, it's all just your illusion."

Shen Tunan smiled perfunctorily, of course she could feel Xu Ranzhi's deliberate alienation from her, but she didn't feel that Xu Ranzhi was trying to quarrel with her, it was just because of Xu Ranzhi's character.

Xu Ranzhi was originally an awkward and sulky person, sometimes she didn't know where she provoked him again, so Shen Tunan was actually very used to Xu Ranzhi's sudden indifference, usually a little coaxing It's all right, just like today she didn't coax her at all, she went to talk, chat, talk about some things, Xu Ranzhi soon forgot what kind of anger he was, he was very easy to deal with.

"That's it, but it's scary when Mr. Xu is alone. You should play together more in the future."

Wang Yang rubbed his chin, and nodded in doubt.

"Go and memorize your lines. You will have a lot of lines in the next scene. Have you memorized them? Don't gossip all the time when you are young. You should seriously improve your professional ability."

Seeing the hesitation in Wang Yang's eyes, Shen Tunan reached out and gave him a hand. This guy is good at everything else, but he is too curious.

"Oh, don't do it, I'm just asking casually. Besides, I have already memorized the lines, and it will definitely not affect the progress."

Wang Yang laughed and backed away a few steps, and when he saw Xu Ranzhi approaching, he waved his hands and quickly left.

(End of this chapter)

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