The actor is a genius

Chapter 31 You are on the hot search

Chapter 31 You are on the hot search

The last scene of the night didn't end until [-] o'clock. As soon as the director yelled "Cut", Shen Tunan took off his costume while walking. The night's scene was filmed in the second half after Ji Tian became a magic star.

In the past, the protagonist of the drama often likes to wear black clothes and wear heavy eye makeup after being blackened, but in this drama, the blackened Ji Tian still maintains his former white-clothed boy's attire, even more fairy-like than before , he founded Fengtian Sect, which is obviously a cult in the eyes of everyone, but it is doing decent things. In just a few years, there are not many big families in the eyes of ordinary people. In their eyes, those who can be regarded as immortals Only Fengtian religion.

Ji Tian was set up to be framed and hunted down, and everyone betrayed his relatives. Only Luo Xingchen left with him. Luo Xingchen, who left the family, was happy in black clothes. She used to be enthusiastic and noisy. She has become much more mature and stable, and only in front of Ji Tian will she show her former posture.

In Fengtian Sect, Ji Tian is the mysterious leader, and Luo Xingchen handles most of the affairs of the sect, so Luo Xingchen is more like a devil, especially when dealing with several big families, Luo Xingchen's ruthless name Far surpassed Ji Tian.

The scene that just ended was a night attack on Fengtian by the children of a famous family. Because there are a lot of fighting scenes, everyone is very hot.

Shen Tunan took off his clothes while walking, and the clothes he took off were held in his hands in a mess, and Xu Ranzhi couldn't bear to follow her, so he reached out and took the clothes Shen Tunan took off. Clothes, carefully arranged one by one.

"If you mess up your clothes again, the clothing team will blame you again."

"Oh, didn't Xiao Chen take up a seat for us, she usually tidies up."

Shen Tunan stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. She is a somewhat informal person. To put it bluntly, she lives a rough life. She throws away her usual clothes. If there is no Xiao Chen, her room will definitely be like a dog. nest.

Xu Ranzhi glanced at her. Shen Tunan was wearing a suspenders under the costume. At this moment, under the light, his skin was white and dazzling. Shen Tunan was very thin, and the shape of his shoulders and collarbone was very clear. At this moment, she slightly With his head up, the night wind was blowing, he looked small without the heavy costume, which could arouse people's desire for protection.

Xu Ranzhi quickly stepped forward and stood parallel to Shen Tunan, he put his arms around Shen Tunan's shoulders, and led her to walk faster.

"Hurry up, you're starving to death."

The original supper for two people, because Wang Yang listened to it, it has now become a group activity. The older actors have to rest early so they don’t join in the fun. The remaining few who usually play well are all together. up.

In addition to Wang Yang, there are also several newcomers and Tang Yuan who plays the second female lead. Tang Yuan has acted in many idol drama heroines, and she can be regarded as a quasi-first-line flower. In such a male protagonist drama, female characters need to put in more effort and more exciting acting skills if they want to be seen. The role played by Tang Yuan in the drama is not pleasing. It was a big attempt for her.

Tang Yuan's personality is not bad, except for Xu Ranzhi, she gets along well with everyone else.

Xiao Chen has already ordered good dishes for them, and a group of people can eat directly when they enter the restaurant. After eating too much boxed lunch from the crew, it is heaven to have a meal of Japanese food. After filming a fight scene all night, everyone is very hungry. But I ate it politely.

Shen Tunan clamored to come to eat, but in fact she didn't eat much. The female star's self-cultivation made her very restrained, and she was still filming, so she must not be photographed bloated.

A group of young people had a meal, and naturally there were a lot of topics to talk about. People from the entertainment industry gathered together to be very lively, chatting about gossip, talking about interesting things about the crew, or chatting with each other about follow-up resources and so on.

Xu Ranzhi is the quietest one, he is not interested in those topics, only when Shen Tunan speaks occasionally, he misses a few words, and the rest of the time he sits quietly and looks at Shen Tunan, or looks down at his phone .

"Brother-in-law, you are on the hot search."

(End of this chapter)

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