Chapter 45

Because Weibo has a video, the content in the front row is almost meaningless "ahhhhhh" or "brother is so handsome". When the video is released and ready to comment, the fans We found that the content of Weibo had changed.

[After just watching a video, the win turned into a draw. Did it mean that you lost after a while? Is the battle so intense? [dog head]]

[Hahaha, brother, I know you must be forced, but I really want to laugh, what should I do. 】

[Wow wow wow wow wow wow, my god, my brother's dancing is also amazing, I, a new fan, missed too much, begging my brother to hold a concert, suddenly envious of those old fans who have seen my brother live. 】

[Squat in a variety show related to dancing, my brother dances too well, please join the variety show, my sister is also great, let's dance together! 】

[xxtzszd, I am so touched, what kind of friendship is this earth-shattering. 】

[Only I noticed, is this Le Yu's practice room?Brother, is this going to return to Leyu? 】

The Internet has memory, and Xu Ranzhi's changes are not as fast as fans' screenshots. Such a small change has made up countless sugar in the eyes of cp fans. This small move is simply spoiled.

Not to mention the tacit and passionate dance scene in the video, the scissorhands couldn't suppress their inner excitement, and quickly cut the n-version small video, the double dancer setting is really good.

After Xu Ranzhi posted on Weibo, he was quickly on the trending searches, because someone said that he saw Xu Ranzhi in Leyu, so the trending topic soon became #许灯之乐鱼#.

Xu Ranzhi and Le Yu had an unpleasant quarrel over the termination of the contract. Just a simple search can find the original tension. Now this hot search seems to indicate that the relationship between the two parties is about to break the ice, and many people even speculate whether there will be any cooperation between the two parties in the future.

Some marketing accounts even exaggerated the news that Xu Ranzhi would become Leyu's next talent show mentor, and with the dance video posted by Xu Ranzhi, this matter seemed to be a certainty.

Bai Hua's phone was buzzing, they were basically asking her about Xu Ranzhi and Le Yu. Bai Hua didn't know what was going on, and he was dumbfounded when he received the call. Ranzhi still understands it very well, and after thinking about it, he guessed the truth.

Soon the official blog of Xu Ranzhi's studio issued a clarification.

Xu Ranzhi's official studio V: The boss visits friends normally and does not involve any work content! Looking forward to "Return to the Market"!

The content posted by the official Weibo is rather playful, and there is no serious explanation, otherwise I am afraid that it will be over-interpreted. Anyway, I have explained it, believe it or not.

After spending some time at Shen Tunan's house, and petting the cat Xu Ranzhi, he returned home contented.

Xu Ranzhi's home was quite deserted, the gray-toned decoration exudes a sense of coolness, he turned on the light and sat down on the sofa.

Xu Ranzhi took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the super chat of "Xu Xu Tu Zhi" very familiarly. He fed such a big candy today, so he had to see the results.

During the super talk, there were a lot of small essays updated, there were also a lot of video clips and cookies, and the latest analysis post was also updated. All the content pointed to the ending that the two of them were in love. Xu Ranzhi looked very satisfied.

Shen Tunan: [Video file] This is a choreography video, please watch it and practice it when you have time, I believe you will learn it soon.

Shen Tunan sent the video material of the MV to Xu Ranzhi. Before sending it, she was a little hesitant, because the plot of her MV was too Mary Sue, so the dance sample that the choreographer gave her was also quite ambiguous, quite like Mary Sue. But Shen Tunan hesitated for a while and sent it to Xu Ranzhi.

Anyway, her making records is just a personal hobby, since it is a hobby, let's have fun.

After Xu Ranzhi responded with an "ok" expression, he clicked on the video and watched it.

(End of this chapter)

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