The actor is a genius

Chapter 46 Peach Blossom

Chapter 46 Peach Blossom
He has already seen the story of the MV, so he is not surprised to see this choreography. The core of the story has not changed. Shen Tunan is still looking for the perfect partner in the crowd like a queen. She has a solo dance, Then a group of dancers surrounded her, and she was beautiful alone in the crowd.

Xu Ranzhi also had a solo dance, and after his dance was over, Shen Tunan was pushed in front of him, followed by an extremely ambiguous pas de deux.

The heroine in the story is paranoid. To explain it in Shen Tunan’s own words, she is a delusional patient, so the content of the dance part also enhances the feeling of "crazy", so the whole dance rhythm is very strong, because there is still To highlight the story, so the requirements for the performers are also very high.

After Xu Ranzhi finished reading, he couldn't help touching his chin. He found that Shen Tunan was actually playing a big game of chess. Everyone in the circle said that she was a beautiful vase. She never denied it, but she was doing it behind her back. Big move.

When Shen Tunan's MV is released, everyone will see her professional ability. She has never been just beautiful.

During the few days of vacation, Xu Ranzhi almost stayed at Shen Tunan's house, practiced dancing to tease the cat, and then ate some delicious food made by Aunt Chen. The life was very comfortable, and Xu Ranzhi seemed to have returned to the era of trainees a feeling of.

"Are you really free? Don't you have anything to do?"

Shen Tunan looked at Xu Ranzhi who was holding Cheese and playing with his mobile phone, and finally couldn't help asking questions?As far as she knows, Xu Ranzhi's schedule is always full, and when he's not filming, he also has a lot of business activities to attend, not to mention other dinners and the like.

But now such a busy person is leisurely at her house like a vacation.

"Well, it's very free, because it's a holiday, don't you have to leave tomorrow? It's the last day of the holiday, do you want to go out for a stroll?"

Xu Ranzhi nodded, and didn't think there was anything wrong with his current behavior at all.

"I'm very busy, go out and hang out by yourself, I have a live broadcast tonight."

Shen Tunan shook her head. When her fans exceeded 2000 million, she agreed to do a live broadcast as a fan benefit. This matter has been delayed for a long time. After a long time, fans will leave messages on her Weibo to urge the live broadcast. Shen Tunan decided to end the holiday I did this before.

"Then let's go to the airport together tomorrow, and I'll come and find you in the morning."

Xu Ranzhi nodded, and turned his attention back to the phone. He stroked the cat's back skillfully with one hand. The cheese was very comfortable for him to touch, and made a few purring sounds from time to time.

Shen Tunan was writing the outline of the evening live broadcast content, and glanced sideways at Xu Ranzhi who was lying on the sofa and was not doing anything right.

Xu Ranzhi was wearing loose home clothes, his hair was probably washed and not blown out in the morning and looked a little fluffy, he was lazily leaning on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone and hugging a cat without any celebrity airs, he looked very similar A married man who doesn't pay attention to his personal image.

"You scumbag, are you relying on me?"

Shen Tunan casually took a pillow and threw it over. Because he was afraid of scaring the cat, he threw the pillow very sideways and didn't touch Xu Ranzhi at all.

"Well, it feels good to rely on you. I have food, drink and cats. I think I can continue in the future."

Xu Ranzhi nodded, with a rascal smile on his face.

"You have to show some face, don't let me be on the hot search, I still have to find a partner, you will break my relationship. I checked, I have a very prosperous relationship this year, there will be a positive relationship, and I will definitely be able to get out of the order Yes, don't get in my way."

Shen Tunan snorted softly, quietly paying attention to Xu Ranzhi's expression while speaking.

Xu Ranzhi's hand touching the cat paused, he sat up straight, and stretched out his hand to straighten his hair.

"Maybe your peach blossom is me? I'm tall, handsome, have a stable job, have a house and a car, which is very suitable for Zheng Taohua's setting. I'm still wearing a pink T-shirt today, which looks very peachy."

 366824206 group number
(End of this chapter)

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