The actor is a genius

Chapter 47 Simple life

Chapter 47 Simple life

"Tsk tsk tsk, why does your mean tone look so much like me? Maybe it's because I ate too much food from my family and got infected by me. I'm really sorry for your fans. A good Kaolin flower is enough Bewitched by me."

Shen Tunan clicked his tongue twice, Xu Ranzhi's expression and tone when he said these words were too much like her, if it was before, Xu Ranzhi would never be able to say these words.

"Cheese, your mother is really self-aware."

Xu Ranzhi burst out laughing, he picked up Cheese and whispered something in his ear.

"I'm speechless, you won, you really won. I'm ashamed of myself."

Shen Tunan sighed, she didn't know how to answer the words, Xu Ranzhi really caught him by surprise.

After Shen Tunan finished speaking, she continued to do her own thing. She deliberately avoided the topic of "peach blossom" that Xu Ranzhi said.

It was a good friend of her who said that she was having a romantic meeting this year and successfully got out of the singles. She is a constellation blogger and is somewhat famous in the circle, because God has prophesied several times that she is the number one witch in the entertainment industry.

Shen Tunan was actually quite careless when she said it at the beginning. She seemed to say that some old tree bloomed with new flowers at the beginning, and the fate would be related to the past. In this way, Xu Ranzhi really fits what she said.

Shen Tunan couldn't help but secretly glanced at Xu Ranzhi again, it was such a pink and tender flower.

Shen Tunan was full of random thoughts, the document on the screen hadn't entered new content for a long time, and it was already 5 minutes later when she realized it, she quickly shook her head to put aside all the messy thoughts, and continued seriously with their own work.

Xu Ranzhi was playing with his mobile phone, hearing the sound of Shen Tunan's typing and the comfortable gurgling of the cheese in his arms. He occasionally raised his head, and he could see Shen Tunan's beautiful side face as far as he could see.

Xu Ranzhi had thought about such a day countless times, but at this moment he felt a little dazed.

There is a price to pay for becoming famous. Over the years, Xu Ranzhi has always been wandering in various hotels. His home is like a decoration, and what he eats every day is the box lunch of the crew or various work meals.

It has been a long time since he has tasted serious home-cooked food, and he has never enjoyed such a simple and peaceful life. There is no intrigue in Vanity Fair, no need to wear a fake and perfect mask, and he can do whatever he wants like this In life, you don't have to cover up to be your true self.

The most important thing is that you can see the person you want to see most when you look up.

The cat in his arms was sleeping soundly. Xu Ranzhi rubbed his eyes and felt a little sleepy. He put down his phone and adjusted his posture slightly, then hugged the cat in his arms and closed his eyes.

Shen Tunan stretched after finishing her work, she stood up from the chair, turned around and saw a person and a cat curled up on the sofa sleeping soundly, Shen Tunan looked at the picture in front of her and smiled helplessly.

Slowing down and walking to the sofa, Shen Tunan squatted down slowly. She looked at Xu Ranzhi at the same level. When Xu Ranzhi fell asleep, he was curled up, holding the cat in his arms, looking very insecure.

Shen Tunan stared at Xu Ranzhi for a while, she seldom looked at Xu Ranzhi from this angle, because Xu Ranzhi was tall, usually she looked up at him, this angle was actually not good, In Shen Tunan's eyes, Xu Ranzhi's appearance is greatly reduced, no matter how handsome he is, he will inevitably lose his color under that kind of death angle.

Looking at him at this moment, he resembled the way Luo Xingchen looked at the sleeping Ji Tian in the play, and Shen Tunan couldn't help but recall the kiss between the two.

In fact, she was a little nervous at that time, and her mind was so messed up that she didn't feel anything at all. Now that she thinks about it, she feels a little lost, and she doesn't have any memories of kissing the handsome guy.

 More messages can be added
(End of this chapter)

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