Chapter 48
"Xu Ranzhi, are you asleep?"

Shen Tunan yelled softly and at the same time stretched out her hand and shook it in front of his eyes. Seeing that Xu Ranzhi didn't respond, she moved forward again.

A soft light came in from the window, just hitting Xu Ranzhi's face. At this moment, he seemed to be glowing. Shen Tunan looked at him, wishing to be a princess who would kiss and wake up the prince.

As she thought so, her body had already reacted first.

Gently pressed Xu Ranzhi's lips, his lips were a little dry but soft, like cotton candy, Shen Tunan touched him lightly and immediately backed away, she kissed him but there was no kiss to wake him up Courage, if Xu Ranzhi really wakes up, I'm afraid it will be a little embarrassing.


Startled by Shen Tunan, Cheese stretched lazily and opened his small eyes. He glanced at Shen Tunan in some confusion, and stretched out his little furry paws to pat her lightly.

"Shh - I'm helping your dad drive away mosquitos, keep sleeping, good boy."

Shen Tunan patted the cat's head lightly, trying to lull her to sleep.

"Heh, why do you even lie to cats?"

Before the cat closed its eyes, Xu Ranzhi couldn't help laughing. Originally, he was afraid of Shen Tunan's embarrassment and planned to continue pretending to sleep, but he couldn't hold back when he heard her coaxing the cat.

Shen Tunan was taken aback by Xu Ranzhi, she stood up immediately, her face turned red immediately visible to the naked eye, she is not Luo Xingchen, and she can't be open and frank after being found out about cheating. She admits that she has some affection for Xu Ranzhi, but it seems that she is far from being in love. She was just fascinated by sex just now, taking advantage of a little advantage. This kind of behavior is quite shameful, and it is also shameful to be discovered by the person involved and play hooligans. Not much difference.

Seeing Shen Tunan's panicked expression, Xu Ranzhi's smile became brighter. He stretched out his hand to grab Shen Tunan's wrist, and gently pulled him into his arms.

"I'm so sleepy, you can sleep with me for a while."

Xu Ranzhi hadn't woken up yet, his voice was a little hoarse, which sounded very seductive, Shen Tunan wanted to struggle, but Xu Ranzhi hugged her very tightly.

"I have to pay some interest for stealing a kiss. As I said, my beauty is very expensive. If you wake up the cat, you will sleep with me instead."

Xu Ranzhi put his chin on Shen Tunan's shoulder, and the two hugged each other in a very intimate and ambiguous posture. The sofa is not big, and it is actually a bit crowded for two people to sleep together, but because they hug each other tightly, and It doesn't seem that crowded.

Shen Tunan was a bit awkward being held by Xu Ranzhi, but he didn't struggle after all because of his guilty conscience. Xu Ranzhi's breathing was very shallow, but because the two of them were too close together, every sound fell into Shen Tunan's chest clearly. In her ears, after listening for a long time, Shen Tunan also felt sleepy, and she fell asleep in such an awkward posture.

Opening her eyes in a daze, the surroundings had already darkened. Shen Tunan's mind was a little groggy. She couldn't help but yawned. She took out her phone and looked at it. When she saw the time, she immediately yelled.

"Xu Ranzhi, you killed me!"

The time displayed on the phone was already 07:30, and the time she had agreed to start the live broadcast was 05:30, and now it has been half an hour, and it was only [-]:[-] when she was dragged to lie down, and she unexpectedly I slept for two hours.

Shen Tunan's sleep became very bad due to the long-term life of the crew. It was difficult for her to fall asleep. Even when she fell asleep, she slept lightly. Xiao Chen called, and Lisa also called, but she didn't hear any of them.

(End of this chapter)

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