The actor is a genius

Chapter 80 Super Straight Man

Chapter 80 Super Straight Man
"I am very happy to cooperate with Mr. Xu today. I wonder if there will be a chance to improve and cooperate in the future?"

When the female model was talking, she leaned forward towards Xu Ran, but Xu Ranzhi instinctively took two steps back without leaving any ambiguous atmosphere.

"As long as you don't quit the circle, there will always be opportunities for cooperation. See you next time."

Xu Ranzhi nodded at her, turned around and left without waiting for the other party to speak again, the female model stomped her feet angrily, took out her mobile phone and started complaining to her sister.

Erin: He is really incomprehensible, super straight, the rumors are true, I didn't even add a WeChat account! ! ! ! ! !
Xu Ranzhi changed his clothes and came out. Lawrence was chatting with Shen Tunan. When he saw him coming, Lawrence waved to him. Ms. Ellie, the project leader of this time, was also present.

"The photos taken this time are very good. Teacher Xu has worked hard."

Avery reached out to shake hands with Xu Ranzhi, then picked up the box on the side and handed it to him.

"This pair of watches is for you as a souvenir."

The box that Avery handed over contained the paired watches of the "Imprint" series launched this time. As a spokesperson, he naturally wanted to help promote the new product. Xu Ranzhi took a look at it and readily accepted it.

"Thank you, I will wear it well."

"When the photos come out, the sales of 'Imprint' will definitely be very good. When the sales data comes out, I will definitely give you a big red envelope."

Ai Li smiled brilliantly. She was the one who made Xu Ranzhi become the spokesperson at the beginning. At that time, Xu Ranzhi's popularity was far less than it is now. Among the few competitors at that time, Xu Ranzhi did not have much advantage, but She personally likes Xu Ranzhi very much. Among the equally popular actors, he is the most down-to-earth one, and his cool demeanor is more in line with their image.

Now it seems that her original decision was not wrong at all. Xu Ranzhi is a treasure, and they were the first batch to mine it, so they naturally benefited the most.

Ellie originally wanted to invite Xu Ranzhi to dinner, but unfortunately she still has a few meetings to attend, so she can only regretfully make an appointment next time.

Avery was busy with work, but Lawrence was very idle. After packing up his things, he hugged Xu Ranzhi and Shen Tunan's shoulders from left to right.

"Xu, Nan Nan, I'm free. Let's go to dinner. Didn't Nan Nan say that he wants to catch up with me? I know there is a delicious western food restaurant nearby. We should still have a place in the past."

Lawrence embraced the two of them and went straight out. Shen Tunan twitched the corners of her lips. She forgot that Lawrence was a Westerner and didn't understand their polite refusal at all.

"Then listen to you."

Xu Ranzhi nodded and didn't refuse, but he stretched out his hand and pulled Lawrence's hand off Shen Tunan's body. Lawrence smiled exaggeratedly, stretched out his hand and lightly hammered Xu Ranzhi twice.

"You're a mean fellow, but you're cute."

"What's cute? If you don't speak Chinese well, don't use it casually. It's fine to describe me as cool or handsome."

Xu Ranzhi rolled his eyes, being called cute by a man who is nearly 1.9 meters tall is really not a good experience.

"Oh, no, I'm good at Chinese, just cute, lovely boy."

Lawrence shook his head, very sure of his words, Xu Ranzhi rolled his eyes angrily, Shen Tunan couldn't help laughing, it's really rare to have someone who has the same understanding as her, Xu Ranzhi Isn't it just so cute.

Lawrence took the two of them to the restaurant he mentioned. This is a members-only restaurant, which only provides services for members and is relatively private. They still had a good seat when they arrived, and they happened to sit by the window. I can overlook the night view of City B.

(End of this chapter)

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