The actor is a genius

Chapter 81 A Free Heart

Chapter 81 A Free Heart
"You seem to know each other well?"

After ordering, Xu Ranzhi looked at Lawrence curiously. Lawrence is a well-known photographer in the industry. It is not surprising that he has worked with Shen Tunan before, but the atmosphere between them seems to be more familiar, not just a relationship of cooperation .

"Her partner Van and I are college classmates. I have been helping Van take promotional photos before. Nan Nan has worked as a model several times, and I often go to their store to play, so I am more familiar with it, but it has been a long time. I haven't met her, I didn't expect to see her today, your relationship looks more familiar, why don't you introduce me?"

Lawrence gave a brief introduction, and then looked at Xu Ranzhi ambiguously. He and Xu Ranzhi have cooperated many times. Today, Xu Ranzhi feels different from the past, especially when he brought a "friend". This is even more abnormal.

Xu Ranzhi glanced at Shen Tunan, he didn't know how to explain the relationship between the two of them for a while, he said they were lovers, he was still in the internship period, and he hadn't been able to become a regular yet.

"I'm still in her observation period, and I'm trying to be her boyfriend."

After struggling for a while, Xu Ranzhi still told the truth, although it sounded embarrassing, but Shen Tunan is here, if he brags, he might be bullied when he goes back.

"Hahahaha, you also have such a day. Nannan is doing well, so you should test him more. Good-looking men are the least trustworthy. They can deceive little girls with their pretty faces. The least Now that you know how to cherish it, you must observe him more, test him more, and never let him succeed easily."

Lawrence couldn't help laughing when he heard Xu Ranzhi's words, and he gave Shen Tunan a thumbs up, expressing his approval of her approach.

Xu Ranzhi glared at Lawrence, why is this guy gloating.

"It's not my fault that I'm handsome. I'm innocent if you insist on saying that. Besides, you're not bad looking. Isn't it unreliable?"

"Hmm, I didn't say that I am reliable, and I don't have a loved one now, so I am free, and a free man should be like the wind.

Your heart is no longer free, so we are no longer the same. "

Lawrence waved his hand, saying that he was single and fearless.

After chatting for a while, the waiter began to serve the food, and several people ate quietly, only occasionally joking with each other, the atmosphere was very good.

Shen Tunan was cutting the steak and was about to put it in her mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a man at the next table. She put down the fork in a daze, and then turned her head to look over.

The privacy of the restaurant is relatively good, the tables are relatively separated from each other, and only people can be seen but no voices can be heard.

"what happened?"

Seeing Shen Tunan suddenly looking to the side, Xu Ranzhi also looked over. A man and a woman were sitting at a table not far away. The girl turned her back to them and couldn't see clearly, but she could tell just by looking at her figure. Definitely a beautiful woman.

The man opposite was in his forties, with a very gentle appearance. Xu Ranzhi recognized him after a few glances. He was the well-known actor Pang Yue. At this time, he was talking to the girl opposite, but he didn't know what he said. , the girl shrugged her shoulders with a smile, it seemed that the relationship between the two was very close.

"It's Pang Yue."

Xu Ranzhi said something in a low voice, and Shen Tunan came back to his senses when he heard his voice, but her expression was very ugly.

"What's the matter, have you met someone you know?"

Lawrence looked at the two of them and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I'm a colleague, so I took a second look."

Shen Tunan shook her head, and perfunctory, but she seemed worried all night.

(End of this chapter)

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