The actor is a genius

Chapter 82 Acquaintances

Chapter 82 Acquaintances
After eating, Lawrence left first and returned to the nanny's car. Xu Ranzhi asked in a low voice, "What happened to you just now? Is there any problem with that Pang Yue?"

Shen Tunan's expression just now was obviously very wrong, if he just saw an acquaintance, he wouldn't have such an expression.

"I know Pang Yue."

Shen Tunan replied, but couldn't continue for a while, she stirred the corner of her clothes irritably, as if she didn't know where to start.

Xu Ranzhi reached out to hold Shen Tunan's hand, and he didn't rush her, just waiting for her to sort out her emotions.

Shen Tunan hesitated for a while before opening his mouth.

"Pang Yue is Sister Jin's husband, but he and the girl just now seem too close."

Pang Yue and Jin Yanni are husband and wife, but they did not make it public, especially Pang Yue, who has always declared that he is single for the sake of popularity and resources. Jin Yanni only said that her husband is an outsider in order to cooperate with him.

Xu Ranzhi was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"It's not necessarily what you think. Don't think about it, and don't tell Sister Jin. Otherwise, we'll go see Sister Jin tomorrow."

"I understand that I'm not in charge of this kind of thing, I'm just a little angry."

Shen Tunan nodded. Jin Yanni has taken good care of her all these years. Shen Tunan has always treated her as her own sister. If Pang Yue really did something wrong to Jin Yanni, she would definitely not let him go.

Shen Tunan found a reason to ask Jin Yanni out. Jin Yanni had a job during the day, and the two made an appointment to meet at her home at 8 o'clock.

The appointment was in the evening, and when the daytime was free, Shen Tunan took Xu Ranzhi to the practice room to practice dancing. This time she called the backup dancers together to prepare for the overall practice. For the solo dance part, she and Xu Ranzhi Burning City has almost practiced, and the overall practice can almost start shooting directly after a few times.

In order to match the overall atmosphere, Shen Tunan invited a famous European and American male model dance troupe to dance. It took a lot of effort for Tunan to invite them to come this time.

"You wear this suit."

I practiced the dance twice, and my coordination is not bad. Xu Ranzhi was watching the video just once, when Shen Tunan walked over with this suit of clothes with great interest.

Xu Ranzhi looked up, and Shen Tunan was holding a set of clothes in his hand. The top was a white shirt, but the material was softer and fit close to the body. The trousers were ordinary black trousers, and the material was also softer. The figure of the wearer can only be supported if the figure is good enough.

Xu Ranzhi looked at the clothes, and confidently reached out to take them to the dressing room beside him to change.

It didn't take long for Xu Ranzhi to come out. He was tall and thin, but not that kind of thin body. Because of long-term exercise and dancing, Xu Ranzhi's muscles were very beautiful, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and his proportions were excellent.

"Well, something seems wrong."

Shen Tunan stared at Xu Ranzhi who came out and touched his chin, feeling something was different from what she thought.

Xu Ranzhi's figure is tall and straight, which naturally conveyed the effect of the clothes very well, but he was dressed too formally, looking upright and awe-inspiring, which did not match the image of the evil and charming man she wanted.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Ranzhi looked down at himself, he felt that his figure was obviously very good.


Shen Tunan looked at him carefully for a while, but without answering him, he walked directly in front of Xu Ranzhi, reached out and unbuttoned all the buttons of his shirt.

Xu Ranzhi was taken aback by him, there are still many people in this practice room, what is Shen Tunan doing so wildly?
(End of this chapter)

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