Need for little hackers

Chapter 202 Media Activities Soldiers come to block

Chapter 202 Media Activities ([-]) Soldiers Arrive to Block


Lisa continued to communicate with various media, trying her best to convey the positive and sunny image of Kirin Wings to the outside world, hoping to improve the indifferent and mechanical feeling that Kirin Wings has always brought to the public.

Life Online has an online survey. In this survey, Lisa tried her best to take care of all aspects of netizens, and also focused on the public's intuitive feelings about Kirin Wings.

But the result made the colleagues of Kirin Wings extremely uneasy. Not only did some netizens have no feelings for Kirin Wings, but even had a hostile attitude towards Kirin Wings. This made Lisa feel pressured, and she could only comfort herself. After all, netizens are a minority.

After getting the results, Lisa was not in a hurry to make a decision. Through Baidu's search engine, she purchased their keyword reports. After researching and analyzing these reports, combined with the investigation of Life Online, Lisa finally made a decision. .

People in many places in the Central Plains have the lowest evaluation of Kirin Wings. This is obviously not caused by customs and humanistic characteristics, but more because the local media has too little reports and publicity on intelligent robots.Therefore, ordinary people do not reject intelligent robots, but do not feel them at all.

With such a judgment, Lisa is very easy to make a decision. She made an unprecedented decision to deploy Kirin milk tea shops in Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang and other places first. A series of hunger marketing campaigns.

This also attracted the attention of local TV stations and online communities, and carried out free word-of-mouth publicity, and Life Online is also fully cooperating with Kirin Wings to help them promote the network of local sites.Even a free lottery was held to promote the Kirin Milk Tea Shop.

Sure enough, when the Kirin Milk Tea Shop opened, it not only gathered a large number of local media, but even the customers lined up for more than one kilometer.Surprised the Internet world again.

In the past few months, more and more cities hope to have a Kirin milk tea shop, not only to experience the service brought by the incredible mechanical arm, but also to improve the image of the city through this high-tech facility and grades.Therefore, the governments of many cities have come forward to organize and made many promises, such as optimizing procedures, reducing or exempting rent, subsidizing rent, etc., which can be said to be in the limelight for a while.

At the same time, the Kylin Wings logistics platform has also been deployed in some major cities in the Central Plains.

Through the operation of the public relations company, Lisa made a special trip to Zhengzhou, and the local officials received her. In order to show her sincerity, Lisa mentioned that she would deploy unicorn houses in the fifth and sixth tier cities of the local districts and counties, which would be equipped with more mechanical arms. It is used for express delivery, so that more ordinary people can enjoy the services of intelligent robots.

The promotion of this combination of Kylin Milk Tea Shop + Kylin House really has a miraculous effect, and it really makes the locals feel the cool and convenient new feeling brought by technology.

It is worth mentioning that due to the deployment of these two products, the number of mobile payment users in the surrounding districts and counties of Zhengzhou has increased significantly.

This also surprised the local staff of Lifeline.

Soon, Baidu's keyword report was updated, and sure enough, the local people's feelings towards artificial intelligence and intelligent robots have undergone a qualitative change.In fact, Lisa didn't spend too much. The rent of the milk tea shop and the unicorn house were all provided free of charge by the local government, and the business of the milk tea shop was booming, not losing to any other cities with more developed economies than them.

However, although this method of fixed-point attack is very effective, its efficiency is very low. At the end of April, Lisa ended the public relations in the Central Plains and went to the northwest.

Unexpectedly, malicious reports against Qilin Wings began to come out intensively.

The first is the criticism from CCTV. They are based on two perspectives, the safety of robots and the unemployment of courier workers.

After CCTV was launched, the local media immediately followed.

Robot safety is a very professional issue. Since Qilin Wing started to use the mechanical arm, Qi Na has been advocating safety, but too obscure theories and inexperienced models make it difficult for ordinary people to understand his measures. .

As for the unemployment of courier workers, it is like the question asked by the CCTV reporter at the beginning of the month. If there is only a compassionate heart and no logic of a normal person, then this problem is unsolvable.

Lisa deeply understood the reason for Wu Jun's judgment at that time. If someone attacks Qilin Wings for this kind of problem, there is only one possibility, someone wants to attack Qilin Wings.

Why, Qilin Wings does not make enemies with others, keeps a low profile and does not mix with outsiders, how can it still become a thorn in the side of these people?
Is it just because it is too good?

The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them. Lisa read silently.

Media reports gradually formed a torrent of criticism. A large number of people began to attack Qilin Zhiyi. Some even claimed to be couriers and ran to Jiangjun Lane to ask Qilin Zhiyi to give him back his job.

He took a bottle of Sprite and poured it on himself in front of everyone. The strong smell of gasoline spread in all directions. The community security guards who were frightened and the police who heard the news rushed up at the same time and stopped him.A tragedy was averted.

This scene not only terrified everyone in Kirin Wings, but even made their lives uneasy. Wu Jun found Lisa, and the two companies strengthened their security at the same time. They have all received their promises and will increase the police force.

Safety can be guaranteed through hard work, but in the face of cyber violence, no one can help Qilin Wings.

Lisa is born with a keen insight into the media and public relations. She gave up publishing the public relations draft, but adopted a stupid method, keeping silent and procrastinating in the face of all problems.

All media activities were terminated, and even the development plan in the Northwest was abandoned, and the scheduled government activities were also given up, which made the public relations company cry out that it was a pity.

But Lisa knew that there was no other way.

On the other hand, she saw an opportunity in a high-tech expo in BJ. After negotiating with Qi Na, she rented a large area of ​​booth at this expo and arranged a robotic arm experience area.

Life Online is always tied to Kirin Wings. Once a robotic arm is involved in this kind of thing, the logistics platform and Life Online’s backend database will also be involved. After Zheng Xiumin knew this, she said to Lisa uneasy: What is the value? The participants are all from the industry, so what can they do if they have a deep understanding of Qilin Wings?"

Lisa chuckled: "This exhibition lasts for seven days. The first day is the media and professional audience day, and the next six days are ordinary audiences. This exhibition has always been a high-standard national-level high-tech exhibition, and a large number of ordinary people will visit it. This exhibition, and national leaders will also visit it.”

Zheng Xiumin let out a sigh. Lisa obviously has conducted in-depth investigations on this exhibition. In addition to promoting to ordinary audiences, she also hopes to influence the level of national leaders. The highly intelligent equipment of Kirin Wings, Once it appears in the expo, the organizer will definitely use it as a signboard to publicize, and use external forces to open up communication and information channels from downstream to upstream.

Zheng Xiumin gave a thumbs up and admired Lisa's means.

Lisa faced Zheng Xiumin's compliment a little shyly, and said: "Sister Zheng, we will have some media activities at that time, I hope you can go there together and help me make a stand."

Zheng Xiumin smiled generously and agreed, and then began to think about where to eat after going to BJ to participate in the expo.

She looked like a foodie, which made Lisa laugh, and threw herself into Zheng Xiumin's arms, and the two hugged each other.

Lisa repeatedly asked Kirin Wing to go up and down the Kirin Milk Tea Shop, Kirin Wing Logistics, logistics platform, and the four project teams that do not often communicate with the outside world. Without the authorization of the superior, they are not allowed to communicate with any media. .

Before getting the authorization, the only thing I can say to reporters and the media is: sorry, please communicate with the company's public relations department.

This prohibition has been perfectly implemented by Qilin Wing, which has always been super-executive. Until the opening of the expo, none of the media reporters could dig news from Qilin Wing.

The hollowness of the information made those media who were eager to see Kirin Wing's statement scratch their heads and feel restless, while the Internet public opinion followed the outbreak of the next hot spot, and Kirin Wing gradually retreated.

This is exactly what Lisa wanted.

This is the first time she has released a press release, the content is very simple, Kirin Wings will participate in the BJ High-tech Products Technology Expo in May, and welcome everyone to come.

The media people and reporters who followed the hot spots of Qilin Wing's public opinion reacted instantly, is Qilin Wing holding back to launch a counterattack in this place?
With the opening of the expo, the media circles flocked to this expo because they learned that Kirin Wings had landed on a large scale at this expo, hoping to get a glimpse of Kirin Wings’ attitude towards large-scale doubts from the outside world.

Media people gritted their teeth at the attitude of Qilin Wings who did not say anything, did not speak, did not accept interviews, and did not give any response, as if they were not afraid of boiling water, but there was nothing they could do.It was so easy to get close contact, more than one or two media people complained on Weibo and WeChat, holding their breath, and determined to communicate with Qilin Wing seriously.

This spring and autumn style of writing makes people full of curiosity, but for onlookers who have always had a good impression of Qilin Zhiyi, they are full of worry about Qilin Zhiyi.

The first day of the opening is the day for media reporters and professional visitors, so the traffic around the Expo Center is still normal.

Kylin Wings, which has always been low-key, became high-profile for the first time. It rented a hot air balloon over the Expo Center, hung a banner, and wrote: "Kirin Wings allows everyone to enjoy the services of intelligent robots."

The banner was very long. Before entering the museum, many people looked up at the hot air balloon and recited this sentence silently.

The high-tech exposition is a national-level high-tech exhibition and exchange meeting. Except for some companies that focus on displaying their own corporate image through some new products, most companies still hope to use this opportunity to demand more cooperation and promotion. Therefore, the professional audience on the first day is extremely important for most companies.

This part of the audience can be said to determine the grade and value of the entire exposition.But they are also very clear that an exhibition hall of more than 6 square meters is a long journey for any audience.

After the lively opening ceremony, media reporters and professional audience began to enter.

The leaders and staff of those manufacturers began to swell with enthusiasm, as if they were soldiers before going to the battlefield, waiting for the review of the generals, or as an account of the results of the past few days of meticulously setting up the exhibition and staying up all night.

They were a little excited and a little nervous.

1 minutes
10 minutes..
Half an hour
One hour..
Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was already close to lunch time in the blink of an eye, but there were very few spectators in the venue. Occasionally, a few reporters hurried past, and they all went to say hello. The familiar manufacturers took materials, The carriage fee left in a hurry.

They are very surprised, how is this going on?

Isn't there a few media present this year?Could it be that the professional audience organization of the organizer is so-so and not doing their best?

Just when these small and medium-sized exhibitors were puzzled, a security guard of the exhibition hall laughed and said: "Who would come here, they are all surrounded in Hall A! There is no way to get through."

Hall A?
Someone yelled: "It's the wings of the unicorn!"

(End of this chapter)

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