Need for little hackers

Chapter 203 Media Activities Data Center

Chapter 203 Media Activities ([-]) Data Center


Even CCTV, which publicly attacked Kirin Wings at first, had to broadcast news clips of the expo on CCTV's news program, and it is impossible for state leaders to turn a blind eye to the long stay at the scene, so the screen of the news clips, The robotic arm of Kirin Wings became the background, and Lisa and Zheng Xiumin cooperated to complement each other. Facing the leaders of the country, they talked freely and tried their best to fully demonstrate the performance and performance occasions of the robotic arm.

Even though they didn't make a sound in the news, the state leaders' engrossed expression is unforgettable.

In the later news, it seems that because the superior unit criticized the production of this news, CCTV finally abandoned the previous unfriendly attitude towards Kirin Wings, and re-produced a large amount of live content for supplementary reports.

Here, the leader made a speech and expressed his views and ideas on the mechanical arm of Kirin Wings.

In fact, at the scene, facing the leader, the mechanical arm of Kirin Wings did not hesitate, and enthusiastically prepared a cup of coffee for the leader in line with his physical condition. The artificial intelligence sincerely suggested that the leader should take more rest and pay attention to his health. Everyone present was surprised, but the leader was not dissatisfied. Instead, he was full of curiosity about artificial intelligence, thinking that Lisa had a long communication with Zheng Xiumin.

And Lisa also boldly invited the leader to go to Ningnan at the right time. In the unicorn nest in Ningnan, the robot of the Suzaku II generation has taken shape, which will definitely bring more shock to the leader.

She was talking about shocking, amazing the leader, arousing curiosity.At this time, a certain person in charge of the military accompanying the leader stepped forward and whispered something to the leader. The leader nodded and said to Lisa: "Okay, I will go there. I hope you can continue to uphold innovative ideas, continue to work hard, and create produce better products.”

When the leader left, the head of the military came over and revealed his identity to them. He was indeed the general in charge of the cooperation between the Ministry of National Defense and Qilin Wings.This person was much older than them, and he said a few hard-working words. Lisa was very quick-witted, and she beat the snake with a stick. She told this person about Qilin Wing's troubles, and this person nodded and said he understood.then left.

At this moment, Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Zheng Xiumin: "This is the highest-ranking official I have ever seen in my life."

Zheng Xiumin smiled: "What kind of official? In ancient times, this was regarded as the Ninth Five-Year Supreme."

With a lot of harvest, Lisa returned to Ningnan. Because of the special care of the leader, even Du Juan visited Lisa overnight to restore the scene bit by bit. When she heard that the leader promised to come to Ningnan, Du Juan was shocked again. Congratulations, this is both pressure and opportunity.

Regardless of Du Juan's calculations, Lisa soon continued to carry out the promotional work of reshaping the image of Kirin Wings.Not long after she returned to Ningnan, she flew to Xi'an, Lanzhou and other places with her troops. At the same time, the VI of Kirin Wings was reshaped. It was no longer a simple triangular pattern before, but a round blue icon.It seems to be a round door, opening the round door is the way to the future.

Also released at the same time is the mascot, a Q version of the unicorn named Wing, and a good friend of the unicorn, a giraffe.

During the same period, in Kirin milk tea shops and Kirin houses across the country, this Q-version doll was distributed on a large scale, which once again aroused heated discussions.

Summer is approaching, and Lisa has even opened a summer camp in Ningnan - Qilin Wings - Qilin Nest in several big cities with the worst reputation. Mechanical, inhuman feelings.

Of course, as for the effect, where will there be feelings in a while?

In late May, Qi Na's software development work was on the right track, and the robot operating system robotOS had begun to take shape. He moved back to Asakawa and began to lead the largest data center construction in his personal career.

The custom-made servers are piled up like mountains, network cables, racks, cable racks, switches, routers, optical fibers, no matter what kind of equipment is transported by wagon, and in order to save time, almost all equipment and connectors are used Modules and modules are designed, and even the server is uniquely designed by Qina.

And in the grand space, the air-conditioning systems that are taller than people are scary like monsters. This air-conditioning system relies on electricity to circulate water to cool down. It was Qi Na who listened to Ye Tingfei and other military technicians. Opinion, highly ordered.

This is also to rely on the excellent water quality of Beipo Lake, otherwise just a single cyanobacteria will kill the air-conditioning system.

However, the power line is still being debugged, and it cannot be powered on and running at one time. In order to complete the transformation of the power line from the main trunk to Beipo Town, the power installation team from half the province was dragged here.

But how uneasy is Qina, after all, the provincial power company has already cooperated fully, if it is really impossible to deliver the electricity on time, it can only be counted as natural disasters and man-made disasters.

An engineer who was fortunate to participate in the construction wrote a sentence in his work log: It is worthwhile to participate in such a great project in this life.

The construction unit of the data center is from BJ. In order to complete this project, a plane was chartered to Hechuan, and then a car was chartered to Asakawa. However, the technical personnel still could not meet the demand, so a large number of colleagues from Ningnan came to support, and the local Asakawa , a large number of technicians in Hechuan, the provincial capital, were also hired temporarily. For a while, there was a situation of a big battle, and everyone who heard it was excited.

The construction period required by Qi Na was extremely tight, and the hardware deployment was required to be completed on June [-]st, and the software debugging should be completed before the end of the college entrance examination on the [-]th.

In just 20 days, it is simply an impossible task.

But Qi Na was Party A, and the contract between the two parties clearly required this. The person in charge of Party B bit the bullet and began to direct the work.

But after half an hour of watching him make arrangements, Qi Na took over his command and began to make arrangements by himself.

Qi Na introduced his planning process in detail to all the technicians participating in the battle. It took a whole day for this, but the meeting continued at night. Qi Na faced hundreds of technicians and asked them to repeat the work requirements one by one. One detail must not go wrong. The technicians of BJ and Ningnan are relatively good, and they can understand the whole process.

The local and Asakawa technicians are relatively sloppy and lax.So Qina reassigned, and the core work was handed over to BJ's technicians, while the local technicians were responsible for the simplest tasks, while Ningnan's technicians were responsible for supervision and inspection.

There is execution, there is inspection, and they complement each other, so start working.

When everyone was exhausted, Qi Na announced the start of work.

Everyone was stunned. It's so late, isn't it a rest?What a start!
Qi Na didn't explain. The person in charge of the construction unit, who was out of breath due to the construction schedule, came forward to communicate. From this moment on, he started working around the clock. He was really tired and went back to rest, and woke up to continue.There is no definite work and rest time.

There was no sound in the venue for a moment, but looking at the equipment and equipment piled up in the square, everyone understood that what they said was true.

Like a spreading black tide, it entered the position silently and started twenty crazy days and nights.

Until the end of the college entrance examination in June, the whole world seemed to be isolated from them, creating a short vacuum period with society.

At the beginning of June, it is regrettable that the deployment of the equipment has not been completed. There are always some abnormal situations, including power supply and even logistics supply. There are always various problems, which makes Qi Na very angry. He scolded Emily and Jian Ning for the first time, because now they are responsible for all the logistical work. It was the first time for Emily to be scolded by Qina. Tears hung in her eyes, but she didn't make a sound. The technicians sent mineral water and lunch boxes.

Then I went to the restaurants and school cafeterias in the local town, and tried every means to make up for it. The promise of the town government was not fulfilled. After all, it is a remote town. , can't keep up with the rhythm at all.

They had no choice but to find a way by themselves. When they had no choice, Fan Ning took a group of chefs and several trucks of supplies to the data center square. A few days ago, there were servers and routers here. Temporary canteen.

This can be regarded as solving a major logistical problem and ensuring that meals are available 24 hours a day.

The constant problems did not affect Qi Na's mood. He stayed up all night and continued to urge everyone to work without giving them any time to relax.

His working status is amazing. Some people say that he is a man like a god, and some people say that he is a strange person, but few people know that Qi Na is the actual master of Lifeline and Qilin Wings.

If they knew that they had achieved such achievements, had such wealth, and still worked so hard, they would have to stare out their eyes.

Although the hardware debugging and installation time was overdue, the software debugging was done by Qi Na himself. After the optical fiber was connected, the artificial intelligence Peter had already started to take over some servers through the data link, and took over some of the life online services through this data channel, so that The uneasy load problem of lifeline technicians has finally begun to be solved slowly.

With the full cooperation of the construction unit, the most painful and tormenting moment passed slowly. The servers went online one by one, and communicated with the life online server in Ningnan smoothly one by one. In the end, the remaining team of hundreds of guys breathed a sigh of relief. , Many people lay down on the spot exhausted, no matter whether they were clean or not, they curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

Because of Peter's reason, software debugging is more convenient, and some defects are recorded, and we will continue to deal with them later.

As if to verify the performance of these servers of Life Online, an unexpected DDOS attack came.

After Qi Na received the report on the situation of the colleagues left behind in Ningnan, he was very surprised. There are still people who dare to break ground on Taisui. He is a master of DDOS attacks. These people launch DDOS attacks on Life Online. Isn’t it just a gangster who uses an axe to blame the village chief? Cadres?
Qina was secretly joking like this, but in fact he became alert and immediately took temporary countermeasures.

In fact, it is very simple. Thousands of servers have to go online one after another. Asakawa’s data center will continue to take over the services of Ningnan data center to share the load brought by DDOS attacks. Even when Peter is overwhelmed, Ningnan’s data center is short-lived Stop responding, Asakawa's server is under Peter's skillful connection, all services on Life Online website are not affected in any way.

The attack lasted for several days, which severely tested the pressure resistance of the Asakawa data center, but did not bring any loss to Life Online.

This made Zheng Xiumin realize the importance of the Asakawa data center. At the same time, she accepted Qi Na's opinion, reported the case to the Ningnan police, and disclosed the details of the report to the media. Soon, the attack gradually subsided.

DDOS attacks must be set up and processed at key nodes on the network in order to eliminate them from the source, but the reality is that the competent authorities do not care much about the losses caused by such attacks.

However, Qi Na did not decide to just let go of this large-scale attack. He sent countless reptiles to the initiator of the attack, spreading all over the network. unacceptable.

But before the reptiles reported their work, Qi Na was determined to have a good sleep.

He is so tired.

(End of this chapter)

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