Need for little hackers

Chapter 205 Media Activities Calling Godfather

Chapter 205 Media Activities ([-]) Calling Godfather


Gu Jianzhong said with difficulty: "Qina, good. You have worked hard." He tried to speak in the usual state of mind, but he couldn't make a coherent voice.

Qi Na nodded at him, and Gu Jianzhong said again, "Thank you." He pointed at his daughter Gu Yuanxia with his finger.

Qina didn't understand, so he nodded vigorously and said, "Mr. Gu, don't worry, Xiaoxia is my sister, and I will definitely take good care of her."

As if to show his attitude, Qina grabbed Gu Yuanxia's wrist and said: "Xiaoxia, you are younger than me, I recognize you as my sister, your father is my father, your mother is my mother, I swear to take care of you." Hello you guys."

Gu Yuanxia burst into tears.

The so-called cruelty of the world, in just a few months, she has a deep understanding at this age, and it is her father who is more worried about her.

Gu Jianzhong thought to himself that he has been tossing around in Sanyang for 30 years, and he has made many enemies. Once he leaves, he does not know how many people will bully his daughter and wife. After thinking about it, those colleagues in the group and those outside the cooperation Partner, alliance, which one is reliable?

These people are all two-faced and three-faced, with many masks. If something goes wrong, not only will their reputation be in danger after death, but orphans and widows will hardly be able to live in peace.

After thinking about it, besides Xiang Yuyao, there is only Qi Na.

Qi Na is young, full of vigor, he will do what he says, and he has a bright future. As long as he agrees, he will feel at ease, so he insists on not returning to Ningnan for treatment, and insists on letting Xiang Yuyao find Qi Na.

Unexpectedly, Qi Na understood Gu Jianzhong's uneasiness, and without hesitation, recognized his daughter Gu Yuanxia as his god-sister, and the matter was settled.

However, Gu Jianzhong shook his head and did not agree. Xiang Yuyao immediately realized that when he went to Gu's house, Gu Jianzhong corrected Gu Yuanxia to call her sister and changed his name to Auntie. Qi Na is an equal, and after these two nodes were figured out, Xiang Yuyao said to Gu Yuanxia: "Little Xia, kneel down and recognize your godfather!"

Gu Yuanxia was taken aback for a moment, but seeing his mother and father on the sick bed, they were all nodding, especially Gu Jianzhong's face showed joy, she glanced at Qi Na, Qi Na looked surprised, but Xiang Yuyao pushed her , and said again: "Xiaoxia, Mr. Gu regards Qina as an equal, you will not suffer from this godfather."

A smile bloomed on Gu Yuanxia's tear-stained face, he knelt down obediently, and kowtowed to Qi Na.

Qina nodded and said a complete sentence: "Qina, Xiaoxia's mother and daughter will be taken care of by you, please."

Qi Na has black hair, but he also looks at Gu Jianzhong with the same meaning, so he doesn't pretend, no matter whether he recognizes his god-sister or god-daughter, he must take good care of them in the next few decades.

He helped Gu Yuanxia up, and said: "My parents are in Ningnan, you go to see my parents tomorrow."

What he said in this way was to make Gu Jianzhong completely at ease.However, I mentioned to Xiang Yuyao before that I would transfer the shares of the real estate project to Gu Jianzhong, but I didn’t mention it. I’m afraid it would make Gu Jianzhong uneasy to mention it at this time. It’s better not to mention it. important.

Hearing Qina's arrangement, Gu Jianzhong really smiled and closed his eyes.

Xiang Yuyao said casually: "President Gu is tired, let's go out first, and I will pick up Xiaoxia tomorrow."

President Gu's wife nodded. Of course she understood her husband's intentions. She sent them out of the ward, hid in the bathroom and washed their faces to calm down.

After making arrangements for Gu Yuanxia, ​​Qi Na said to Xiang Yuyao, "I have a date tonight, you can have dinner with me, and then send me there."

Xiang Yuyao nodded and had no objection, but she let Xu go home, and it would be inconvenient to have a third party at this time.

She found a tea restaurant. At this time, no matter how good the reputation of the restaurant is, it is still tasteless to them, so she simply finds a place with a better environment and rests.

Qi Na sat down, ordered a snack, and asked Xiang Yuyao: "Have you ever thought about the future of Sanyang without Mr. Gu?"

Xiang Yuyao smiled slightly, and asked puzzledly, "Why do you ask this question?"

Qina didn't explain it thoroughly, but said that he was curious.

Xiang Yuyao lowered her head and said: "For me, there are two situations. The first one is that it has nothing to do with me. Those people can do whatever they want."

"The second type is Sanyang where I will be at the helm. Of course, this is impossible." Xiang Yuyao said it was impossible, but countless plans and ideas flew into her mind, saying: "Sanyang has always been a traditional manufacturing industry. At most, it involves some real estate development and supermarket retailing. Apart from the manufacturing of industrial products, the home appliance business is also an important part of Sanyang.”

Qina nodded, encouraging her to continue.

Xiang Yuyao went on to say: "If I were at the helm, I would have to change the current company structure. Now is the Internet age, and the future trend has already appeared. The traditional manufacturing, production, and scale are out of touch with the times. We must adapt to the development of the times. In short, I will take the home appliance business as a breakthrough, and take e-commerce as an opportunity to endow Sanyang with the genes and bones of the Internet and reshape Sanyang’s home appliance business.”

The more Xiang Yuyao talked, the more excited she said, "Do you know how much money Sanyang's home appliance business was owed in the 3C stores? Those stores said it nicely. The payment starts in 15 days and must be completed in 45 days, but In fact, getting back the sales payment within three months is considered fast. But when we go to their shelves and counters, in addition to paying the money, we also have to look at the face of the other party, and we have to cooperate endlessly with their decorations and store celebrations. , devoting meaningless resources.”

Qina nodded again: "You can put the sales on the lifeline, and Qilin Wings will do the delivery for you."

"Yes, at least the payment for the goods can be obtained at that time. With this kind of capital efficiency, even if I am cheaper and do some promotions, so what? Even if I pay out at a flat rate, so what, my capital turnover is fast, and the flat out is earning." Xiang Yuyao took a sip of Coke and breathed a sigh of relief.After a while, continue.

"I will continue to strengthen product design. Product-oriented is the direction of future enterprises. Without good products, this model of relying on performance and financial statements must have no way out."

"Kirin Wings can provide Sanyang with a complete set of 3D product design tools, helping Sanyang's design department improve efficiency." Qi Na said.

"I know, I've seen your 3D printers and 3D projectors, which are great. But Sanyang is too traditional and stubborn, and these things are impossible to accept." Xiang Yuyao said.

She suddenly stared: "But if I am at the helm, I will definitely reverse this situation."

Xiang Yuyao talked a lot, and Qi Na listened to it a lot, and occasionally interrupted a word. It was not until Liu Shuangshuang called that Qi Na ended the meeting and asked Xiang Yuyao to take him to the Xuanwu Hotel.

Xiang Yuyao asked him curiously: "Who are you seeing?"

Qina smiled slightly and didn't say a word, Xiang Yuyao asked again: "Do you want me to wait for you?"

Qina hummed in the car, and then said: "I don't know how long it will take, or you can go there with me."

Xiang Yuyao was stunned for a moment, and then Qina said: "I have an appointment with Du Juan, you can come with me."

Xiang Yuyao screamed, and Qi Na said, "You have to fight, for Qianchuan's project, for yourself, for me, and for Mr. Gu."

After he finished speaking, he didn't make a sound, Xiang Yuyao said: "I went to say what!"

Qina smiled: "Isn't what you just said very good?"

It was very easy to see Du Juan, because of the close cooperation between the Ministry of National Defense and Kirin Wings, and because of Lisa's high-profile landing at the BJ Expo, the leader will come to Ningnan, and it is very likely that he will come to Kirin Wings, so Du Juan , not only concerned about municipal construction, but also concerned about people's livelihood projects.Of course, they are more concerned about the development of Kirin Wings.

I heard that Qi Na is coming, of course I want to see you.

But it was Sanyang who met for an interview. She knew Xiang Yuyao, but Gu Jianzhong had made too many enemies. Can a weak woman hold Sanyang's situation?

She also has to admit that Xiang Yuyao's story is very interesting and in line with the current development of Ningnan, no, the trend of world development, but Sanyang is not a new Internet upstart, but a huge and complex state-owned enterprise. Complicated, with huge interests, Sanyang is not listed.

Moreover, the position left by Gu Jianzhong has been coveted by countless people for a long time, and it is even beyond her ability to decide.

But in the end Du Juan agreed to visit Gu Jianzhong in the hospital early tomorrow morning. They are old friends. Gu Jianzhong went to BJ for treatment. Du Juan visited him when BJ was in a meeting. , she still agreed.

The meeting the next day was very brief. Gu Jianzhong was in critical condition, but fortunately he understood Xiang Yuyao's thoughts and expressed to Du Juan his wish for Xiang Yuyao to take over.This can be regarded as a pleading, as a person who is about to die speaks kindly, Du Juan couldn't help hesitating even more.

This time it was Qina's turn to work. He persuaded Liu Shuangshuang. Liu Shuangshuang had given him the information of all competitors. Qi Na visited again and was alone with Du Juan. Ci, I hope she supports Xiang Yuyao.

Du Juan asked Qi Na back: "How can Xiang Yuyao hold the overall situation."

Qina asked back: "How did you hold Ningnan?"

That’s right, whether to hold or not to hold is just a front line, and everything is perfect, but how can everything be perfect? !The so-called work depends on people, and success depends on God.

That night, Du Juan finally figured out the key issue: "Xiang Yuyao belongs to Gu Jianzhong. Changing Xiang Yuyao means that I have an opinion on Gu Jianzhong, which means denying my previous work."

"If it were someone else, how many people would be able to communicate with me? How can you allow others to sleep soundly under the so-called couch? Rather, Xiang Yuyao can't hold Sanyang, and don't leave trouble!" Du Juan secretly said: "An inch of land must be fought. "

Xiang Yuyao issued a notice the next day, called "ERP project second phase summary meeting and third phase mobilization meeting", requiring all middle-level cadres to participate. The meeting notice was written by Qi Na. It is the key to test the success of the ERP project, and all participants are required to submit the second-stage summary and the third-stage planning.

Those middle-level cadres are confused, why the ERP project has been online for a long time, and there is a second and third stage rhetoric, but maybe the manufacturer is doing a return visit and research!

Everyone didn't care too much about it, but everyone did have some new ideas about the use of ERP. After discussing and writing a few words, they all rushed to the venue to prepare for the conference.

And those bosses who stared at Gu Jianzhong's position did not understand the mystery of this. Even if they had doubts, they only thought that a weak woman could still support things?
Unexpectedly, in the middle of the ERP project meeting, Du Juan arrived at the meeting place, commended Sanyang's performance in the past six months, and raised hopes for the ERP project.Although she didn't say it clearly, all the middle-level cadres already understood that Du Juan came to stand for Xiang Yuyao.

As soon as Du Juan left, the organization department announced that night that Xiang Yuyao would be in charge of Sanyang's work during Gu Jianzhong's serious illness.

This is simply explosive news, but because the middle-level cadres who had been baptized by the ERP summary meeting were not surprised, they calmed down the emotional fluctuations at the grassroots level. Only a few senior executives struggled, but within a week , These bosses were transferred away, investigated for dismissal investigation, and the power extending from the city strongly supported Xiang Yuyao.

And Xiang Yuyao's actions were even more aggressive. She immediately changed her previous business philosophy and readjusted the company structure, dividing it into two business divisions: industrial products and consumer products. Li Xiangjun became the general manager of the consumer product division, and The basic structure of industrial products remains unchanged.

With the support of Xiang Yuyao, Li Xiangjun forcibly shut down a refrigerator production line with unsaturated production capacity, laid off workers, and paid cash to purchase the Xuanwu V-shaped mechanical arm of Kirin Wings.In order to supplement the labor force of some positions.

Then introduce the 3D design system of Kirin Wings.As a result, the design department was in turmoil, and a large number of people left their jobs. Xiang Yuyao was unmoved and recruited on a large scale from the outside world.

The most important change in operating strategy is to increase investment in e-commerce and reduce investment in 3C stores.

But it attracted countless criticisms, and some people even slandered her private life, but Xiang Yuyao was unmoved, and Du Juan also suppressed all these slanderous things and fully supported Xiang Yuyao's change.

Of course, these are things for later, but Xiang Yuyao's life has changed again, which is not wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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