Need for little hackers

Chapter 206 Media Activities Toys?

Chapter 206 Media Activities ([-]) Toys?

After finishing dealing with Xiang Yuyao and Sanyang, Qi Na returned to Kirin Wings. Unexpectedly, Lisa and others were not in the office. Na was depressed for a while, but fortunately Tian Xiu rushed over and stopped the newcomer from making mistakes.

Tian Xiu immediately reported the development progress to Qi Na, and the development of the robotOS system has also entered a bottleneck. The main reason is that there is a problem with the connection with Qilin Nest.

Bad hardware is one reason, but miscommunication is another.

Qi Na wants to discuss this matter with Lisa, but Tian Xiu tells him that Lisa has been wandering outside for more than a month.

Through continuous market activities, she maintains the development progress of Kirin Milk Tea Shop and Kirin House, and maintains the reputation of Kirin Wings. In addition to the enthusiastic feedback from the northwest market, it is even more surprising that the market has been detonated in the central and southern regions. Lisa also took advantage of the heat and extended the tentacles of Qilin Wings to the southwest.

Her job has made the entire Kylin Wings logistics system advance by leaps and bounds, becoming the most dazzling star in the logistics market, and the expansion of Life Online complements each other even more, and they are soaring upwards. The logistics platform model that Qi Na has always imagined has begun to take shape. .

Qi Na asked Tian Xiu: "Lisa hasn't returned to the company?"

Tian Xiu nodded: "Yes, it is active during the day, and it will be approved and processed on the system at night."

Qina snorted, he has been completely immersed in his own world recently, and he has paid too little attention to the people around him.

But Lisa is not here, he can also make decisions about the relocation of the office, Tian Xiu drove him to Qilin's Nest.

Without Emily, Tian Xiu has transformed from a technical assistant.

Min Rui's hair has already grown, tied into a small braid, and wearing a white coat, discussing with everyone in the laboratory.

After Qi Na came in, everyone stopped discussing and looked at him.

Min Rui followed him out of the laboratory and went to the office with him. Qina told her two things, the move of the software department to Qilin Nest and the current bottleneck of the Suzaku project and Qinglong project.

Although Min Rui is the person in charge of technology, she is actually the general manager of Qilinwo, although she does not manage anything that has nothing to do with technology.

She said: "Of course it's good to move here. You didn't want to move at the beginning."

Min Rui fiddled with his computer, and there was a projector the size of a mobile phone at hand, and a picture was projected on the white wall, which was exactly the structure of the Qilin nest. Min Rui pointed to several factory buildings and told Qi Na that this is the workshop. This is the assembly plant, and then the two dotted buildings tell Qi Na that this is an office building that has just been furnished, and the location of the software department has been reserved.

Qina nodded. Although Min Rui didn't care about mundane matters, he actually had a keen sense and had already made arrangements.

As for the robot project, the bottleneck is obvious, but there are bright spots in the predicament. The robotic arm of the logistics platform has evolved to the Xuanwu VI type, but the most important thing is to use the robotic arm. The Xuanwu project team has designed multiple solutions. It's amazing the potential of robotic arms.

Of course, the catering application represented by Kirin Milk Tea Shop is needless to mention, and the packaging system developed to meet the delivery needs of e-commerce warehouses is amazing.

The goods in the e-commerce warehouse are complicated, and the needs of each order are different. The packaging is arranged according to the needs, that is, the goods are packaged according to different needs. For example, if you buy two barrels of milk powder and one barrel of milk powder, the packaging box used is It's completely different. The past experience is that workers use local materials and use ready-made packaging boxes to add fillers to pack.

Now, three pairs of robotic arms are used to form an assembly line. The system receives the volume of the order, and the packaging system will calculate the most reasonable packaging method. At the same time, the first pair of robotic arms will be completed on a standard blank cardboard with special props. Crease treatment, the second pair of robotic arms will fold the cardboard into a packaging box according to the creases, and wrap it with tape at the same time, and then pass the packaging box to the third pair of robotic arms through the conveyor belt to pack and seal the box, and print the barcode.

The core of which is to design the most reasonable package method. Of course, although the system is very advanced, it does not have the creative thinking of human beings. In order to meet the daily needs, the designers compiled nearly 48 kinds of packages for daily use. In fact, there are [-] kinds of packing box styles.And according to the needs, four kinds of blank cardboards of different sizes are customized, and processed according to the needs, which is efficient and has strong adaptability and expandability.

This solution has been tested in the warehouses of many e-commerce companies, so when it landed in the BJ Expo, the mature application experience made the participants shine.

The application of robotic arms has gradually matured through the promotion and operation of Kirin House and Kirin Milk Tea Shop, and its expansibility has made more and more manufacturers willing to try. The only thing that makes them hesitate is the price, the cost of each robotic arm As high as 80, the price of a packaging system is as high as [-] million for pure hardware, plus a valuable software system, plus a ruthless discount, the cost is also close to [-] million.

However, many e-commerce companies are still starting to purchase, because if they have such a set of facilities, it means that the warehouse has entered the stage of 24-hour work.

One such system can be used by 24 people [-] hours a day.

Thirty laborers means paying 10,000+ labor wages a month. In this way, the cost can be recovered in three to five years.And has a warehouse that can work 24 hours.

Capitalists, especially capitalists in emerging industries, will settle this account!
I believe that when this trend is introduced into traditional industries, more companies will choose robotic arms.

Compared with the popularity of robotic arms, it is difficult to summarize the difficulties encountered by the robotics project team with one or two problems.

So Min Rui told Qi Na: "At present, the most well-known IC chip design manufacturers and electronic component manufacturers in the Yangtze River Basin have technicians in Qilinwo. They are working together to promote the resolution of some key issues."

"Oh, and batteries. Now, in order to solve the battery problem, we have put forward an idea, hoping to buy the patent of a high-efficiency battery module solution from a battery factory in Taiwan, but the other party's asking price is very high. If it is purely cash acquisition, he The asking price is one billion Taiwan dollars, about [-] million yuan."

When Qi Na heard that a patent was priced at [-] million RMB, he was taken aback and asked Min Rui to explain in detail.

But Min Rui was very impatient, and said: "I have explained it in the email, you can go back and look through the email. If the battery problem cannot be solved, then we have an emergency solution, but I am afraid the controversy is not small."

The emergency solution she mentioned is actually wireless charging. In areas where robots often appear, such as home robots, its activity area must be indoors, so a wireless device for charging can be arranged in the kitchen or living room, as long as it Close to this area, it can be charged.

But needless to say, safety and environmental protection have become topics, and this level may not be passed even inside the Kirin Wing.

Qi Na asked: "Do the battery manufacturers have no solutions?"

Min Rui shook his head: "If we have an alternative, how could we think of spending a lot of money to buy that broken patent?"

Min Rui told him that the two project teams have carried out research in multiple directions. In addition to increasing the size of the battery, improving battery performance, and reducing its own weight and saving electricity, there is no solution worth mentioning yet. The plan, after all, as an industrial material, they have just entered this field, and the recruits are a large number of fresh graduates, and the qualified engineering material personnel are not interested in new local tyrants like Kirin Wings.

Qi Na interrupted Min Rui and said, "Actually, we have encountered systemic problems, right?"

For systemic problems, Min Rui was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, systemic bottlenecks, robotics is a point in the country's basic industry, if the foundation is not good, robotics is still a toy."

Qi Na was dissatisfied: "You said Peter is a toy?"

Min Rui hesitated for a moment: "Almost."

Qi Na shouted: "Peter is the best artificial intelligence, you call him a toy!!!"

His voice was very loud, rather than venting his dissatisfaction with Min Rui, it was better to say that he was very dissatisfied with the progress of the entire project.

Emily received a call from Qi Na in the aftermath of Asakawa, and rushed back to Ningnan overnight.

Qi Na asked to start preparing for the relocation the next day, and completely relocated the Qilin Wings in the city to the Qilin Nest in Jiangbei.

Emily first went through the company's internal process in an hour, that is, the communication with Lisa.

Lisa had no objection, but they discussed many details on the phone, such as the time of the shuttle bus, some female colleagues who were just pregnant, how to arrange transportation and other details.

Lisa couldn't help asking Emily: "What's the matter with Alex, the Asakawa data center will be relocated just after finishing the matter, and you don't have any spare time?"

Emily let out a miserable cry: "How did I know that Asakawa's matter has not been dealt with yet, and Jian Ning is doing all of it now, I'm sorry for that child, and his health is not good."

She paused, then whispered to Lisa: "I asked Tian Xiu about it, and it seems that Alex is very dissatisfied with Min Gong's development progress, and may want to personally supervise the battle."

Lisa let out an oh, and muttered softly, "Is he successful?"

Emily said indifferently: "Whether it will be successful or not, with a robotic arm, at least the company will not have to worry about eating and drinking."

Lisa laughed out loud, thought for a while and said, "He can advance the development of the robotic arm in such a short period of time, so I still have confidence in him."

Emily snorted: "What confidence is it? It's love."

This ridicule made Lisa speechless.

Emily suddenly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly apologized to Lisa, Lisa said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's nothing!"

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I just hope to help him, and I don't have much other ideas."

"You really want to marry that Wei? Eleven?" Emily asked cautiously.

"Well, do you have to go back on the wedding invitation?" Lisa asked back.

Emily hesitated, and said: "The Wei family seems to have lost their voice recently. I heard Mr. Xiang mentioned that their family seems to be suppressed by Secretary Du Juan very hard."

"That's a matter of standing in line. The Wei family is a big family, and it's impossible for them to be hurt by a moment of unhappiness. Moreover, Wei Kexin is the eldest son and grandson, and he is the most hopeful of this generation of the Wei family." Lisa whispered She said, but she really understood what Wei Kexin was, and what family hoped that it was just a comforting word.

Emily persuaded: "This is a lifetime thing. I would rather be single like me, and don't be too hasty. By the way, have you obtained the certificate?" Obtaining the certificate means obtaining a marriage certificate. If you get a marriage certificate, then she will not persuade you again After all, with a marriage certificate, they are legally married couples.

"No," Lisa said, "May [-] originally forced me to get it, but I went to BJ. They said that I would not get it until August [-]th. I'm worried!"

She said she would not regret it before, but now she is making the last resistance, which is enough to show Lisa's inner torment.

Emily didn't say anything, but she didn't know how to comfort Lisa.

(End of this chapter)

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