Need for little hackers

Chapter 208 Media Activities Explosion

Chapter 208 Media Activities ([-]) Explosion


The wish campaign was very successful. The public relations company estimated that if each wish is realized, it needs to pay 100 million yuan, then the monthly cost is 3000 million yuan, but now it seems that the cost of realizing each wish may not be so high.

Lisa actually prepared nearly 1 million yuan in expenses.It was originally planned to be done for two months, but according to this progress, it may be possible to do it for three months or even four months.

This kind of media attention has been maintained until October and November. With the buffer period of three or four months for the purchase of Kirin Wings for 1 million yuan, Qi Na must be able to make a difference. Lisa is 100% of this believable.

Maintaining such a high degree of exposure can also give an explanation to pre-investment institutions such as Kong Zhen, Sanyang, and Zhundian.

And because of such high exposure and high reputation, it brings high flow of milk tea shops. It is a pity that no matter how popular the milk tea shops are, the value of a single product is here. Even if one hundred milk tea shops in the country sell three One hundred cups, then the turnover in January will not exceed 900 million in the whole country.Bearing the marketing costs of a wishlist is clearly out of the question.

But after all, Lisa's initial suggestion was not to make the milk tea shop profitable, but to use such a small shop in the market to shorten the distance between ordinary people and mechanical arms and robots. It is a natural transitional platform.

However, the nearly [-] million income of Baijia Milk Tea Shop still shocked many people, and it also reduced the pressure on Lisa's marketing expenses.You must know that with the help of high-tech gimmicks, many cities are scrambling to let them open stores in the past. The rent of the stores is very cheap, and some places are even free.Recently, some large-scale commercial real estate companies also hope to cooperate with Kirin Milk Tea Shop, and promised low rent, which is the popularity and high-tech image of Kirin Milk Tea Shop.

However, the post-marketing expenses of the wish and dream event still need to be controlled, otherwise no one can bear the fact that they will be sending out houses and villas every day.

On this point, Zheng Xiumin has already intervened and told her the truth, because he is using the public platform of Life Online, so Peter is in control of all this, and he has already begun to screen out some otherworldly, shameless, and boring wishes.

Alternative, such as those who want to go to Mars and the moon.

Shameless, I hope to have a kiss with a certain actress; or I want to buy a house of [-] square meters.

Boring, I want to give a speech in front of the whole world.

Like this kind of extremely unreliable or extremely expensive wish, Peter has already carried out automatic filtering.

Lisa is worried whether the news will be discovered by the outside world, which will affect the reputation of Qilin Wing and life online.

Zheng Xiumin gave her reassurance, absolutely not.

At two o'clock in the morning, Lisa's plane landed at Ningnan Airport. An administrative staff member picked her up, drove Li Wenwen home, and finally took Lisa to a mansion in the west of the city.

She stopped the car, and hurriedly got out of the car to help Lisa carry the luggage. Lisa pushed her away, took out a small paper box from the handbag, and said, "Every time I come back to pick you up, it's really hard, especially It’s because the plane is late today, making you wait so long! I’m really sorry, this is LV’s ladies’ wallet, I’m giving it to you, thank you.”

The administrative staff was greatly surprised. Lisa has always been generous to her employees, but this is too generous. After all, even if such a wallet has Hong Kong's preferential interest rate, even if it is a bargain, it will cost more than 1000 yuan. She was a little embarrassed.

Lisa smiled, stuffed it into her hand, and said, "Go home and rest quickly, don't delay work tomorrow."

Lisa carried her luggage, carrying a bag over one shoulder, swiped her card in front of the security booth, and entered the villa area.

After walking less than ten meters, she entered a three-story detached villa.

Even though the family has all kinds of restraints, restraints, and disciplines for her, the more she wanders outside, the more she can feel the comfort that the family brings to people's soul and body.

A familiar smell hits the face, this is the taste of home.

The light in the living room was still on, which surprised Lisa a little. The usual situation is that parents go to bed early, and the servants at home also return to the bedroom early, watching TV with the sound of the TV turned on a little.

At three o'clock in the night, the light in the living room was still on, which made Lisa a little uncomfortable. She walked around the living room and walked towards the living room, but she heard someone calling her: "Xiaoyun."

It's my sister-in-law.

Min Nan sat up from the sofa, yawned, walked over, took Lisa's trolley case, and said to her, "Why is it so late?!"

Lisa smiled and said, "I can't help it. It's a weather problem, air traffic control or something."

"Well, it made me wait a lot." Min Nan accompanied Lisa into the bedroom. Lisa was a little sleepy. Seeing that her sister-in-law followed her, she felt strange, so she said directly: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

Min Nan sat on the sofa in Lisa's bedroom and said, "Xiaoyun, I'm going to sweep the graves of grandpa and the old man tomorrow. Dad told me to let Xiaowei go too. Your brother asked me to tell you."

Lisa froze for a moment, hesitated a little, sat down on her own bed, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you pressing so hard?"

Min Nan sighed and said: "At the end of last year, I was happy to see you and Qi Na can make some troubles, but I don't know if you are reserved or stupid, or what, there is no reaction at all, now it's this time, five You can escape as soon as you get the certificate, August [-]th, what else do you want to do? My Miss Kong."

Lisa gritted her teeth and didn't know what to do.

"So, your brother doesn't know about those things between you and Qi Na, but for me, I want to remind you that no matter what you choose, you must leave room for it, and you can't just care about yourself!" Min Nan Said.

She hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your brother is fighting for a piece of land in Nancheng, and he is fighting with Xiaowei's uncle or uncle. He asked me to tell you not to make mistakes at this juncture."

The irritability in Lisa's heart was instantly ignited into anger: "Land, land, you only have land in your eyes!"

Min Nan shook her head, got up and walked out: "Who made you born in this real estate family?!"

Lisa was lying on the bed with her clothes on, unable to fall asleep, her eyes wide open, her thoughts were mixed, should she accompany her parents to visit the grave tomorrow?That would definitely mean being with Wei Kexin, but she felt disgusted from head to toe towards Wei Kexin.She is not a fool, as early as Kong Zhen and her father forced her to have a blind date with Wei Kexin, she found a private detective and took many photos of Wei Kexin's chaotic private life, but her father's attitude was that young people should be crazy It's normal, it's not crazy, it's not normal, it will be fine when you get married.

But she is willing to believe that it is possible for such a person to change, but after several encounters she feels that she is wrong, and she feels that Wei Kexin not only has a chaotic private life, but also has an extremely despicable character, which makes her unable to Accept it, and even for a period of time after breaking up with Qina, she tried to ignore and break the cans in the somewhat frequent communication, but with Qi Na in front of her, how can she accept her fate for such a life?
Since my father started his business, the family is no longer a grassroots under the eaves of sojourners, and life is beyond the reach of ordinary people. My father even made it to China's richest list, but why is he obsessed with sending his daughter into the fire pit?
Even if they do less business in Ningnan, so what?

Is money more important than your daughter's happiness?
Or is it just the daughter's marriage that can find a foothold in Ningnan's political status?

All of this made Lisa unable to understand, but she could not resist. Her father suffered from liver cancer, and she could not resist in the face of his old father.

At around five o'clock in the morning, Lisa gave up going to bed. She got up and took a shower in the bathroom of the bedroom, wrapped in her pajamas and turned on the computer. She habitually logged into the company's management system to deal with daily affairs. By the way, she checked Weibo, which gradually declined. However, its efficient dissemination effect has not been reduced, especially in every social hot spot, the characteristics of this virus and word-of-mouth dissemination are undoubtedly manifested.

Dong dong dong, people are @her in succession, which makes her a little surprised. Her Weibo has been leaked long ago, so non-friends can't @, private message her.

Lisa was a little surprised that someone was chatting with her so early in the morning. When she clicked on the message, a message from a Weibo netizen popped up: An explosion occurred in the Qilin Wing factory building in Qilin Nest, and a mushroom cloud was seen. ?

Lisa shivered, and she clearly remembered that Qi Na had mentioned it to her, because it is a new technology research and development laboratory, the possibility of such accidents is very high, even if you pay attention to the details, the temperament of the Chinese people will be in a short time. It is difficult to improve, so the company must make a work plan for such an emergency.

Lisa eagerly wanted to find out the phone, but found that she didn't know where to put it. Finally, she found the phone out of her handbag, but found that it was out of power. She plugged in the charger and finally turned it on. It was Emily on the phone, but Emily's cell phone was busy. She thought that Emily might be conducting on the spot, so she called Li Wenwen, but Li Wenwen might be asleep and didn't answer. If she called Qi Na again at this time, she felt a little trembling in an instant!
Why didn't the first call come to Qi Na? It's because Qi Na has been in the laboratory these days. If there is an explosion, he must be there. There is no doubt about it, so she subconsciously feared and hesitated, and chose to escape. , but when all options fail, she has no choice but to face it.

Qi Na's phone was also busy, and she immediately relaxed. It seemed that he was answering the phone, hung up the phone, and called again, but no one answered Qi Na's phone.

Lisa panicked all of a sudden, because someone was calling Qi Na's phone when it was busy just now!

what does this mean?
Lisa can't imagine!

What to do next, she forced herself to calm down, held her breath, and stabilized the trembling of her body. Instead of thinking about Qina's safety, she switched to thinking about it as the CEO of Qilin Wings.

There is nothing to hesitate, rushing to the scene as soon as possible, this must be done.

Lisa changed her clothes, carried her bag, and rushed out, and saw her father sitting on the sofa in the living room, and Wei Kexin had also arrived, Lisa frowned, and shouted to her father: "There was an explosion in the laboratory, I have to rush back."

Father nodded: "It's on TV, you go quickly. No, let Xiao Wei see you."

Lisa immediately refused: "I'll go there by myself. It's not easy for outsiders to come and go in the laboratory."

She found an excuse to stuff her father with candy, rushed into the garage, and didn't care about Wei Kexin. A bright yellow Ferrari was closest to the exit. This car was 500 million yuan, and it was a birthday present from her brother Kong Zhen. She seldom drives it, because she thinks it is too high-profile.

But at this moment, no matter how ostentatious or flamboyant the model was, she just wanted to get to Qilin's Nest as soon as possible, and even more so, she wanted to get rid of Wei Kexin as soon as possible, so she jumped in.

Turning a deaf ear to Wei Kexin's greeting behind him, he started the engine and rushed out of the garage with a roar.Go straight to the Qilin Nest in Jiangbei.

(End of this chapter)

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