Need for little hackers

Chapter 209 Media Activities Serious Consequences

Chapter 209 Media Activities ([-]) Serious Consequences


Lisa's Ferrari roared, the accelerator pedal was at the end, the engine sounded loud, and it went straight into the sky, attracting the attention of passers-by on the road.

Fortunately, it was only six o'clock in the morning, and the morning rush hour in the city had not yet arrived.The road was not too congested, so Lisa stepped on the accelerator, bypassed half of the city, crossed the Yangtze River from the tunnel, and arrived at the Qilin Nest in Jiangbei in less than 10 minutes. Quite a few, all of them watched the excitement with their mobile phones, talking a lot.

Lisa kept honking her horn to barely get close to the entrance. At this time, another red fire truck drove up at the entrance, followed by three or four ambulances.

After the ambulance, a group of people flocked to see the excitement, but the security guards of the factory were retired soldiers, and they were not at all chaotic in the face of the chaos, guarding the entrance perfectly.

Lisa was blocked from the crowd, and in anxiety, she turned off the engine and jumped out of the car. At this time, she saw Lin Hui with a dark face at the side door, being helped out of the factory.

Lisa was so anxious that she rushed over. When she opened her mouth, she regained her composure. The first sentence she said was, "Are you hurt?"

Lin Hui looked at her in a daze, as if he didn't know her, and was about to speak, but blood was seeping from the corner of his mouth. Lisa was startled, and hurriedly gave the car keys to the colleague next to him, urging him to send Lin Hui to the hospital.

Lin Hui's state made Lisa even more anxious, and rushed into the factory area. Fortunately, the security guards knew her, and one of them led her straight to the laboratory where the explosion occurred. Only then did Lisa see Emily with a dazed face.With the phone in her hand, she looked around blankly, at a loss.

Lisa grabbed Emily by the shoulder and asked, "Where did the explosion happen? Why did the explosion happen? Are there any casualties?"

Emily stared blankly at her speechless, Lisa was even more anxious, shaking Emily with both hands, and shouted: "What happened?"

The security guard followed Lisa. Although he didn't have much contact with Lisa, he also knew that Lisa was a very self-respecting beauty, but seeing that his demeanor and image had already been forgotten by now, he didn't care.

Emily yelled, the cry was painful, the security guard noticed blood on her arm, and hurriedly pulled Lisa away. After a closer look, there were a few scars on her forearm, although it was not to the point of bruising, but It is also shocking to look at.

Lisa was taken aback, and quickly asked the security guard to send Emily to a doctor to treat the wound, and continued to walk deeper.

There were not many workers in the factory area, but for the sake of safety, the firefighters and security staff organized manual cleaning workers to go out and were not allowed to stay in the factory area, so Lisa continued to move forward, which seemed abrupt.

An armed policeman stopped her, and the security guard at the side stopped the armed policeman, introduced him to be the CEO, and then let Lisa go forward.

Closer to the laboratory, the more unbearable it is to see, half of the room was blown down, wisps of black smoke flew up like ghosts, and the two fire trucks next to it were still spraying water jets on the collapsed room.

At the same time, people kept coming in and out of the collapsed hole, and finally a stretcher was brought out from inside, carrying an injured person on it. The ambulance personnel shouted loudly, and the wheels of the ambulance came to the end. The ambulance personnel, who were struggling on the ruins, finally approached the rescue personnel. The nurses and doctors took the stretcher and sent it to the ambulance. Before closing the door, the ambulance sounded the alarm and drove out, and then another ambulance took its place.

A fire chief with the appearance of a commander approached Lisa and said, "At present, four injured people have been identified through the first batch of exploration, and no deaths have been found. However, the laboratory was hit by an explosion and half of the room collapsed. How many people were inside at the time still needs further confirmation.”

Lisa was still wandering in confusion and absent-mindedness, the firefighters shouted and contacted her ears, and the ambulance siren was shrill and piercing.

The fire commander gave her a slight push, obviously disapproving of this so-called beautiful CEO in his heart, and when encountering things, he was in a mess, and he didn't look like he was doing something big.

Lisa hummed, and finally got a response, the commander said: "It is not yet confirmed how many people were there when the incident happened, so I need your help."

Lisa said again, "This is easy!"

Lisa took out her mobile phone and logged into the office system of Kirin Wings. In the schematic diagram of the system operation, she switched to the area of ​​the laboratory. The floor plan clearly showed several bright spots scattered in the collapsed position of the laboratory.

Lisa's face was pale, and she said in a trembling voice: "This is the signal state when the incident happened. There should be eight people in the laboratory at the time, and six people were on the side of the collapse."

Hearing her explanation, the commander didn't understand, and asked, "How do you confirm their location!?"

Lisa explained: "We use improved RFID technology to locate employees in the factory area. It is not to monitor employees, but to test the maturity of our own improved RFID technology.."

The commander interrupted her: "Needless to say this."

"Oh, oh, this technology will locate the location of each employee. If the message is suddenly interrupted, the system will record the last location information." Lisa continued.

"Oh." The commander was very happy, and said: "We found four people from the ruins. According to your statement, there are two more people. You give me your mobile phone. I will go to the team members to confirm and rule out being rescued." Where are all of them, so that we can search for the rest in a direction.”

Lisa hurriedly handed the mobile phone to the commander, and followed the commander to the command vehicle. Through the wireless intercom, several firefighters came over after a while, gathered in front of the mobile phone screen, and quickly confirmed the last two missing persons. .

The commander returned the phone to Lisa, and Lisa couldn't help but check the information of the two missing persons, her body fluttered, and she was thinking something in her heart, but she was afraid of something, the missing persons were Qi Na and Min Rui.

Wu Jun walked to the conference table and held the Qilin Wings press conference on the site of Lifeline. This is indeed a bit strange, but the close relationship between the two companies seems to be nothing.

The explosion that happened at [-] o'clock in the morning instantly stunned Qilin Zhiyi. Qi Na was dug out of the ruins by fire officers and soldiers after he disappeared for more than two hours. On him, Min Rui's injury was serious but not fatal, while Qi Na fell into a coma and became unconscious.

Emily had just left the laboratory at that time and was about to go back to the office to rest. The sound of the explosion sealed her eardrums, and a wave of air threw her out. He went out, broke a rib and was helped out in the chaos. Others, Gao Qinglin and others were also injured to varying degrees. The only one who was healthy and alive was Lisa.

But when Lisa saw that Qi Na was unconscious, she lost her mind and followed the ambulance to the hospital. She didn't cry until Zheng Xiumin arrived, and Zheng Xiumin who was implicated was also crying non-stop. When Jenny and others arrived, they cried into a ball.

Only Wu Jun made the final decision.

He first asked to block the news, and strictly demanded not to disclose Qi Na—the CTO who was seriously injured in the accident.The second is to ask everyone to return to work, and everyone except Lisa to leave the hospital. Emily went to battle with Qi Na's sister-in-law while sick and went to Asakawa to pick up Qi Na's parents back to Ningnan.

Jenny is responsible for communicating with Ye Tingfei and other representatives of the Ministry of National Defense and reporting the situation.

Everything proceeded step by step according to Wu Jun's arrangement.

Unexpectedly, after lunch, rumors spread on the Internet, "Kirin Wing suffered serious injuries, and the chief technical officer, Qi Na, the soul of Kirin Wing, was unfortunately seriously injured in the accident. !"

Rumors also said that the chief engineer Min Rui was also seriously injured and died.

This information may be true or false, but at least the general content is correct, but the following content is a bit of nonsense, "The cause of the accident was that CTO Qi Na forced employees to work overtime for the sake of progress, and employees who did not work overtime would deduct their wages, which is often talked about The phrase is that you can only rest when you are dead, and you have to stay up late and work overtime when you are alive. There are a lot of complaints from the employees behind their backs, which leads to physical and mental exhaustion of the employees, and leads to problems and explosions during the battery test.”

The rumors are shameless, but what is even more infuriating is that the netizens following the rumors online post all criticize Qi Na for what he deserves and what he deserves.

Some people lamented that the people of the country have not learned anything else, but they have learned exactly the same thing about exploiting workers.

These people have no brains, and when the rumors come out, they have no ability to distinguish the truth from the false, they completely choose to believe it, and maliciously attack Qilin Zhiyi and Qi Na.

Wu Jun slammed the table when he saw the news, angrily denouncing the rumormongers for being shameless.

But scolding them is useless, Wu Jun immediately arranged for the remaining staff of Qilin Wings to study countermeasures, but among the remaining staff, only Li Wenwen was able to take the initiative, and none of the others trembled. Dare to stand up.

Li Wenwen still has to deal with the aftermath of the accident scene, coordinate with the police and firefighters, and has no time to deal with these things, so Wu Jun decisively decided that in order to deal with the rumors, Qilin Wings will hold a press conference, but it will not be arranged in the Qilin Nest, but The office of Qilin Wings in Jiangjun Lane in the urban area.

Wu Jun even arranged the venue outdoors - next to the world's first fully automatic milk tea shop.

As soon as the news of the press conference at four o'clock in the afternoon was sent out, Dai Xiaolan hurriedly arranged for people to set up the simple meeting place. As soon as the work in hand was finished, a reporter rushed over.

Dai Xiaolan has long had a policy of "I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand."

The Three No's policy was also announced to all employees of Lifeline and Kylin Wings, requiring everyone not to contact or communicate with any form of media in any form.If there is a surprise interview, we will use the three-no policy to deal with it.

The reporters piled up more and more, and the police at the nearby police station hated the activities of Lifeline and Qilin Wings, but there was nothing they could do. Who made them the guests of high-ranking city officials?
"Dear friends from the press, I authorize Ms. Lisa, CEO of Kylin Wings, to read out a statement. It is as follows: An accident occurred while testing batteries in the laboratory of Kylin Wings base in Kylin Wings, causing a relatively large degree of damage, which caused damage to surrounding residents. For the trouble and inconvenience, the colleagues of Kirin Wings sincerely apologize. We will definitely make proper compensation, please understand. The wish and dream activity will continue today, but affected by this, the wish and dream activity will be suspended tomorrow. I will inform you of the arrangement before twelve o'clock tomorrow. Once again, as the CEO of Kirin Wings, I would like to express my gratitude to all the friends who care about Kirin Wings and express my apologies to all friends who have been disturbed by this incident. We All work will resume as soon as possible, trust us."

After Wu Jun finished reading with the note, all the reporters in front of him raised their hands, not caring about elegance or image, no matter everything they asked their own questions loudly, but Wu Jun could hear clearly.

He approached the microphone and said to everyone: "Everyone, please be quiet, I know your concerns."

As soon as this remark came out, all the reporters fell silent.
Wu Jun expressed a serious expression: "The explosion caused half of the laboratory to collapse, causing six staff members to be crushed in the rubble, four of them were rescued and sent to the hospital within half an hour after the firefighters arrived, and the last two workers The personnel were not rescued until two hours later. The two were CTO Qi Na and chief engineer Min Rui. Min Gong was seriously injured, but he was fine. The doctor said that she would be able to move freely in two to three weeks, but Qi Na suffered severe injuries. Seriously injured, has been unconscious, and is still being rescued, please let us pray for him together."

He didn't wait for the reporters to react, and then said: "Kirin Wings has never required any employees to work overtime, and will not deduct wages for the reasons for not working overtime under any circumstances. Because of the characteristics of R&D work, there are indeed R&D staff. Overtime, but no matter when and where, the last ones to leave the laboratory are always Min Gong and Qina. Qilin Wings will also calculate the standard multiplied by 2 overtime compensation for all overtime employees, and does not allow pregnant women to participate in any form Working overtime and going in and out of laboratories with chemicals. Kirin Wings is a responsible company."

"However, Kirin Wings is a new company. Although after nearly a year of development, there must still be many things that are not in place, but it is their goal to allow everyone to use the services of intelligent robots. They also I am working hard towards this goal, and I am willing to spend all my energy to achieve this goal."

"Kirin Wings dares to face criticism, but it cannot tolerate being slandered and slandered. We will respond judicially to any person or institution who slanders or framed the company."

(End of this chapter)

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