Need for little hackers

Chapter 212 Infighting Meeting

Chapter 212 Infighting ([-]) Meeting

Only Qi Hong's voice was heard in the conference room: "The battle line is too long, which leads to the lack of focus in the entire research and development work, and the capital chain is seriously tight. As far as I know, the company has been in a state of huge losses, but the company has been burning money outside. I am very surprised. , What kind of dream activity, give someone a house at every turn, and the family travels around the world, is it because of too much money to support it?"

Qi Hong gradually targeted CEO Lisa.This surprised Wu Jun, isn't Lisa Kong Zhen's younger sister?Didn't Qi Hong follow Kong Zhen?
How did they fight in the nest?
Wu Jun is not the only one who holds this idea, Jenny is also very puzzled, but she thinks of the second question in an instant, if Qi Na is gone, then is there a problem with Qi Hong's proposal that the battle line is too long?

Of course there is no problem. After the spiritual leader leaves, it is natural to shrink the front line, so should I support Qi Hong?
Doesn't supporting Qi Hong mean admitting that he can inherit Qi Na's shares, which made her hesitate.

After all, Qi Na is still in a coma now, and the doctor is not sure whether he has become a vegetable. Before the conclusion is reached, it seems that all these conclusions about the inheritance of shares are a bit premature.

Jenny seemed to have made up her mind.

"My suggestion is to stop those dream activities, and start to reduce expenditure and increase revenue from now on, and save every penny." Qi Hong didn't stop talking at length, but every word he said was correct, and no one in the venue stood up. interrupt him.

But the fluctuations in everyone's heart are different, at least what Qi Hong said touched the latent thoughts of these people more or less.

Finally someone responded, and Zuo Shenhai took the lead to speak: "Qi Hong's point is at least correct. I support increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. As for whether to shrink the front line, I think Lisa may have more say. After all, the overall operation of Qilin Wings is She did it. What do you guys think?"

Zuo Shenhai was very cautious. The words of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure would not be wrong to any company. Then he asked Lisa to explain the company's operations, and he was cautious at every step. He seemed unwilling to get closer to Qi Hong, and kept a close relationship with others. distance.

Lisa nodded at him, and said: "All the company's current plans revolve around the Suzaku humanoid robot project, and all the goals are to enable the Suzaku robot to enter practical applications..."

"Practical application? What does practical application mean?" Qi Hong interrupted her speech roughly.

Lisa frowned, suppressed her dissatisfaction, and continued: "Because the transmission of the traditional model through components such as the crankshaft leads to complicated wiring and control, it is impossible to achieve lighter and highly automated production in the short term. The power consumption of the battery is also very high. Simply put, at the entire industrial level, we are at a disadvantage, so after Qi Na started to lead the research and development, he promoted the establishment of multiple research laboratories on a large scale, and we also obtained from the government. We have also obtained a lot of resources. For example, the entire electronics industry in East China has participated in our research and development work. More than a dozen university research units have also entered Kirin Wings to assist in our research. The investment in this area is only the reception investment. Not cheap."

Lisa continued: "The wish and dream event is a marketing activity before the marketization of Kirin Wing's humanoid robots. The main goal is to maintain the popularity of the Kirin Wing market and shorten the distance between ordinary people and robots. If we pass For marketing promotion in this area, the public relations company gave us an advertising budget of 3 million yuan. Through the SNS word-of-mouth and network communication in the new media era, the cost is less, and the bigger the gimmick, the more attention it can get from traditional media. Advertisements that go hand in hand with these events are more cost-effective and more effective than pure advertising.”

"By the way, I forgot to tell everyone: just this year, the government subsidies we have already received have been removed." Lisa added here, suddenly remembering that the Qinglong project is still in a state of secrecy, and in fact today, apart from Qi Hong, Zuo Shenhai , Kong Zhen and others brought their assistants and accountants to listen, so they paused for a while before continuing: "Ningnan City Government gave us 300 million subsidies, and the provincial government also gave us 4000 million. The subsidy, including the Prime Minister, is about 3000 million, and the total subsidy is nearly [-] million."

"Of course, I would also like to mention the revenue status of the robotic arm. Sanyang and Punctual are purchasing. Currently, along with the equipment, we also distribute the industrial information system. This part of the income is good, especially we also send a large number of well-known domestic companies. Home appliance suppliers supply robotic arms, of course, this part of the income is not cheap, but these incomes are used to make up for the construction of our Kylin logistics platform, that is, the construction of Kylin House. At present, the prototype of the platform is gradually emerging, and we hope to reach [-] before the end of the year The goal of Kylin House is to complete [-] Kylin Houses next year. After the coverage basically reaches the target, the promotion of the platform will be explosive. At present, we do not have much benefit from this. The cooperation with Life Online is mainly It's free, based on the previous cooperation agreement."

"The income of Kirin Milk Tea Shop is relatively good, because of the high exposure and the full cooperation of Life Online. There is no agreement. It is a free promotion of Life Online, but this part of the income will be mainly used for wishing and dreaming activities. "

Lisa continued to explain the basic situation. Gradually, some numbers were mentioned continuously. Everyone listened quietly with bated breath. Although Lisa did not mention the Qinglong project, some people had already noticed some strange income. Kong Zhen An accountant behind him couldn't help stretching out his hand and asked: "I have a question. The data in our hands is mainly what you just mentioned. These data are a little strange to the expenditure situation of Qilin Wing, mainly on the northern slope of Asakawa. I don’t understand the investment in the data center, is this data center free? Is it paid by the local government?”

Lisa was unwilling to answer this question, and the scene was a bit awkward, so Wu Jun had to stand up and said, "I think you heard those figures after all, but in fact they must be based on the data from the Qilin Wing's Finance Department. I didn't come here for a financial meeting, so I swallowed it when I had any questions."

The accountant was a little annoyed, but Kong Zhen also said, "I'll talk about that later."

Lisa continued: "No matter from what point of view, if the current project suddenly shrinks, it will damage the local government, a large number of employees and your own rights and interests. It is good to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, but in the early stage of this explosive development, there is no Talking about these is useless and harmful."

"The early stage of explosive development you are talking about? May I ask what is explosive development?" Qi Hong asked again.

"The above is my opinion. I have no shares in the company, and I don't represent anyone. I just hope that Kirin Wings can be better. I can't say anything gorgeous, and I don't want to say it. If you are thinking about Alex Please don't forget who promoted the development of this company. Do things with conscience." Lisa finished speaking calmly, and she chose to ignore Qi Hong.

Zheng Xiumin opened her eyes sharply. She had been wondering why Kong Zhen had such a weird attitude when he had an accident in Qi Na, but after listening to Lisa's words, she suddenly understood.

Kong Zhen's calculation is to kick Qi Na out of the current board of directors, and then gradually dilute Qi Na's shares and carve up all of Qi Na's rights and interests.

Zheng Xiumin clenched her hands into fists, she absolutely couldn't allow Kong Zhen to realize such delusions.

Xiang Yuyao glanced at Zheng Xiumin, thinking in her heart: "She has been hesitating all this time, and she doesn't know what she's thinking in her heart. She would do this? If only Sanyang stood up and spoke, it would be a little lacking in confidence."

Xiang Yuyao didn't wait too long, Zheng Xiumin spoke first, with a tinge of anger in her tone: "Qi Na is still lying in the hospital at this time, you are trying to do such a thing in vain to talk about his equity inheritance, you are too anxious, too unnecessary Face it, Life Online and I have a quarter of the shares in total, our attitude is very simple, keep the status quo. We do not accept any form of shareholding change."

Xiang Yuyao's heart skipped a beat and she immediately said, "We also support Mr. Zheng. This is our attitude."

At this time, only Zhundian, Jenny, and Zhenyun Real Estate Kong Zhen did not speak. As long as they partnered, they could get enough voting rights to overwhelm the alliance of Xiang Yuyao's Sanyang and Zheng Xiumin.

At this time, the venue suddenly became tense, and Lisa naturally knew the key point. She knew too well what kind of person her brother was, and she would definitely not take the lead in doing something unsure at this time. Since he can make Qi Na's brother Qi Hong jump If you come out to cause trouble, then you must be prepared. The most likely reason is that you have communicated with Jenny and got the support from Zuo Shenhai on time.

This kind of speculation made Lisa very anxious and worried. She stared at Jenny, hoping to see Jenny's decision. She clearly remembered that Meg resolutely betrayed Qi Na in order to save Jenny. Later, Emily came forward, Only then resolved the barrier between each other.

Meg was brought up by Jenny, and Lisa is very clear about this, she believes and understands that Meg's decisiveness must be learned from Jenny.

So she was very worried that Jenny would resolutely abandon Qi Na on the hospital bed at this time and choose a path that was more in line with her own interests.

Zheng Xiumin doesn't know Jenny, and neither does Zuo Shenhai, who is on point, but she knows that Jenny is working with Qi Na to promote the establishment of Qilin Wings.She and Qi Na are the founders of the real Kirin Wings, and she is also her impetus to make Sanyang and punctually join the Kirin Wings.

So Jenny's attitude is likely to determine the direction of the entire meeting.

Obviously not only Zheng Xiumin and Lisa were aware of this, but also Wu Jun and Zuo Shenhai.

Zuo Shenhai was very hesitant. He thought he had maintained a relatively neutral position in this incident, at least on the surface.

But he had to consider what Kong Zhen said to him. Metabolism is the inevitable law of the development of everything. Zuo Shenhai scoffed at his words at the time, but he was a little tempted by the next words. Why should Kong Zhen Take away [-]% of the shares, only the shares of Sanyang, Zhundian, Life Online, and Jenny have been diluted, while the shares of Qi Na and Zheng Xiumin have not changed. This little change now means that they are worth [-] to [-] million yuan .

If the dilution of shares was an overall operation at that time, it would mean that Zuo Shenhai's worth could be included in Forbes' financial list. Of course, he is not interested in these lists, but the meaning contained in them is huge benefits.

Zuo Shenhai was moved by Kong Zhen's interest, and his answer to Kong Zhen was to reconsider.

This is not perfunctory Kong Zhen, asking him to answer in person means immediately betraying Qi Na, who is 30 years younger than him, and the benefits that betraying Qi Na brings him.

If it was 20 years ago, I am afraid that Zuo Shenhai would immediately agree without hesitation. If it was 30 years ago, Zuo Shenhai would immediately slap Kong Zhen and then kick him.

But time changes, and people's judgments and feelings are always changing.Zuo Shenhai still hasn't made a decision on how he should choose.

Maybe hear what Jenny has to say.

Wu Jun coughed, and said: "Mr. Xiang from Sanyang and Mr. Zheng from Lifeline have expressed their attitudes just now. No matter what, today's voting has begun. Please make a decision!"

He paused for a moment, and didn't want to say anything unfavorable to Qi Na through his own mouth. He is Qi Na's old classmate and the old squad leader. At this delicate moment, he is still trying his best to do something for Qi Na, and then said : "Everyone can choose to support Mr. Xiang and Mr. Zheng, then today's meeting can end."

"I want to say a few more words." Qi Hong said again.

Zheng Xiumin, who was sitting across from him, looked at him with some contempt. Just now, Kong Zhen sent a few text messages with his mobile phone. After a while, Qi Hong picked up his mobile phone to check. Obviously, they communicated through the old-fashioned way of text messages. .

Qi Hong was indeed just Kong Zhen's puppet.She couldn't understand why Qi Na's elder brother was captured by Kong Zhen and became his pawn.

Wu Jun looked at everyone's expressions and found no objection, so he said, "Mr. Qi, please speak."

Qi Hongdao: "I hope to make one thing clear. I just hold this part of the shares on behalf of my brother. At the same time, I want to make it clear that before he can lead Qilin Wings again, he holds and I hold this part of the shares on behalf of my brother." For some shares, we choose to give up multiple voting rights and respect the interests of everyone."

"In addition, I hope that everyone will seriously consider the measures to increase income and reduce expenditure. I also hope that Kirin Wings can have better development instead of following the old rules and stepping down step by step."

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to give Jenny some inspiration, or an excuse, or a step. She said: "Alex is sick, and there is indeed a need for someone who can act as an agent for him. Qi Hong is his brother. I think this is reasonable and in line with the process. Qi Hong's ability to give up his voting rights of one to one hundred shows his goodwill to a large extent, and I can accept it."

As soon as these words came out, Lisa's whole body turned cold, Zheng Xiumin looked stunned, feeling incredible, at this moment there was a commotion outside the meeting room, Li Wenwen rushed in, and the moment the door opened, the noise was even louder.

Li Wenwen said in a panic: "Colleagues outside are all gathering, asking for an explanation."

She wanted to whisper to Lisa, but Lisa signaled her to report in public.

"What happened?" Qi Hongyue asked on his behalf.

"Why didn't the bonus in July be distributed?" Li Wenwen explained the reason. If there was no explosion and no accident happened to Qi Na, then no one would have any doubts. A week and a half late is nothing special. Because at that time, everyone was united and worked hard to achieve the goal.

But now the company is inexplicably chaotic, especially the disunity of the board of directors, and even the news that someone is going to kick out Qi Na, which makes the employees feel insecure. At this time, all the cohesion disappears and is replaced by interest, then the July bonus is gone, and it becomes everyone's first line of defense to protect their own interests.

"According to the agent, it will be issued on the last day of July. If the weekend is brought forward, it will be extended to the first day of the second month under special circumstances." Li Wenwen explained.

Lisa asked back: "I have already approved the application for the bonus, what's the problem?"

Li Wenwen said awkwardly to Lisa: "The finance bank has been changed. It was supposed to be allocated on August [-]nd, but after a problem occurred, the finance department stopped all expenditure work."

Lisa was taken aback, and said, "Why didn't anyone report to me?"

"They reported to me." Kong Zhen said.

"Reported to you?" Lisa remembered that the financial director was assigned by Jenny before. Later, in order to show her support for Kong Zhen, Jenny gave up the director, and Zhenyun Real Estate installed a financial director.

At that time, Gu Jianzhong expressed dissatisfaction with this, but Jenny's words were very simple, who asked him to pay the most? !
Lisa said angrily: "I am the CEO. Any resolution, including the board's, must go through my hands under any circumstances. Other than that, it is against the rules."

"I don't think it's a problem to suspend financial expenditures until such a major accident occurs in the company," Kong Zhen said.

Jenny also said: "This is in line with the rules, Lisa, don't get excited."

"It's a ghost, it's nonsense." Lisa didn't save Jenny any face, and said angrily: "This is the company, this is the job of 8000 people, this is Qi Na's dream, it is the dream of all our ordinary employees who are devoted to it , not the arena for your fucking intrigue. If you want to continue playing like this, please answer their questions in front of all employees."

Zheng Xiumin was very worried that Lisa would say in the next sentence: I quit.So I immediately said: "You said it is in line with the rules, please follow the normal process, if everyone thinks there is something wrong with Lisa's work, please vote on Lisa's departure. Otherwise, please don't interfere with the work of Qilin Wings."

Wu Jun really wanted to help them, but he was just a soy sauce host, but he still winked at Zheng Xiumin, meaning that the current situation is that Sanyang and Life Online Alliance are at a disadvantage, so stop calling Lisa's CEO Get lost.

Xiang Yuyao thought in her heart to take advantage of the situation to mess up the meeting, take advantage of the chaos to end, and delay for another day, but Jenny reacted faster: "Wenwen, you go and tell them, our meeting will study this issue soon, let Everyone wait for a while."

Li Wenwen glanced at Lisa, and Lisa nodded.

Xiang Yuyao gritted her teeth and thought Lisa, why are you so obedient.

But the time has passed, and no amount of regret will help.

Wu Jun also understood, but he could also understand Lisa's decision, and said weakly: "At present, only Zhenyun's Kong Zong and punctual Zuo Zong have not spoken. Please express your opinion."

Kong Zhen had already leaned on the back of the chair, relaxed his body, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zuo, your opinion is more important on this matter, so let's talk about it first."

Zuo Shenhai touched the ring on his finger. It was the ring of his deceased wife. After his wife left, he asked someone to change it and put it on his finger. Although the style was a bit feminine, anyone who heard it knew the reason. I envy Zuo Shenhai's love.

He once liked Qi Na very much, and of course he likes Qi Na very much now, and tried his best to recruit Qi Na as his son-in-law. He even invited him to his family banquet the year before last, but in the end he didn't make it. At that time, he knew that Qi Na already had a daughter. friend.

He also watched Qi Na step by step towards higher mountains, and he could also understand Gu Jianzhong's state of mind before his sick bed. The so-called potential stocks are all like this, but on the other hand, there is absolutely no problem with Qi Na's character.

If he encountered a difficult situation, how would Qi Na treat him like this?
It seems that with this empathy, Zuo Shenhai has the answer in his heart.

"I fully believe that Mr. Qi Hongqi's idea of ​​increasing income, reducing expenditure, and shrinking the front line is correct." As soon as he said this, the smile on Kong Zhen's face became wider, and Qi Hong's mouth was already grinning to the ears.

Xiang Yuyao and Zheng Xiumin looked bewildered, and Lisa was even more ashamed. Are they going to be defeated here?

"However," Zuo Shenhai suddenly began to turn around: "I think that at the moment when the hospital has not made a clear diagnosis on Qi Na, any board resolution on Qi Na is wrong, and I cannot support it."

Zheng Xiumin jumped up violently, and Lisa burst into tears.

But she quickly reacted and said to Zuo Shenhai: "Then Mr. Zuo, can you agree to the decision to replace the chief financial officer?"

Zuo Shenhai nodded: "This is the job of the CEO, and I support the CEO."

"I support": "I also support." Zheng Xiumin and Xiang Yuyao immediately expressed their support.The momentary reversal made them ecstatic, and Zuo Shenhai, who was nearly sixty years old, was full of masculine charm in their eyes.

They didn't notice that Kong Zhen left the conference room with a blank face, nor did they notice that Jenny was sitting in a chair and couldn't move.

(End of this chapter)

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