Need for little hackers

Chapter 213 Infighting Yang Tingting

Chapter 213 Infighting ([-]) Yang Tingting
Midsummer is coming to an end, and a large number of reporters in front of the No.1 civilian hospital at the beginning of the month have disappeared. The first hospital is one of the best hospitals in southern Ningnan. There are many people who go to and from it every day, and countless family members and nurses who accompany and accompany the bed suddenly decrease a lot. talk.

For most ordinary people, they don't care about life and death, they only care about whether it is interesting or not.

Yang Tingting is still working in the VIP ward. She is rarely free at noon. Instead of asking her colleagues to bring meals, she goes to the cafeteria to eat alone. The food is as rotten as pig food as always.

She ordered a mixed cucumber and a steamed egg, and finally hesitated for a long time and ordered a couple's lung slices, which cost 15 yuan with rice. She had a bit of heartache, and the nurse's salary was not high, so she ordered lunch for herself The standard is ten yuan, but today it exceeds the standard.

But after hard work, comfort yourself with delicious food, and don't be too demanding on yourself.

After all, these three dishes do not pay attention to the chef's level, especially the husband and wife's lung slices, which are all bought from a stewed vegetable shop outside, and the taste is not inferior to Ziyan's.

"Hey, Nurse Xiao Yang's food is good today." Dr. Dong, who is familiar with Yang Tingting, teased her.

"It's delicious but it's too expensive." Yang Tingting complained.

Doctor Dong laughed, and he sat down with Yang Tingting with a rice bowl in his hand.

Dr. Dong is good at everything, except that she just got married at the beginning of the year, which makes Yang Tingting feel very regretful, because she was preempted by a nurse from the same hospital.

Dr. Dong brought a piece of fruit to Yang Tingting.

Yang Tingting hurriedly said thank you, and then said, "You want me to gain weight."

"Hey, how much do you weigh? It's okay to be fatter. Besides, you should make up for the injury before."

Yang Tingting smiled slightly, fortunately he still remembered that she was injured, she asked: "Where is sister-in-law, are you resting today?"

"Well, I'm on leave, and I'm going to have a baby at home." Dr. Dong's brows flashed with happiness.

"Wow, congratulations." Yang Tingting said.

"thanks, thanks."

There was a cold scene between the two, and Dr. Dong couldn't help but ask, "By the way, the boss of Qilin Wing in your VIP ward, how is he doing?"

Kirin Wings has become a laughing stock now, and humanoid robots have become the topic of people's attacks. Countless people are spreading an online post, which reveals that the so-called Peter's humanoid robot is actually dressed up by a human, and Kirin Wings is a fake .

So this has become another stain on domestic innovation after Godson.

And Qi Na, the boss of Kirin Wings, is still unconscious, lying on a hospital bed in the No. 1 civilian hospital.

"Isn't it still the same?" Yang Tingting felt a little sad, why did such a good person suffer such an accident?

"Well, I guess he's going to lie down here, and I'm afraid Kirin Wings will fall apart in three to five months." Dr. Dong gossips, "There are already discussions on the Internet that have been exposed at meetings within the board of directors. That CEO Not only is she beautiful, but she is also really amazing, and has already replaced all the finances. But this is useless, there is no product, and the research and development follow-up is weak, and in the end it is still unable to face the public."

Dr. Dong obviously paid close attention to Qilin Zhiyi's every move. In fact, in southern Ningnan, few people who could read and write were not concerned about Qilin Zhiyi's future.

Especially intellectuals like Dr. Dong.

"Well, let me tell you, this is the confrontation between the KPI-oriented and financial statement-oriented KPI faction in the company's operations and the innovation and product-oriented product faction." Dr. Dong's words attracted colleagues—another Dr. Dong and A colleague that Yang Tingting is not familiar with.

But this did not prevent Dr. Dong from communicating with him. They quickly analyzed the authenticity of the robot Peter and the future of Kirin Wings.

But Yang Tingting couldn't take it any longer, she hurriedly finished her meal, said hello to Dr. Dong, and went back to the ward.

As usual, she picked up the notebook and took the temperature of the patients one by one along the ward.

In Qina's ward, his assistant Emily was not there. He might have gone to eat, and the nurse was not there. Yang Tingting carefully turned Qina's body over, then stuffed the thermometer in Qina's armpit, and carefully pulled the blanket for him. Followed to the next ward.

After she walked around the ward, she saw the auntie of Qina's nurse chatting with someone: "That guy is so big and so long."

"I saw it with my own eyes. I even touched it and changed his clothes."

"Like a donkey guy."

Yang Tingting glared at the nurse angrily.

The door of the nurse's station was slammed down, and the nurses didn't dare to chat any more, and scattered away.

Yang Tingting watched Qina's nurse walk past the nurse's station leisurely, instead of going to the ward, she went to the elevator, she cried anxiously: "Where are you going?"

The nurse rolled her eyes and said, "Eat."

Yang Tingting was extremely angry but not easy to get angry. She thought to herself that she must sue Emily later and change the nurse. It’s okay for them to bully other patients and take advantage of other patients, but Qi Na is different to her. She couldn't stand someone bullying him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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